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Blog Entries posted by BurningEmber

  1. BurningEmber
    So pulled out just dance 2014 this morning, whooee! I am exhausted, think I died about 20 minutes in to the 40 minute workout, lol, didn't realise I was so unfit, even with a 4 year old keeping me busy, think I'll start off doing this every other day, everyday will leave me unable to walk or lift my arms above my waist! ????
    Started watching a new series last night seeing as all the others have finished (Game of Thrones, Supernatural, stalker, the flash) it's called Penny Dreadful, seen 2 episodes so far and I can see myself becoming a massive fan already! Swearing, nudity, Frankenstein, Dorian Grey, death and a vampire with Egyptian hieroglyphs carved under his skin! A bit Game of throney, but more Victorian, less Joffrey and a lot of posh voices! Lol
    All that epicness and its soured by this particular week of the month, pegasisters will understand, you bronies aren't lucky enough to have that particular thing to deal with! (If your still confused, asked your nearest female of breeding age, they'll happily explain! Lol) Doctors say they can't do anything about it yet, I need to loose 3 stone before they're willing to help, dang you doctors *shakes fist angrily*
    No ending pony face today as my iPad won't show the list, so have a cup c[_]
  2. BurningEmber
    So, yesterday I read Cheerilee's Garden.....yeah....that was creepy, not as creepy as Cupcakes, not as mind screwing as Rainbow Factory, but, wow, it was like Saw, from Jigsaw's point of view, but in pony form! lol, Admittedly I am a fan of the creepy fan fic stories, not the weird ones with brutal sexual assaults and extra bits and pieces being added to ponies, but the ones that are well written out, not just, stab, stab, blood, blood, story line of a lump of coal! Trying to find stories that aren't just focused on higher and higher levels of gore and blood is hard, a decent story that's both well written and has a twisted thinking to it is hard, wish there was a way of sifting through the gore to the good!
    So a part from having an afternoon of reading how Cheerilee killed off some foals, me and the little miss had a bad day, urgh, why doesn't she listen to me, ever! Honestly, I asked her not to jump off the chairs as she'll hurt herself, 10 minutes later, she's doing it again, so in the corner she goes, she comes out says sorry, and immediately does it again!! So back in she goes, this carries on for about an hour, so eventually I just leave her in the corner with a smacked bottom (you don't like it? Your opinion, don't blast it on me please!) this did stop her jumping off the chairs, instead she then started trying to break all her crayons and pens! I love her but I swear she's trying to force my depression to new heights, at least she'll be starting school in September!
    On that note, we met all her school folks on Monday, head teacher, nurses, receptionist etc, was a good meeting! She's going to a good place, even though none of her nursery friends are going to the same school, which is odd apparently, but at least she'll make new friends!
    feel a touch better for ranting about the little miss on here, so hopefully things'll be smiley today when i pick her up later!
    Cause I feel better have a happy pinkie
  3. BurningEmber
    I, oh reader, am a hopeless book lover. I have everything from watership down to American psycho, redwall to belle de jour, I just love to read! At the moment I'm simultaneously reading the new E. L. James Grey and Anne McCaffrey The Skies Of Pern, two books from different genres and yet I am enjoying both! If you are unaware of either tomes, I'll give a brief description.
    Grey: a spin off from the original 50 shades of grey that shot to fame a few years back, Grey is written from the perspective of Christian, and his views on the relationship between him and ana, the style of writing, to me, is more calculating, not so open and innocent as the original trilogy from ana's perspective, a darn good read though if you like books with sex, BDSM and shouty capitals!
    The Skies of Pern: one in a long series of books about the dragon riders of a small world called Pern and their fight against the deadly fall of thread, a silvery rain that burns through everything bar water, stone and metal. The only way to stop this deadly rain is to burn it, and so the brave riders, on the backs of their fire breathing dragons go out every time it falls and sear it to ash. This particular book is 16th in the series, the first book is Dragonflight. An excellent, compelling read full of adventure, marvel and of course, dragons
    Bar my reading, the last few days have been good, the little miss went for a taster session for school, seems crazy she'll be off there in September! She enjoyed making a house for the class turtle (a toy, not an actual turtle! Lol) but was sad because most of the children knew each other and they wouldn't play with her, but that'll change when she get to know everyone in September hopefully!
    Also, decided that 13 stone is to heavy, so I'm now going to embark on healthier eating, no more chocolates, biscuits and crisps for snacks, fruit and veg will be the way forward! Actual meals I do tend to home cook so are generally more healthy, but I will add more veg to them from now on! So apologies for the next few posts, they may have a fair bit of whining about missing chocolates and how cucumber is not the same as a nice bag of crisps! XD
    Yet again on the IPad, so have am emote turtle ????
  4. BurningEmber
    SO, yesterday was full of excitement and laughter, and shock and sadness, and a touch of hunger too, lol, so a full day there then!
