My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rainbow Dash How did you find MLP Forums?: I was searching up (Pony name) VS (Pony name)!
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I was playing a virtual game and I went to the cinema place (In the game) - and you can watch MLP! The first ep I watched was Applebuck season. I thought it was okay :T but then I watched more episodes in YouTube and found out how epic it is!
Gender : Female
OC name : Music Heart
Addiction : MLP , cookies and surviving XD
Fav ponies : Rainbow Dash , Pinkie Pie , Twilight , Lyra , Princess Celestia.
As Celestia is my witness - I would always be a pegasister!
Art is one of the things I need to stay alive in this world - if there's no art ... dun dun dun!
I love having fun - who doesn't? I'm always myself because it's funner when you aren't somebody else :3.
I live in the Uk now and I have 3 older brothers , who are gladly bronies! I'm sure I'll be enjoying myself here in MLP Forums - Ponies!!