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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Navi

  1. I'm sorry for leaving the site for awhile, and especially to those who I'm roleplaying with. You see, I've catching up on this anime series, and before I knew it I was so addicted, I wanted to watch it every chance I got. FORGIVE ME, PLEASE. I KNOW THIS IS PATHETIC! (⊃//o//⊂) I'll try harder to be more active. Sorry, again.
  2. 1) For me to live in the Pokemon and MLP world to be combined. 2) That me and my friends where immortal, and could go on crazy adventures. 3) I could eat as much bacon as I want without having health problems (including obesity). And I want a Discord lamp... But I can buy that in the Equestrémon universe.
  3. Hey sis! Nice OC! She seems like a Star Luck if you ask me.
  4. I have my wonderful dog Dixie! She may look innocent, but she is jealous of everything, including her own reflection.
  5. I saw Maleficent last night. All I can say is, Are Angelina Jolie's cheek bones real? XD

  6. Navi


    I love manga, too! And anime. And we should DEFIANTLY roleplay some time! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
  7. After buying everything they needed from the grocery store, Tohrou went back to the house, to start preparing dinner. She saw Kyo sitting on the roof as usual. She smiled, "Hi Kyo! I'm back from work!" She shouted, while waving her foreleg to get his attention. ((I'm at a sleep over at my cousin's house So I don't think I'll be active tonight..))
  8. "sure thing, Momiji!" Tohrou said, adding carrot cake to her mental checklist. "Don't worry, I'm thinking of making steamed leaks and salmon for dinner tonight, actually!" She smiled, and trotted out of the shop, waving goodbye, and headed to the grocery store.
  9. Tohrou stopped licking her strawberry ice cream, giggled a little bit when she saw Momiji react to his brain freeze. "It's okay if you two watch the movie. I'm a little-" she stopped and licked her ice cream, "-busy though, so I'm afraid I can't join you." She said. She finished up her cup, and tossed it in the garbage. "I have to go grocery shopping. Is there anything you want me to get you, while I'm there?"
  10. "Well, I don't know, is Momiji okay? Did you take care of is sores? If so, then I'm sure it's fine if you go out." She said, after telling the clerk what they wanted, including a strawberry flavored one for herself. "I just want to make sure you're okay, Momiji, that's all."
  11. Tohru looked at Momiji when she heard that he was being bullied. She saw bruises on him. "Are you okay?! Did you put some ice on it, or maybe some antibiotics? I think I have a first aid kit back at the house!" She said hugging Momiji. "Oh, we should get the ice cream first." She said. Tohru gave the stallion behind the counter a ten dollar bill. She new that Kisa liked chocolate-banana, but wasn't sure about Momiji. She turned. "What would you like?" ((We're at the ice-cream shop. Do you want me to quote this when we get back?))
  12. Navi

    visual art Some School Sketches

    Thanks! However I have no Idea's for other comics. But if you like thise, I found this comic on my tumblr dashboard.
  13. Navi

    visual art Some School Sketches

    Link Don't care, he just breaks everything. This is why Hyrule has no pottery shops.
  14. Pet's stay the same if they are existent in the human world, but since dragons don't exist there, I assume the portal had to find SOMETHING to turn him into.
  15. Yay I made a Tumblr for my art! I can't draw ponies, unfortunately, but at least I can draw cute people! Take a look-> http://navidraws.tumblr.com/ Please follow, if you like my art, that is, I mean I'm not forcing you...

  16. Mirror, mirror leaning on the wall, shall I make an art tumblr for you all?

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Noire Panzer

      Noire Panzer

      You started it.

    3. Navi


      I can't help it! Im' crazy! At least this is the internet, where people understand my weird sense of humor and not real life where people look at me like I'm a freak.

    4. Noire Panzer
  17. I drew some stuff at school yesterday. I can't draw ponies well, but I thought you might appreciate it anyway. First a sketch of Mikasa from Attack On Titan. And here is a small Legend Of Zelda Comic, I was able to trace on nicer paper and outline, so yah, better quality. Someone at the school anime club called my art "Kawaii Desu"
  18. @@LunaFlower226, @@Alicorn Fluttershy, As Tohru walked in, she heard someone follow her. She looked over, and smiled to see it was Kisa and Momiji. Kisa ran over and game Tohru a hug. "Kisa, Momiji? What a wonderful surprise seeing you two here! I was just about to get you guys some ice cream. At least now I don't have to guess your favorite flavors." She giggled.
  19. Should I change my Avatar?

    1. Noire Panzer

      Noire Panzer

      Unless you really wanna or someone else has the same one. :3

    2. DiscordedBrony


      If you want to. I think it's a great avatar :)

    3. Navi


      Thanks, I might keep it on my profile if I change it.

  20. I strongly doubt the idea of name change even exists in Equestria. I mean, besides, would EVERYPONY have o change their names to go with there talents then?
  21. Oh, I'm not subscribed to that channel. I'll look it up now though.
  22. ((Tohru's here! She's late, but here!)) Tohru just got out of work. She had worked overtime, and she was out all night, even most of the day. She was exhausted. On her way out of the building, she stopped by an ice cream shop. "I made a little extra money for working overtime, so I think I should get something for everyone. After all, they haven't seen me all day, so I might as well get them something for being so patient with me." She thought as she walked into the store.
  23. I saw that video. And well, that's only because some words don't existing in some languages, so it has to be changed into another phrase, or that a word can have two meanings in a language.
  24. What is Predestination? This term is oftin used religously, and it's definition is "The divine foreordaining of all that will happen, especially with regard to the salvation of some and not others." This basically means that everything in the universe is planned out, and your destiny is already written for you. I think this ties into Friendship is Magic PERFECTLY. Point A. The names! I mean, for example "Rarity," it seems like her name complements her talent, even though her talent was found after she was named, obviously. "Rarity" means an item that is rare, which has to do with her talent, finding gems (they are rare). I mean, what if her talent was I don't know, competitive swimming? However there are some holes in this, like the fact that Applejack's Aunt Orange, has absolutely nothing to do with oranges, and I think they just put that in there as a pun. Point B. May I refresh your memory here? Remember in the very begining of episode 1, that it stated 1000 years later on the day Luna was imprisoned on the moon, she would escape? Well my question is, how do they know this? Point C. The episode Cutiemark Cronicles! This episode is a prime example of predestination. The definition of predestination mentions "especially to the regard to the salvation of some and not others." So Rainbow Dash's sonic rainboom wasn't just by chance, but it was intended to happen, and determine the events that went around it. And if this never happened? We can only assume the worst. I don't think Pinkie Pie was cut out to be a rock farmer in the first place, if you ask me. So what do you think of my theory? Is there any evidance I missed? Please tell!
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