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Posts posted by jeray2000

  1. Werwolf: A Game of Alliance and Deception




    Hello, I am jeray2000, and I am here to propose a game of Werewolf(also known as Mafia) to the denizens of this forum! For those of who don't know,  Werewolf is a game where there are two sides: the werewolves and the villagers. The werewolves try to villagers at night, and the villagers try to lynch the werewolves during the day. But to make it tricky, the villagers do not know who among them are werewolves and most work together to find out! And to help, there is one player who is a Seer, and can scan players at night to find out if they are wolves or villagers. This is the basics of the game, and if this gathers enough interest I will post the full rules that deal with smaller mostly common sense issues like dead players and non-players being unable to offer advice to the village.


    Feel free to ask questions! Just type the word IN in a large font so I can see in the thread to join and I'll send you a PM with your role once I start the game!

  2. Just remember that every media outlet has their own agenda, no exceptions.  No single news source is trustworthy by itself, it's far more important to get your news from a variety of different sources, and to compare and contrast those sources in order to build a balanced picture for yourself.

    It's not just that every media outlet has agendas, some are very determined to spread the truth. They're just wrong. You can easily get one person completely confident that the free market can solve nearly every problem and is the way to go, and passionately believe that, and another person who believes socialism can solve nearly every problem and is the way to go, and passionately believe that. But you have to listen to both people to know which aspects of each's arguments are correct. 

  3. Socially, I am extremely far left. I am pro every social program, every sexuality, every type of gender, immigration, and am against every type of discrimination.


    Scientifically, I think I'm left, in that I believe in mainstream science. No homeopathic remedies, creationism, or climate change denial for me. That might just be me thinking the party I vote for is smarter though, as is a natural reaction of pretty much everybody.


    Economically, far left by American standards, central by northern European standards. I believe the type of thing Bernie Sanders is talking about is great, I think communism, socialism, fascism, anarchy, and free market capitalism with minimum government intervention is stupid. 


    Militarily, I'm not sure where I stand, I haven't done enough research. On one hand, I've read a lot about how foreign intervention in the middle east essentially creates the next crisis there by making locals angry about foreign intervention. On the other hand, I can't see just standing by and letting genocide take place being the right action.

  4. What's so bad about being uploaded into a machine? You're essentially immortal and are living in a paradise, there aren't many downsides to it. There is the whole issue of CelestAI wiping out other sentient lifeforms, but then, the ending of the story did hint at there being a way for the aliens to trick CelestAI into uploading them into paradise too, so it all works out.

  5. I'm making a tutorial video for one of my classes, and I think using screen capture software like in Let's Plays would be the easiest way to do it, does anyone have any recommendations for which one I should use? I want to use something free, since I doubt I'll use it much after this, but all the ones I see after a brief googling look like they have viruses or adware with them.

  6. Not that kind of fall of Equestria. Fall of Equestria is apparently a series where male Caribou that conquer and enslave everypony in Equestria and enslaving the pony race and turning them into slaves.



    P.S. like the concept of your story though. :lol:

    Fall of Equestria gets a really bad rep it doesn't deserve, it honestly isn't that bad. It's not that unbelieveable that caribou could conquer Equestria, Equestria was unprepared for war and the caribou had Discord helping them. Depending on your head canon, Discord could very reasonably have God level powers, so that would help the caribou a good deal.

    Maybe you hate it because it's about how women deserve to be sex slaves. Except, it's not about that, the caribou are the villains and the stories make it very clear what the caribou are doing is wrong. 


    It's not a great series, and certainly not one you should read if it's not your fetish, but it doesn't deserve hate. 


    Personally I'm against all of the Displaced stories that are a current fad now- they're all pretty much the same thing, just that the main characters all have different superpowers.

  7. Why are the pictures before the movie is made always so ugly? If it's to cater to the little kids, are their sense of design that awful where they would like these stuff? Surely they could do a better job. 

    I think kids might actually like that art style, or at least not mind it. Young children aren't exactly professional art critics, and I can't imagine that it cost a lot to hire whoever designed them. Also, they're ripping off the Monster High franchise and want to steal some of the fans of that.



    So if you were to theoretically lose faith, you would no longer agree with the ideals of religion? Would you no longer see those arbitrary rules as being of sound moral values? Would you no longer find religion to be a basis of social and emotional support for many?


    I am just trying to understand where you are coming from.



    No. You hope he doesn't stab you in the back. You may even trust him not to stab you in the back if you know him well enough. You hope and trust because evidence and experience suggests it is highly improbable that he is going to stab you in the back. 


    Comparing that for which we have abundant evidence (the actions of a real person) to a faith claim, which is by definition that for which we lack evidence (like the existence of an undetectable creator of the universe), is not analogous. The idea that the man will not stab you in the back is not a radical hypothesis. The idea that there is a being who created the universe, and had a son who rose from the dead, is a radical claim. Equating an extraordinary claim with a mundane one, and then suggesting they "both require faith," is disanalogous.




