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Mr. Mustang

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Everything posted by Mr. Mustang

  1. The episode was alright, though I was kind of expecting a showdown with the big bad guy at the end like most westerns. The two things I didn't expect.. -The way the episode ended -Troubleshoes is a big friggen pony. Heck I'd go so far as to actually call him a horse.
  2. *Channels inner Vulcan* Hate is illogical, especially to a fictional character. *Returns to normal self* Besides, I think enough time has passed that enough fans have cooled of. -Pun intended
  3. I'd agree that ponies probably evolved the same way humans did, except their ancestors were quadrupeds. Who's to say, (aside from Star Trek) all evolved forms of life had to be bipedal? Another theory that's my favourite is that ponies inherit the earth millions of years into the future after humans are long gone.
  4. Hmm, I think ponies can at least get up to Dr. Eggman levels of evil, perhaps going so far as to change the reality of the universe. But, if it's possible the sky's the limit, then the sky's the limit.
  5. Say Ms. Rarity, out of curiosity, do you happen to make clothes for bipedal races?
  6. Yanno, I wonder if anyone else had this song pop into their head when they saw the title of this episode?
  7. World of Tanks, I'm so close, yet so far from my beloved Leopard 1 Prototype. Blasted 23k exp... :okiedokielokie:
  8. Granted, you get some of my Turkey Cake; half turkey half cake, since my birthday falls on or near Tanksgiving. ...and said cake is from last year. I wish I had a vintage battleship.
  9. Anyone catch The Three Stooges reference? Or is it more of a "Who's on First?" reference? My two cents, er bits, er...
  10. So, how many of you have already created a "Mischievous Luna" meme from this episode? My two cents bits...
  11. So, Twilight doesn't dig her new digs. After the camera jumps showing a bit of the interior I had to agree. This episode had some great gags in it, and a ton of surprises. Almost as if Pinkie had written the episode...
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