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Everything posted by Forlanceabice

  1. None. All these characters require traits I simply do not have on offer. Not to mention, the actual date itself would probably go to hell in a hand basket real quick I bet. Oh, then there is the huge list of suitors for each one. So why bother?
  2. None. It would get C&D'd before it could even get out the door. I would take this more of a thought experiment than anything else. Even as a mod, I have little doubt that such a project would be brought to its knees in short order.
  3. I was basing that off the second MBTI chart made for the show's character that I quoted in my original comment. Also, I am mostly basing this off the various depictions of Luna made by the fandom in fanfiction, so my apologies for any confusions that may have been made during the process here. I happen to have more of an attraction to fan made contnet due to taking value of the amount of diversity to be had in people's various interpretations of the show, its lore, and characters. That is until the show itself promptly josses whatever head canon/fanon to be had, in which case I am a very sad burrowing owl. Each to their own I suppose. By the way, I mean no offense in implying that the MBTI is completely without merit. Otherwise I wouldn't be here in the first place. Though it should be known that the current system is a little dated, as well as there is an updated MBTI called the MBTI Step II, which as the name suggest is an MBTI updated with the current knowledge we have about psychology. In the meantime, I am hoping for another updated MBTI chart to be put up, specifically something with a character listing off INTP characteristics. Perhaps even an Enneagram while we're at it. INTPs never get to be the main character in fiction for reasons, though somewhat justified, does not mean one cannot pull the plot and conflict to the INTP to force them into action. And no, I take no offense by your bluntness. Matter of fact, I myself usually like to be blunt but honest in my comments. Though naturally I try to keep a tactful demeanor when confronting others on topics similar to this. By the way, I suggest you refer to that chart mentioned in a quote that is in my original comment. There are currently two charts of this nature circulating on the Internet at the moment, the one which I have referred to being the most up to date at the present.
  4. The whole fandom is a one hit wonder. Those that wish to no longer be associated with this fandom typically do not return at any point in time. To be honest, I am surpriseed you are even considering returning. I sincerely doubt the state of the fandom has changed much at all to what you wish it were otherwise. My advice? Come back here at half year intervals to check on the state of the fandom. At the moment, the fandom is rather dead at the moment, the spark from the start of this fandom having died long ago. I hate to be that guy to tell you so, but you might wish to avoid this fandom like the plauge until something good comes along to justify it. More likely, something will come along to ruin your experience all over again. Perhaps I am being overly cynical about this, but I have seen so many people leave the fandom that I am more surprised people want to come back to it at all. Really, why come back? Why even bother? I have returned to elaborate. First off, my first post was made in a form of jaded cynicism, so my apologies for letting some of my emotions get in the way of a neutral form of comment. To clarify, if you are coming back to this fandom, I would advise you do not go into it whole heartedly. Things here are somewhat more or less the same since you left, with obvious changes not withstanding. Like I said, the fandom itself is somewhat of a one hit wonder. The initial draw factor that it had at the beginning back in 2011 has long since worn off its welcome. With it, most of the quality that came with it has also left. You can still occasionally find content here that is of quality, but now by the rule of Stergon's Law, you have to actively dig it out. The community is more or less decent if you know which groups to stick with and avoid. Otherwise I suggest you keep your wits about you if you do indeed decided to venture back into the wild.
  5. ... Don't these videos consume a lot of site bandwidth? Anyway, the current song in mind would be "The Only Thing I Know For Real" from Metal Gear Revengence.
  6. She looks... Very emancipated.... Her legs could also use some more muscle in them as well. Her facial features look fine though.
  7. I must warn you in advance that I am going to be blunt in the following Princess Celestia, so I apologize in advance if I offend your sensibilities. I simply believe in being honest, if somewhat brutally so, rather than to mislead with false praise. Pardon me for asking, but have you met any individuals who you considered were wiser in one way or more overall? I mean no offense to you personally ma'am, but you have sometimes made descicions throughout the ages that are of questionable judgement, or sometimes even speak of outright stupidity in rare circumstances. Even though you are long lived and have overall led your people for the better, I cannot help but balk at your judgement in some situations. Again, I must stress that I mean no offense to you as a person, and I am certain that you have your own reasons for your own descisions. After all, both you and your country wouldn't be in the state it was in if you were indeed incapable of leading a nation for a millenium on your onw, a feat that is impressive enough by itself. But sending the Elements of Harmony to confront a dragon on their own without assistance? For the likes of Nightmare Moon, I might be able to understand if they were the only ones that were capable of defeating such a foe. But risking such a strategic resource against a foe without at least some back up from both the Royal Guard and possibly some allies of a sort is foolish at least in some sense. I also have ot question your descision to release Discord at all. If you had any form of contingency plan, disregard the following. Tell me, what was the basic of your faith in Discord at all? Unless you had very good reason for doing so besides being compassionate, then I cannot help but feel you were at least somewhat naive in this situation. The powers of Discord prsent a threat not only to Equestria, but possibly all of the world as all sapient creatures on your planet know it. Similarly can be said in regards to that of Nightmare Moon. Both you yourself and Luna have the power to manipulate two Celestial objects, one of which larger by several magnitudes than your own planet. Are there any other ways to move them besides the reliance on both your powers? This ends the current questions for the day. Again, I apologize if I appear overly rude in this. I may return at some point with more questions.
  8. I myself come into form as an INTP. First off, let me clarify a few things with my own two cents. The MBTI, while not completely without merit, does have its own flaws to boot. I.E: The fact that the sixteen types here are not "true" personality types per say, rather they list the order order of your preferred congitive processes. An example would be for the INTP is that they utilize their intuition, thinking, and perciving functions more often than their tertiary ones. In other words, they are means of processing information. It shoudl also be stated that every individual has their own quirks about them that makes it difiicult to completely pin anyone under some said personality type, fictional characters especially so. To me, personality is composed of elements of one's character where both static and dynamic traits exists. Though I do find myself without fail to be an INTP, I most certainly exhibit traits from the INTJ Luna, with her description also fitting me to a point. Ex: As a gamer in multiplayer games such as Red Orchestra, I usually take the helm of being the leader, making quick and decisive descisions in the heat of battle. I also display an excess of both cynicism and pessimissm, as users on FimFiction can attest to in spades. Outside of gaming, I usually go back to a more INTP mode of operating. It usually depends on the situational circumstances at any given moment. Overall, it is my opinion that in the MBTI system, we each have a "main" so called personality type, such as with me mainly operating as an INTP. Similarly to the Ennegramn Personality Sorter however, I also sometimes shift into "sub types", exhibiting both functions and traits both active and passive from both the INTJ and the ISTP. Fictional characters are especially prone to shifting their personality types if one is to use the MBTI to type them, due to them being character's whose personality may shift according to the whims of the writers and requirements of an episode. Twilight Sparkle is a mix of being an INTP, INTJ, and ISTJ, with the closest thing that could be called a "main primarily type" being that of the ISTJ. In season 1, she displayed a mostly prominent INTP type of function. Season 2 and onward would be a mixture of INTJ/ISTJ. My apologies for the ramblings. I myself have difficulty in wording my ideas coherently most of the time. Hopefully this adds a littl eto the discussion. I may have more to elaborate on as time goes by, so stay tuned for further updates.
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