My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Pinkie Pie How did you find MLP Forums?: I searched on Google "how to deal with brony haters" and found this site and decided to register as i don't do much writing and would like to do more.
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: My sister was the first one to tell me about it and she told me to watch it so I did and I thought; that wasn't too bad actually, and watched a bit more.Also the first episode I saw was the season 4 premier.
I, Michael Green (don't search me on google there are tons of Michael Greens) am an eleven year-old male with a sister and a mom, my dad died when i was 8 and all i would like to do is make the world a better place.I also like to play video games, some games i play are: Team Fortress 2, Minecraft, Just Cause 2, Call of Duty: Black ops 2, Bioshock Infinite (doesn't save anymore) and others.