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Posts posted by Bluhtsturm

  1. Hey everypony!


    I'm a player of the game Rift, and have found myself down on my luck with guilds lately, my friends want me to join their guild but I really do not enjoy the company there, they can be rather intolerant (It is a U.S. Military guild, I don't mind most folks there, but the leadership reprimanded me for 1. talking with my friends in it about MLP. 2. Being a foreigner of Canada.)


    I've had problems with guilds in the past over intolerance, and really just want to make a Brony guild that will be accepting of anypony, even if they are not a brony.


    So I was curious if I were to make a guild if anypony would even join? I am a Defiant on the server "Laethys" named Bluhtsturm; If you are interested then please poke me sometime, in game or on the site, thanks!


  2. I'm a straight male, completely cool with homosexuality and whatnot.


    At first I thought it was... weird, y'know lack of understanding but its not hard to grasp now that I've gotten older.

    I'm proud the Herd can be so open with this subject matter by the way, its very nice to know I'm in a good place :)

  3. Hmm a debate that either leads to a great war amongst the Herd, or further intrigue into one another ;)


    My list is Favourite > Less Favourite


    1) Trixie; Great and powerful!

    2) Derpy; Muffin connoisseur.

    3) Fluttershy; Lover of animals. 

    4) Sweetie Belle; Adoorable sister.

    5) Lyra Heartstrings; Human Conspiracy Theorist


    6) Princess Luna; Mistress of the Night


    My gaps between these are very... minute, I love them all!

  4. Offline, I'm very quiet, cautious, self-conscious, equalist, and like to share my knowledge of history, and opinions with close friends.


    Online, I'm loud, strange, enthused with power and acquiring it, loving, and like to share my knowledge of history and opinions with anybody who wants to hear it.


    I wear my heart on my sleeve most of the time though.



    I'm honestly mixed up online, my opinions and how I am varies from time to time, at the moment I am in this sort of pro-imperial phase of thinking...

  5. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Fluttershy

    How did you find MLP Forums?: I found this forum amidst the post-S4 Summer, just wanted to find a place to hang out with other bronies, and make some friends!

    How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I joined the herd along with many others after seeing a review of an episode, I just felt like checking something out. I liked the style of the show and decided to give it a shot.In doing so I dragged about 6 other people into the herd!

    Well lets see... I love MLP (obviously) and firmly believe in Friendship, understanding, and equality!..


    I'm Canadian, have a lot of firm leftist thoughts, and have a deep passion for history (especially the Great War, and WW2).


    I also like researching political ideology and how it works, the ideas behind it.


    I love video games, especially TF2 and use steam like... constantly! If you want to hang out and play some games, chat, etc add me! 

    Steam ID: Bluhtsturm


    Skype ID: Xethios Bluhtsturm


    If your interested in chatting pop me a message!!!


    Well, thank you for having me!

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