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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by MONO

  1. MONO

    Stuck In The Past

    Well more like two nights lol. definitely have a lot of daft punk influence in my past lol. Was trying to go for a 2010’s house feel after all.
  2. Been a while since I've made any pony music. So here's something I cooked up last night. Might do it more often so I made a separate youtube channel for this purpose.
  3. Going down the MLP nostalgia rabbithole. man where the time has gone…
  4. Same. Same. We have a big problem with it.
  5. I grew up being told Teletubbies and Barney of all things was demonic because supposedly Barney’s actor was gay and one of the teletubbies was a boy with a purse. that world is wild.
  6. MONO

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    I have awoken from my 10 year slumber and return to Pony because I miss RPing. We’ll see how long this phase lasts lol
  7. I return after 10 years. I might stay around. But let me fix up this old and busted account.

    1. Sparklefan1234


      Welcome Back to MLP Forums, @MONO:Dimage.gif.ade8173ce3f47a2964263f90fda2cdfb.gif

    2. RafaStaryStory


      Welcome back Mono, hope you enjoy your return :pinkiesmile:! ~☆

    3. Astralshy


      Welcome back :3

  8. But of course I am happy with my biological sex. It is what God made me...and God made it to be good and for a good purpose. How I may feel about my sex at a time does not negate the goodness of the sex I have nor does it negate the reality that I have been made the sex I am.
  9. this! i loved that show (or at least what little ive seen of it. XD)
  10. Would certainly Iike to be him if I could. but is not possible sadly. :c (However, I am thinking of 3D printing my OC one day. that way I at least "have" him with me.)
  11. *sees forums*........okay welp...that's enough internet for today...XD

  12. I've written music and made a couple fan-animations. Still doing it now...cuz is fun. :3
  13. Tsyolin and Carbon Maestro are good orchestral ones that I like. PinkiePieSwear and a guy named Hydra are House/Electronic guys I like so.
  14. I'm a bible believing creationist Christian and I don't even agree with this guy. I think there are some branches of Christianity, like this guy for example, that are probably far more influenced by superstition and conspiracy rather than biblical scripture...and so that's why we get these kind of wackos who go around looking for the devil in the broom closet. The reality is, they're trying to find conspiracy in MLP and the fandom surrounding it when really it's just not there.
  15. I'm a Christian...I don't agree with what this guy is likely trying to say (didn't watch the full video. I don't really have the time.) But two things I want to say: 1: Bronyism does not mean that if you watch and like my little pony, you are gender confused. I can prove that myself as a young man and a brony...I have a girlfriend (whom I would like to marry) and am willingly acting like a man as God created me. That's not gender confusion or going against God's created design for the sexes. That's doing what I should be doing...and I don't think liking a show about cartoon ponies disqualifies me from it...unless surface is really the only thing which matters. 2: the illuminati doesn't exist, and if it does, why should Christians care or be looking for them? Our purpose here isn't to be looking for every nut conspiracy theory and trying to solve for mystery behind it. It's to bring the lost to Christ and to glorify God. Poking around for the illuminati or trying to find the devil in the broom closet isn't really going to be fruitful or beneficial to anyone (especially believers). I think it does more to make us Christians cower in a corner and seclude ourselves from the world rather than get out there and tell people about what great a salvation we have. Just my two cents really.
  16. Dat first one...the portal gun...I'd love to have that one...
  17. 15.... Hmmm....partly true yes. although I don't spend all of my time playing video games.
  18. Probably bioshock. AND PORTAL!!! Yes! OwO
  19. Heh...but I think you misunderstand. Though it may be true that I am not as "bad" as I could be, I am still a sinful wretch. And what I say is true...though granted, this is just a reflection of the past.But, I couldn't be more elated...much less guilt free..because I already have been redeemed. My debt is payed, my life forgiven. And nothing I did could contribute to that: I am saved all solely because of God's grace, through my faith in Jesus Christ.
  20. Christianity... And here is why: Ladies and gentlemen, I am a sinner. I am the vilest person that you can come across. Even my thoughts are tainted by sin. I have thought adulterous and hateful thoughts, I have been proud, I have been pious, I have rejected what is good. I can become angry, I have lusted, I have stolen, etc etc etc. really guys, I am a bad...not just bad, but vile person. Do you know what that means? That means that I have disobeyed our creator: God. I have lived a life of active rebellion against Him, seeking to rid myself of Him and usurp His place as sovereign God...essentially. This means, folks, that I deserve death. I deserve to burn in Hell, to live separated from God for all eternity: suffering eternal torment. I could do nothing to pay this off. My good works are not enough to pay that debt off. The payment...is...death. I cannot be good enough. But God sent His son to die on the cross...God became flesh, and died on the cross...in my place...so that I may not have to suffer His wrath, so that I may have eternal life, and so that furthermore, I can worship, serve, and bring glory to our God. Christ died and rose again...so that I may not get what I deserve: which is death in Hell. I trust in Christ alone for my salvation from sin, and because Christ has died for me, I am more than happy to live for and serve him. No religion can compare to that. All religions tell you you must be a good person to earn your salvation. But they realize not that they cannot be good enough because we by nature are not good and the payment is death...not a life of goodness. FURTHER, even our good works are tainted by sinful reasons. There is no life in anything but Christ...and so I would urge people to Repent and put their faith in Christ alone for salvation... Anyways, that's why. Because I have no hope in anything else but Christ. EDIT: for denomination, I would say I am a Reformed Baptist. The reason this is is because I am a Calvinist who holds to believers baptism really. It mainly just shows what I hold in regards to non-essential doctrines. But the main importance is that I am a Christian.
  21. MONO

    Equestrian Sunrise

    Thanks. thanks very much. and it is now up on youtube:) :
  22. MONO

    Equestrian Sunrise

    hehe...well thanks. XD I appreciate the appreciation. very very much.
  23. MONO

    Equestrian Sunrise

    Thanks! you think it would huh?
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