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~Sassy Dashie~

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Status Replies posted by ~Sassy Dashie~

  1. Just wanted to say that your avatar is dreamy. *-*

    1. ~Sassy Dashie~

      ~Sassy Dashie~

      I'm super late, but ahh thank you!

  2. I love Gerard Way more than I love myself

    1. ~Sassy Dashie~

      ~Sassy Dashie~

      ys were following a very specific futuristic theme, and the whole album was telling the story of a comic Gerard wrote. So of course, the sound of the album is really different from all their other stuff. It's still a lovely album, maybe I'm just too used to their other stuff haha



    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. I love Gerard Way more than I love myself

    1. ~Sassy Dashie~

      ~Sassy Dashie~

      It certainly is, but he seems really happy and that makes me happy too.


      TCFSR is my favorite Album for sure, plus the entire aesthetic of that era is just great. I love all of MCR's music, but Danger Days (Nananana album) probably ranks as my least favorite. It's not bad of course, nothing close, I just feel like a lot of the songs on the album seem similar and lack some of the nice aspects that all their previous albums had. It might be because I believe Gerard and the gu...

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. I love Gerard Way more than I love myself

    1. ~Sassy Dashie~

      ~Sassy Dashie~

      He's making comics, and also released a solo album recently!

      Haha, good to know someone else on the forums enjoyed/enjoys MCR!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. Been away for the holidays, I'll be back on regularly towards the end of the year. Miss everybody

  6. Been away for the holidays, I'll be back on regularly towards the end of the year. Miss everybody

  7. Been away for the holidays, I'll be back on regularly towards the end of the year. Miss everybody

  8. Been away for the holidays, I'll be back on regularly towards the end of the year. Miss everybody

  9. help i've fallen into trash hell and can't get up

    1. ~Sassy Dashie~

      ~Sassy Dashie~



      //the distant screams of trash souls//

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  10. help i've fallen into trash hell and can't get up

    1. ~Sassy Dashie~

      ~Sassy Dashie~

      Unfortunately I think I'm going to hell



      GET IT




      i sEe fiRe

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  11. help i've fallen into trash hell and can't get up

  12. Loving a fictional character so much it's unhealthy. Yep. That's me. THANKS ANIME

  13. Loving a fictional character so much it's unhealthy. Yep. That's me. THANKS ANIME

    1. ~Sassy Dashie~

      ~Sassy Dashie~

      friend: "Hey, why are you crying?"


      me and you: "beCAUSE HE'S NOT REAL"

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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