What is Predestination? This term is oftin used religously, and it's definition is "The divine foreordaining of all that will happen, especially with regard to the salvation of some and not others." This basically means that everything in the universe is planned out, and your destiny is already written for you.
I think this ties into Friendship is Magic PERFECTLY.
Point A. The names! I mean, for example "Rarity," it seems like her name complements her talent, even though her talent was found after she was named, obviously. "Rarity" means an item that is rare, which has to do with her talent, finding gems (they are rare). I mean, what if her talent was I don't know, competitive swimming? However there are some holes in this, like the fact that Applejack's Aunt Orange, has absolutely nothing to do with oranges, and I think they just put that in there as a pun.
Point B. May I refresh your memory here? Remember in the very begining of episode 1, that it stated 1000 years later on the day Luna was imprisoned on the moon, she would escape? Well my question is, how do they know this?
Point C. The episode Cutiemark Cronicles! This episode is a prime example of predestination. The definition of predestination mentions "especially to the regard to the salvation of some and not others." So Rainbow Dash's sonic rainboom wasn't just by chance, but it was intended to happen, and determine the events that went around it. And if this never happened? We can only assume the worst. I don't think Pinkie Pie was cut out to be a rock farmer in the first place, if you ask me.
So what do you think of my theory? Is there any evidance I missed? Please tell!