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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Posts posted by Spanner

  1. Ethereal, it's sort of a bittersweet episode to be sure. We see the teenager bullies as real uncultured pains, but then there's always some elements of acceptance even in their belittling. It's sort of reminiscent of how guy teenage culture can be really confusing and ambiguous. Not to read too much into a kid's show but, the teenager dragons clearly knew that Spike wasn't strong enough to tail wrestle or win any of those contests. Rhetorical question; were they solely having him participate to ridicule him, or were they trying to introduce him to the group and allow him to participate? It could go either way.


    I agree about the continuity, the episodes lately have been great on that. But I also feel like the episode felt short of expectations.

  2. Just another person wandering in, generally looking for chat and roleplay. I found this site through a search engine. Look forward to meeting some of you real soon! :)

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