    Finally watched Slice of Life, some folks may have their reservations about it, but oh my gods, I loved it!! From Discord in Fluttershys house in the start title (he may of been there longer, if so, i hadn't noticed, go me! \o/) to Lyra and Bon Bon...sorry, special agent sweetie drops! And I could stop myself from hooting with laughter at the Big Lebowski ponies and Dr. Whooves whole panic through out most of the episode, when he legged it into the town hall in his scarf, i giggled like a ninny, but then i've always had a soft spot for Tom Baker (would you like a jelly baby?!) and when the flameless fireballs exploded and the madness of his shouting, oh my gods, I actually spilt my tea laughing so hard! XD XD XD So i liked it, the gummy monologue confused me a bit (if that's a fan fic can some one link it up for me?) Think it may go over the head of the little miss as it doesn't have the mane 6 in, but i know she'd like Steven! lol
    Also watched the last episode of Game of Thrones.....for the sake of the seven, they like to make folks die don't they?! Happy for Brienne as now her quest for revenge is complete and Stannis is now with is family in the afterlife (unless he's in their version of hell for what he allowed to happen to his daughter!) I hope Sansa and Theon are ok, that was a bloody big jump!! As for Arya, i cheered like a cheerleader when she got meryn at last, the horrid, murdering perv that he is, but when she returned to the temple and her friend (name freeze, but he's cool!) dies, but doesn't, and when her eyes go, oh my gods, giant surprise there! Could help but laugh at Drogon, ignoring dany in order to nap, and chucking her off his back and sitting on her, oh my gods me and hubby were side splitting it was that funny, but when she goes down the cliffs and is the surrounded by the Dothraki, i'll admit i was surprised, thought she's been taken to Westeros, will be looking forward to what happens from there!! Cersei's walk through the city (shame, shame, shame *rings bell*) even though it was supposed to evoke pity, it didn't for me, i don't like her, i never will and i hope she burns in a horrid way! Though the blokes who kept flashing made me laugh, i totally turned into a 5 year old and just yelled out "Willies!" very mature! XD and Jon, poor, poor sweet Jon, can't believe he was betrayed like that, but i suppose it was coming, only 4 at most agreed with his idea about the wildlings, but for the last part to come from Olly, meh...just....meh!
    So a day of highs and lows in that respect, rest of the day was ok, the little miss went to nursery and managed to bruise up her whole knee by jumping off a table and falling onto it instead of landing on her feet, all is fine, but no dresses for a while me thinks! Today will be a day of cuddles, films and pizza making! slice of bread with ketchup on, topped with ham, sausage and cheese, nom! Spanish omelette for lunch as I have chicken and potatoes to use up!
    that's all for now folks, have a Discord!
  5. BurningEmber
    Hallo you lovely pony folks, sitting here watching cowboy builders (a programme about botched building work) sipping a nice warm cup of tea on a rainy Sunday (cheers rainbow dash, so glad you've done it today and not tomorrow!) and attempting to play Fantasy Life!
    Life is both good and bad atm, good as I've finally had 2 fillings done, had a hair trim and had my feet pampered! Bad cause docs have confirmed I have depression, I weigh the most I ever have and the little misses behaviour is pushing my limits beyond breaking, honestly, it really is. I know that at 4, she's at that age where she will push and pull the limits and see how far she can go without getting into trouble, but combined with the depression, it really isn't good at the mo, for instance, yesterday, she was spinning around with a toy sword she has, smacked it into the tv (brand new smart tv we saved up for for about 6-7 months) and very, VERY nearly knocked it over, it would of if hubby hadn't dove and caught it! To be fair to her she was upset, crying and apologetic, but she still went in the corner and the sword was put up of the fridge for the rest of the day!
    Ok, so minor rant about bad side of life over, there will be more of that in posts to come, but for now, caaaallllmmmm!
    On the pony side of life, not seen the latest episode yet, will tonight probably when the little miss and hubby get back from grandparents, but did see one of my all time faves today, the one with the Flim Flam brothers in it!! Love those two cheeky rouges, the way they dress, the songs, and the way they exaggerate their products, they make me laugh!
    Now on a different side of the coin, had an idea about an OC pony character with a purpose, going to call her Lazy Diet, and her purpose is to find and make easy, simple, healthy recipes intended to help folks loose weight along side her! She came about as a result of being told by doctor I need to loose weight and not having a weight management group around where i live, thought to myself "Well, if i had a persona who wanted to loose weight, and folks cheered her on, it'd encourage me too!" what do you guys and gals think? If Lazy Diet was to be created, would you guys help her/me in our adventure to find easy, healthy recipes and get down to a good weight?!
    Right time to go back and attempt to cut down trees on Fantasy Life, feel free to get back to me about my OC idea, would love other folks thoughts!
    have a Rarity
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