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Captain MacMillian

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Posts posted by Captain MacMillian

  1. "Rarity kissed me??"

    *Squee's like a little boy, then instantly grows wings and fly's off into the sunset, while fireworks go off the whole time. Meanwhile, world hunger is declared nonexistent, Cancer and all other diseases are cured, Obama actually gives Americans their jobs, Homeless people and jobless rates around the globe drop to negative levels, and then, the entire human population joins together in one area of the planet to throw a massive feast in celebration of the new-found world peace.*

  2. ANY MLP toy off of Craigslist. Not only could you end up paying $10.00 out of your pocket for a 'box set' only to find out that the 'certified provider' sent you only one Fluttershy toy with a missing hind leg and a dirty front one that smells oddly like Doritos, soap, and your grandmothers garage all packed in one. Or, to make things worse, they could send you something not MLP-related at all.  It happened to me once (but lets NOT go into detail of what i got)...Seriously, you NEVER know what could be in those boxes they ship you.... In short, basically what I'm saying is:  DON'T. EVER. TRUST. CRAIGSLIST!!!

  3. Ask the one sniper you can TRULY rely on to get you out alive when you are surrounded by angry gun-toting pony-terrorists with trigger-happy hooves, short tempers, and a problem with Princess Celestia's way of ruling over Equestria.

  4. I like it a lot, actually. :D


    It's a lot less complex, making it easier on the eyes. It's got that fresh feel, kind of reminds of something corporate, which, although it seemed that you said something up there in your massive wall of text about not wanting that feel, I think it pulls it off excellently; a refined corporate feel, one that I find somewhat endearing, rather than the "corporate" you think of when you hear about oil spills on the gulf coast or ozone layers rapidly wasting away.


    Basically, it's professional yet simplistic, and I dig that :D Good work.

    I think it is a good representation to anyone's reaction to my profile background! :)

    • Brohoof 3
  5. Except this isn't Molestia we're talking about. Take a closer look at the name and notice that there's a second M in there.

    Wait...I thought that was a typo...oops...my mistake, sorry. Oh well, Molestia or Momlestia, I'll still love em both! :)

  6. Hello Macmillian. 50,000 bronies used to live here, and now it's a bloody ghost town. If you ever need extract just meet me at the Ferris wheel.


    AAnd welcome, brohoof/))

    XD Glad to see i'm not the only one who remembers that game :) /)

  7. My favorite moral would have to not be from one episode, but from the Series as a whole. That moral would be that equality is the key to peace...we are all equal beings, on this one big planet, with one purpose. We may not know that purpose, but we will all learn it one day in our lives.....eventually......also, we must love and tolerate to succeed and make progress in our lives, and in the world...if only all world leaders on the planet could learn that :/

  8. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rarity

    How did you find MLP Forums?: Youtube

    How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Recommendations via Youtube...and a very persistent friend of mine :)

    It's nice to meet you all. :D

    • Brohoof 2
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