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Everything posted by KoGy

  1. Hahaha, NO. I take offense to that. Luckily for me I only like the show and the ponies. I'm not a brony so I'm safe.
  2. Good morning everypony! Hopefully my "neutrality topic won't make me enemies on the forusm" also I hope I can be productive today!

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. The Crimson Cross

      The Crimson Cross

      I've already gone to the shops and the status is still going! XD

    3. Crystal Edge

      Crystal Edge

      Status is magic :l

    4. KoGy


      It lives.


  3. @, Speaking solves nothing at all. Of course I respect those who can believe in idealist stuff. That's really cute.
  4. @@Krosp I, True. Of course politics to change in Hungary. I doubt that's possible. Maybe when my country will change owners. I don't really care anymore.
  5. Time for me to get my beauty sleep.

  6. @@Krosp I, Coups and insurrections are illegal in my country. I don't even have billions of dollars to roll back my country's goverment. So the question is... how?
  7. Done some "writing" today. yay for me @ badfanfictions.com

    1. Undubbed Wubs

      Undubbed Wubs

      Did you enjoy it? I sure do.

    2. KoGy


      Yes, I did.

      I forgot that you have to start small.

      Luckily I got reminded of it.


      It wasn't stressful at all.

      Which is cool for me.


      I kinda thing creativity is my cutie mark.


  8. I created something small today. Feels nice. I think I can go on after my family leaves me be. Awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. otaku4242


      I sent the pm

    3. KoGy


      Are you gone?

    4. otaku4242


      im on and off throughout the day

  9. I'm the anti hulk. When I calm down I get better. I can still salvage this weekend and get started with my huge art project. ~Kekeke!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Invincible


      Oh i didn't mean it like that. I meant those that play starcraft. By the time i build like 1 building they already have a full base :D

    3. Deathstroke


      oh well as far as i saw they lose their shit like 2 seconds afterwords they just scream and spill milk oveer them just soooo funny

    4. Invincible


      Check out:

      when you can. Also, Gaming is part of their culture - it's almost as big a soccer/football over there!
  10. Oh. That makes sense. They do have strong colors on paper. You're welcome. Looking forward to see more.
  11. @, Are you using crayons? I really like the way you do the colors. It's very pretty.
  12. I don't like drinking alcohol. I don't like the taste nor getting drunk.
  13. I just don't have any sort of self confidence to draw anymore.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. KoGy




    3. Egg


      I understand how you feel,when I was younger I would see other people's artwork and I would get really unmotivated(and felt my art wasn't good enough, etc).

      So then little by little I would practice by teaching myself how to draw certain things by looking at peoples art.


    4. KoGy


      Yeah. That's the plan. I would like to create some awesome stuff. Also some ones I am not very proud about but it's an amotional stuff.



  14. @@Envy, Good luck with those. It sounds like you have big plans.
  15. Good night everypony!

  16. @, I lost a lot of friends with it in the past. But we all can change. It's a compromise I must take for all of us. I can get "rationality falls apart" passionate. Then feel sorry for what I wrote.
  17. That feeling when you are full of ideas but you can't make them real. Oh come on.

    1. SCS


      You can make them real, it can just be difficult sometimes.

    2. KoGy
    3. KoGy


      I'll need to practice a lot to get where I want to be.

      I'll start tomorrow.


      Not today. I am lazy today.


  18. @@TenorSounds, If you wish to you could make a topic for yourself in the creative sections of the forum. It can help to get feedback. (Unless you have done it already.)
  19. Yeah. Living in isolation for a time and ahem bad experiences with people. *plays a song on the world's smalles violin* I usually feel cornered when people try to convert me. I usually point out to very political/social justice etc people around me that I don't like talking about stuff like that. Not to mention friends don't force their will on others. I find it rude.
  20. I found my ultimate anti missionary line. Cults don't have shit on me.

  21. Gee, It sure is boring around here.

    1. Rascal~


      Yeah, it does

    2. Woohoo


      Mah boi, this peace is what all true warriors strive for.

    3. KoGy


      I just wonder what Gannon's up to!

  22. @, While I don't see how debate can be fun I see your point. It can be boring for some people. I don't mind it as long as nopony wants to change my opinions. One who doesn't take any stances on issues out of not caring or not wanting conflict.
  23. @, Yes. I do have a big part of that in this. Also I stopped caring because having panic attacks about how rotten society is not very healthy for me either.
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