    Actually, before I continue any further, what is your definition of faith?


    Could you move this debate to the Let's Talk about Religion thread? I'm not a mod, and I won't report you or anything, but I think it would be a good idea to keep this thread relatively 'pure' of debate and focused on people talking about their religion without any sort of debate about said religions are correct or not.



    • Brohoof 2
  9. Anyone find it funny how 90% of the people in the forums seem to either be socialists or libertarians, which are each close to the ends of the spectrum of economic policy? It's a bit scary how so many people could be wrong though, both sides say their opponent will bankrupt the country... either way, it means roughly half the population of the U.S is dead wrong about how economics work. 

    • Brohoof 3
  10. She never said anything about "science denying her magic." I won't speak or answer for her, but I DO have an understanding of Pagan faiths and their relation to magic.

    If you could explain it in general, not for her, I'd appreciate. She didn't say anything about "science denying her magic" but I'm under the impression that the general consensus in the scientific community was that magic isn't real.

    She never said anything about "science denying her magic." I won't speak or answer for her, but I DO have an understanding of Pagan faiths and their relation to magic.

    If you could explain it in general, not for her, I'd appreciate. She didn't say anything about "science denying her magic" but I'm under the impression that the general consensus in the scientific community is that magic isn't real.

  11. Well I am/was a crystal child and I just always believed in paganism,even back when my mother tried to make me christian. I have magic abilities and a very strong connection to nature so paganism just feels right to me.

    Could you explain to me how your magic abilities work? I don't know much about paganism, and given the way I've been raised about magic, your belief sounds almost like a satire to me. I'm curious to know more about it and why science denies it.

  12. So how do you feel about guys wearing skin tight clothing? When I was a kid and I would see guys in bike shorts I would think "they look stupid, tight shots are for girls and guys look grouse in them." but now that I use them, they are so comfortable that I don't care how I look. I hate biking, swimming or running in baggie shorts anymore, but I don't like making people feel uncomfortable so I am asking all of you how you feel about seeing guys in stuff like bike shorts. here are some photos of me so you know what I am talking about.


    this is also me at the bronycon cospay contest as future twilight 


    Personally, I think it's ugly and I don't want to look at it. But that's me, you shouldn't care what other people think about it, it's your right to wear what you want. I'd be the jerk if I told you this in any circumstance other than you looking for opinions. 

  13. I will say this poll does give interesting insight on the common moral views of the fandom or at least this forum. It seems that the majority of the forum are atheist. I do wonder if there is any reason for that.

    I think it has to do with how this forum is on the internet. Typically, people on the internet are younger, and people who are younger have grown up with scientific explanations as opposed to religious explanations as to why the universe exists, as well as more generations separating them from when religion was the only explanation, meaning theism seems less likely to be true.

    This is just a trend I've noticed through anecdotal evidence though and is not a hard law in any way, I have neither done nor read any survey's on the subject, it's just something that makes sense to me. There are many, many outliers to this too; many relatively old people use this forum, and many young people are theists too. It's just not sheer random chance that the amount of atheists and agnostics is disproportionate to the western english speaking world.

    • Brohoof 1
  14. An OC is an Original Character, so any character you make up, whatever the species, would be an OC. There aren't any other requirements for an OC besides that, but most RPs I don't think would let you use a human OC. And if you're creating it for a fan fiction, if you base it off your own personality, it's going to be a self-insert, and I very much doubt you'll be able to write a self-insert that's worth reading.

    • Brohoof 2
  15. Granted however the characters are brain dead and can't think or move.


    I wish for this wish to not be granted.

    Granted, a paradox has been created and the entire universe has been destroyed.


    I wish for everyone to willingly consent to be Christian, therefore ending all religious wars and creating a standard set of ethics for all people. 

  16. I'm agnostic myself. I can't bring myself to believe in any higher beings, because if they are truly 'above' us then they(as in their communication through the bible, Koran, etc) could be lying to us about literally everything and it'd be literally impossible to know. Or they could not exist at all, and it'd still be impossible to know, because by definition a god would be impossible to prove.


    I'm a Nihilist, so you can add that to the poll if you want. Or don't change it at all. You just do whatever. It's not like it really matters anyway.



    Nihilism isn't a religion, it's a philosophy. Religion has to do with worship or lack thereof, nihilism has to do with the purpose of life. You could be an agnostic, atheist, or possibly some religion I don't know of that allows a nihilistic world view. 

  17. Rainbow Dash wins. Fall Weather Friends shows that they're at more or less equal physically, and Rainbow Dash can fly. Sure, Applejack can throw stuff at Rainbow, but it really would not be all that difficult for Rainbow to dodge. If they were in an area with a low ceiling taking away the flight advantage, Applejack probably has better endurance and can therefore win, but if they're in any sort of open area the advantage is Rainbow's. 

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