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Everything posted by sinisterrrr

  1. Finally, an avatar of Sinister. c:

  2. Im in the process of making some plushies, and ive found that iron ons or embroidered cutie marks and eyes work the best. Does anyone on the site here have an embroidery machine, and is willing to make some eyes and cutie marks on iron on fabric for me? I'm definitely willing to pay. Right now im looking for Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash's eyes and cutie marks, but later on i'll eventually need all of the mane six, and maybe even duplicates. In other words, i'd definitely come back to you many times. c: i'm willing to negotiate prices and such.
  3. Hi Whitedove! Im starting to make plushies and i dont seem to like any other way to do eyes/cutie marks other than embroidery. I'm pretty much clueless as to what to do, or what to use for this.. and i think clueless might be an understatement. >> Would you care to help me out a bit? What do you use? Anyway i can do it without purchasing a machine? if i do, how much do they cost and how would i go about doing the eyes, cutie marks? Any other tips?
  4. oh wow! do you have any examples of your work? c: Sorry this is so late. DX Oohh.. Sory about that confusion on my part. >> I'm excited to see some of your work up soon, though! :3 and thank you very much.
  5. oops. sorry, i didn't know i made the gender roles so uneven. XD i'll sit this one out, sorry again. ^^;
  6. merrr. i hate being lonely. 3:

    1. Fizz.


      Dun be lonely, be happy. c:


      If you have no one to talk to you can PM me. :3

    2. Electrobolt


      Lonely how...? :/

    3. sinisterrrr


      Aw. thanks fizzydoo. That means a lot to me. c: <3

      and just for someone special. the yucky kind of lonely. :/

  7. I'm definitely interested~! c: I only have a female, though. D: is that alright?
  8. Goodness, theyre just gorgeous. *u* Theyve got to be at least 150, though. I think ive seen her finished Flutteryshy up on etsy or ebay and good lord the money it went for. Or is going for now. Thank you so much for showing me, though. :3 Amazing plushies. Pictures are always good for refs. I might just try to make a pattern and my own plushies.. Tell me about it. 3: I hear you. :/ I've been looking for a long while, too. I was hoping for some more luck on here. Like i said before, if i can work out a good pattern or even buy one, i'm totally just going to make my own. I just dont have the time now and was looking for a short cut. If I ever find someone, i'll let you know, though. c:
  9. Ive been looking around and good lord, the prices these ponies go for. I was wondering if anyone takes commissions for pony plushies? I'd like to pay no more than $20-30 for one. Maybe a little more, but not much. But over time i'd definitely like the mane 6, my OC, Discord, and Chrysalis. Maybe a few other ponies also. So i'd come back with more business and what else. Anyone making some? Or know someone to reference me to? I know its a long stretch but i thought i might as well try. XD
  10. they cost $1.96 at my walmart. c:
  11. Youre welcome! I'm glad you like him. c: The unicorn in your avatar? :3 Sure thing~ :3
  12. There we are. c: You like her? sorry this took so long. i had it drawn for a while but it was on my school computer and i keep forgetting to upload. >.< aaaand Flare!
  13. I currently only have my tragus pierced on the right side. :c I had my ears pierced, but i never wore earrings because i hated them. But once i stretched them to a 14g, i ended up taking them out then they closed up. after staying open for over 16 years. i thought it was really weird. o 3o And i had my second holes pierced at one point... self-pierced. one got infected. >> Stupid on my part. I was allergic to the metal in the stud. I love certain piercings on certain people. I really want hip dermals and my nose pierced, but im pudgey and hip piercings wouldn't look right. I'm not too fond of any private-piercings on males, though. DX
  14. I'd love to draw her~! Thank you. c: I'll doodle some poses right now~
  15. Thanks. c: I'm not a bad drawer, i'm actually quite good. and theyre free. D: im just bored, heh.
  16. So im bored and in the mood to doodle some characters. But i get bored of drawing Sleepy. Anyone have characters they'd like free sketches of? c: They'd be tiny, just little ones. But i'll gladly scan them in or take pictures for you guys to see. Just post your OC, or any other pony, in the thread~ c: only gunna do a few though, so first come, first serve~
  17. I can't even. Why are people so stupid, holy shit.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. NeverNeverland


      You're welcome. If people weren't stupid, we'd be all perfect, and we can't be human if we don't learn from the actions of one another.

    3. sinisterrrr


      Thats very true. And we definitely all have something to learn from each other.

    4. RainbowDashie


      so first you all me cute now stupid? lol

  18. Really? D: Well I think you're freaking adorable. X3 <3
  19. I'm sorry, I put wave 4 in quotes because that was what we had been calling it. That was a bit misleading. Sorry again. But thank you so much for clearing things up, Apple Bloom! Do you happen to know if hasbro plans on releasing any other waves in the US? I would assume so, but you never know.
  20. after some research, i found that the "wave 4" was actually, US wave 1. The US pretty much hasn't gotten anything else. Big Mac, the set youre referring to which i found, i think is only available in UK. Or really, anywhere but US. .______. Hasbro released different sets, to different countries. not all countries got all sets. which is a load of butt. but, heres the website with a lot more information to clear things up. I was seriously confused, and sorry about that. I gave out some wrong info. http://mylittlewiki.org/wiki/G4_Pony_Figurines
  21. is there really? o 3o whaaaaat. maybe im like, over looking an entire thing here... where does it say the wave? im going off of ebay so that's probably the reason im all confused and wrong..
  22. no, i dont believe so. each one comes with a piece of fold out paper which shows all the figures and there aren't any alicorns shown. I dont know if any alicorns are in any of them, actually.. I know Big Mac is in wave (or series) 3. but im sorry, the ones at my walmart are actually wave 4. theres so many. ><
  23. i like you. lets be friends. X3 wishing i could get that much pony.
  24. I'm with MasterPony. Rainbow Dash all the way. ... or discord.
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