While she was sleeping soundly, a small white fluffy-tailed bunny was waking up in his own little house that was hoof- crafted by Fluttershy herself. Angel Bunny was not only the beloved pet of the creamy toned pegasus, but also her dearest animal friend. Fluttershy had a special place in her heart for all of the critters that she takes care of, but there was one very special place that she held for Angel.
Angel could be a loving bunny when he wanted to, but at times he could be a mischievous little critter and annoyed his fellow animal friends. However, he was loyal to Fluttershy, and although he doesn’t always do his fair share of work, he communicates for Fluttershy when she becomes too timid to speak. When it comes to food he loves carrots; either plain and uncut or included in a nice crisp salad. Yet he can also be spoiled at times, requiring Fluttershy to fix him a special salad. If she politely declines he throws a tantrum until he gets it.
With a big yawn and good scratching behind his ear with his hindpaw Angel stepped out of his little home. It sat the bottom of the cottage next to a tree which was the home to a family of squirrels and a family of birds. His home had an ideal view of the town of Ponyville below; you could say Angel had quite the view.
Blinking his eyes as Celestia's sun shined brightly in the sky, Angel sniffed the morning air to see if he could sense anything to possibly eat. Hopping freely along outside of his caretaker's home, the bunny stopped dead in his tracks as he came to the entrance of the dark and eerie woods of the Everfree Forest. To many ponies the Everfree Forest was forbidden, because it was the home of ferocious and terrifying beasts such as timberwolves, manticores, and other dangerours creatures. This dark part of Equestria sat just behind Fluttersy’s cottage.
Angel trembled where he stood and was about to scurry away. However, as he peered at the entrance with wide fearful eyes, he looked down to see something laying at the base of one of the trees. Being the curious bunny he was, he slowly made his way toward the tree with small delicate hops. As he got closer to the tree… he saw some sort of creature curled up in a ball with its legs tucked up against its stomach and its head laying on his hands as a makeshift pillow. It was a little bigger than himself, and it was shaking. Angel scurried back to the cottage as fast as he could.
He arrived at the cottage, stood up on his hindpaws to open the bottom half of the front door, and hopped over to the stairs to ascend to Fluttershy's bedroom. As he reached the top of the staircase he saw Fluttershy sleeping peacefully and didn't want to bother her. Yet, he knew that she would know how to help the strange creature from the Everfree, so he hopped onto the bed and moved his way to her side. He placed his forepaws on her back and started shaking her to wake her up.
Feeling something moving her with the slightest of touch, Fluttershy yawned quietly and blinked her eyes open. She looked down to see Angel shaking her. A small smile formed across her half covered face as she gently took Angel in a foreleg and hugged him to her cheek nuzzling him.
"Good morning my sweet Angel Bunny. Are you hungry?" She smiled at him, but he shook his head vigorously and tried pulling at her foreleg. "Oh dear, what is wrong sweetie? Were any of the animals being mean to momma's sweet boy?"
Angel smacked himself in the face with his paw and shook his head furiously. He made hand motions toward the window… and starting making noises to try and communicate with her. Now Fluttershy did not only had the ability to care for any animal, she also had the unique talent of understanding them. She intently focused her attention on Angel and quickly understood that he was telling her that he found some sort of creature outside of the Everfree Forest.
"Oh, gosh, I hope the little one is alright. Come Angel, show me where you found this creature." She climbed out of her bed as Angel hopped onto her back. She trotted down the stairs into her den, pushing open the still closed top half of the door as she made her way out. Angel hopped off her back and lead her to the tree where he found the strange animal.
Fluttershy followed closely behind as they arrived…
She looked down at the small form curled up and shaking. She noticed that it was dressed in clothes both top and bottom, it had fur… but only on the top of its head, and it appeared to only have two legs. She looked over the small creature to make sure it didn't have any cuts or bruises along it body.
"Poor little thing! We have got to get it in the house quickly so it doesn't freeze." Fluttershy lay down on all fours and carefully reached out with her forelegs. She scooped the small creature up very gently by its sides and placed it on her back. Making sure not to wake it, she very slowly started to stand up on her legs and gingerly trotted back toward the cottage.
Angel hopped ahead to make sure both halves of the front door were open as he, Fluttershy, and the new critter came into the cottage. As soon as he watched Fluttershy trot upstairs, he shut the door completely making sure to lock it, and hopped upstairs to his caretaker's room.
Getting close enough to her bed, Fluttershy carefully opened her wings and curved them up to lower the tips to pick the creature up softly from her back. She then placed him in her forelegs and cradled him close to her chest fur. She lowered her head and lightly whispered.
"Don't worry little one, I don't know what you are, but I promise I will take good care of you." The strange animal seemed to hear her sweet tender voice as it made a small smile and snuggled close to her. Tears were starting to form in Fluttershy's eyes as she carefully lowered the small creature onto her bed and tucked it in warmly under her blankets. She gently lifted its head to place a small pillow under it.
Turning to Angel she spoke softly “… I think we should let this little one sleep for now; it looks like it had a long night." She smiled softly to the bunny who returned a little smile of his own and nodded. Fluttershy then turned toward the small being and lowered her head to kiss his forehead.
"I will be here when you wake up, little one. Sleep tight" She patted the blankets with the softest touch and turned back toward the bunny. "Now Angel, let us go fix you and the other critters something for breakfast. I will see if this little one would like something to eat when it wakes up." With that Angel and Fluttershy descended the stairs leaving the small creature sleeping peacefully tucked under the covers.