~ Well, there's the generic stuff like Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, etc.
~ I used to think that women got pregnant by drinking milk
~ Toy Story fucked up a generation of kids. I thought that if I didn't love all my stuffed animals equally, then one would get offended and upset. I kinda still do that now...
~ My sister didn't really help me. She used to tell me stories of the bogeyman and how he was going to get me if I left my bed during the night. I practically leapt into bed every night after turning off the lights. At nights when I couldn't get to sleep I used to try and imagine what he actually looked like. Oddly enough, I imagined he looked really similar to Creepers, and this was when I was about 6 or 7.
~ Another thing my sister said was that if I used the toilet directly after somebody else flushed, then a spider would jump out of the bottom and latch onto my bum, and this was when spiders was my biggest fear.
~ I used to think that rainbows actually formed through magic.
~ I thought that the internet was literally God's gift to humanity when I first used it.