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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by UCD

  1. Another Infected Mushroom fan? I guess they are pretty well-known, but most people I mention them to have never heard the name. They did this great collab with another favorite of mine, Savant. It's pretty sweet. Check him out as well if you haven't already.
  2. I am so addicted to creepypasta that I woke up last night covered in Ragu. Some can get ridiculously cliche (Pokemon and MLP are the main examples here), but there are some well written pastas buried in the internet if one has the patience to find them. I also like the trollpastas that make a satire of the badly-written cliche stories. It's kind of ironic that my interests are so varied. I have 5 tabs up right now, 1. This site 2. "The Strangest Security Tape I Have Ever Seen (Excellent read, btw) 3. Nine Inch Nails - Heresy 4. A recipe for Chitlins 5. An ebay search for synthesizers and MIDI controllers Bronies really are a phenomenon huh? We like the dark and grimy as well as the lighthearted and sweet. That's why MLP fandom is best fandom.
  3. To RP or not to RP, that is the query

    1. SeraphStar


      I say to — it's pretty fun

    2. Pinkamena Dianne Pie
  4. I could post so many, but most are hip-hop and most bronies don't dig it. Here's the Black Keys, they're pretty dope. Been in love with this song since the first time I heard it.
  5. You get an original copy of Earthbound, with strategy guide and scratch-n-sniffs intact. I insert the blood of my enemies
  6. I never expected a response Consider us bros, man. I'll hit you up after I get some ice cream.
  7. You get Hepatitis C. *Inserts my grandmother's ashes
  8. The idea that we might be alone in the universe terrifies me. However, I think there is another planet with life out there somewhere, but that terrifies me as well. I mean did you see Alien that movie was scary stuff man
  9. No, they should stay where they're at, but at least have some Nintendo titles become universal. I mean, I like the Wii and all, but I shouldn't have to fork over another $300+ bucks for it just because I can't play Smash Bros on my Playstation.
  10. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, so I can beat people up with my body hair (I'm a hairy guy so it would work well for me)
  11. Steve-O says it best, as usual It's supposed to raise awareness for ALS, but since people on my FB have started posting these videos I have yet to see one explain what ALS is or even mention it in the video, much less how to donate. Plus the original idea of the challenge is that you dump ice over your head to GET OUT OF donating. Steve-O did both. He may be a jackass, but he's got his head screwed on right. I have asked and asked and asked these people where I can to donate after being challenged, but no one could point me to a website. I don't want to raise awareness because even though raising awareness might help, the money being raised is going to help a lot more. Losing control of your muscles is scary shit, and I want to help these people with funding, not with a video of me getting cold.
  12. UCD

    technology Bionicle Lovers!

    Oh man, me and big bro used to play with these all the time. I don't remember much of the names, we had the 6 original toa, their first upgrades, the 6 bohrok and the bohrok kal, whatever the villains name was, the 6 rakshi (I think that was the names), kadok and gadok (spelling is probably wrong) and so on and so forth. In other words, we had a shit-ton of Bionicles. I loved them. Our favorite thing to do was where I would create a giant monster or villain and a group of henchmen for it, then he would create a band of heroes, and we would spend the next few days chronicling their quest to defeat said villain. My favorite was a Bionicle-ified version of the Jabberwocky from Through the Looking Glass, which stood at a pretty impressive 2'4". To this day it is still the biggest one I made that could not only stand on its own, but also pose without even using its tail to help balance.
  13. Smiles and Tears, which is just a remix of the Eight Melodies but I find to be more soothing.
  14. I'm not sure why you would choose me but I think I can manage -_- EDIT: ninja'd, but the reaction is still the same
  15. Age: 18 Gender: Male Country: USA Likes: TV: MLP (duh), cartoons, space Music: Jet Life, Strange Music, King Los, Black Hippy, RVIDXR KLVN, NiN, Korn, Disturbed, Clams Casino, Funk Volume, Gorillaz, Jhene Aiko, Ariana Grande, Renard and his many aliases, Savant, AIC, Deltron, Rakim, Wu Tang, Early Em, My music, space Movies: Donnie Darko, Watership Down, Anything Miyazaki or Disney/Pixar, The Conjuring, Insidious, Ju-On, The Omen, Cannibal Holocaust, Eraserhead, Sinister, Avatar, space Games: Sonic Adventure 2, DARK, FEAR, Dead Space, SCP games, Mortal Kombat, Halo, Silent Hill, Golden Sun, Elder Scrolls, Dragon Quest, Hydro Thunder, Star Wars Battlefront, Rainbow Six, The Wonderful 101, Metal Gear, SSB, LOZ, Tomb Raider, Batman, Rock Band, Hitman, GTA, Shadow of the Colossus, Bloody Roar, God of War, space Space. I love space. We can talk astrology all day long. Dislikes: Humans Hobbies: Producing, writing music, drumming, piano, Yugioh, gaming, star gazing, drawing, meditation, hanging/ suspension Other Info: I'm a weird one, but I get told I'm pretty chill. We can talk anything, I don't get offended or annoyed. I love space, hip-hop and horror.
  16. 100 LP, draw into Hyperion, SS Hyperion, he gets sharked -_- yugioh makes me so mad sometimes

  17. Galaxy S3 Mini It's awesome, I can play Pokemon on my phone!
  18. I'm going to the Gala with Twilight I never get that lucky with these
  19. We should petition to replace Kermit with Maud. I just find Maud to be a better fit for the intention of the meme. But this tea is on point though
  20. Glad I stumbled on this. I've been writing up my OC's story for about 3 weeks now, and I want it to be damn good. I will definitely be using the tips everyone has posted here
  21. So I've been seeing Kermit the Frog all over my Facebook and Twitter for the past few weeks. Anyone else noticed his rise in popularity? He has become a meme of sorts. I personally find it funny, but I can understand the language associated with the meme (it tends to be more on the "ghetto" side, if that makes sense) which most internet dwellers can't comprehend. What's cool about this meme is that it was made by people outside of the usual meme crowd. It's a common man's meme, if you will. Black Twitter loves it to pieces. Anyways, what does everyone seem to think of the Kermit meme? Is it good, bad, or just plain rude? Here's an example if you don't know what I'm talking about.
  22. Chuggaaconroy, Achievement Hunters, Roosterteeth and Markiplier come to mind. There was another obscure one I liked that used to play specifically the late 90s and early 2000s PS1 games, but I can't recall the name of his channel.
  23. Pretty much this. I loved this show for how absurd it was
  24. When you watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, you will wink and nod and hug and high five each other with great enthusiasm. This is a special time.

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