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Everything posted by DemonofSong

  1. I take boxing classes, and one of my classmates is a 6'7 muscle bound behemoth who we call 'Meat' he actually a pretty nice guy to have a conversation with when he's not about to punch your face in. Its become a self established tradition in the class that one of your first three mathces you box him. The standard is about half a round before he knocks you out. I lasted half way through the match before he knocked me out, when I got tired from dodging him
  2. Either a bear or a cobra, probably bear because they're are not only hard to take down but they are just all around awesome. I like the quiet subtly of the cobra but something about knocking down a tree with one swipe is just so alluring Either a bear or a cobra, probably bear because they're are not only hard to take down but they are just all around awesome. I like the quiet subtly of the cobra but something about knocking down a tree with one swipe is just so alluring
  3. Okay, so I was digging through my computer files and realized I have a ton of Gifs. And I got to thinking what is the ultimate gif. The Trump Gif if you will and and I have been searching for it every now and again. So I want to know what is the best gif you have ever encounter in the Lawless land of the Internet?
  4. I have a love/hate relationship with darkness there are times I'll be walking down a street at night (it would be like 2:00 kind of late) and then slowly gain speed until I've basically reached a full sprint without realizing it. But then there are the times when I'll be perfectly relaxed in that same scenario, depends how I'm feeling that day I guess
  5. Tried it once, it was fun. I wouldn't do again unless I lost weight because I have my own orbit. But yeah obviously I don't have problem its your life as long as you aren't sacrificing children in the name of the walrus god, if it doesn't hurt anybody then have at it. I just wonder why girls get all the fun clothes and everything.
  6. I wanna say snorlax, he wouldn't really stand out the much on an airplane, he could probably punch through the wall, and I could use him as a raft. And even if he couldn't punch through the wall, I could hug him and be protected from the crash by his fat. Plus I just love snorlax.
  7. Favorite hero: Arm Falloff boy(look it up), iron man, Hulk, and The Flash. Favorite Villain: The Joker, Led Luthor?, Penguin, Two Face, Harley Quinn, and clayface, and for the sake of it Discord. Favorite hero: Arm Falloff boy(look it up), iron man, Hulk, and The Flash. Favorite Villain: The Joker, Led Luthor?, Penguin, Two Face, Harley Quinn, and clayface, and for the sake of it Discord.
  8. One of my best friends, who has a bit of a temper, often tends to mistake acts of kindness towards for I guess you could call it disrespect. A good example being, yesterday I was at his house with another friend, we were playing some halo, and his mother came in with no joke freshly baked cupcakes, she gave us a plate of them to snack on. After she left he was visibly annoyed saying this like "really cupcakes, what are we kids" meanwhile the other friend and I were already eating the cupcakes. It mostly tends to happen with things such as that, I am probably looking too much into it. But he lately has been getting increasingly bitter and easily frustrated. Should I be worried because he's never been like this not to this extent and I am not quite sure what to do about it.
  9. I can be a pretty happy guy especially around my friends but when I get into a "mood" I get solemn, cynical, bitter and can be outright cruel, my friends tend to recognize when it happens apparently according to them I have a signature smile fade. But yeah I can turn pretty evil.
  10. I am not calling psychology a joke, I think its a very interesting study, my friend who is studying to be a psychologists told me that there is a lot of generalizations, and proceeded to try an explain it to me, this topic is boiled down what I could write in a short time. An hour lecture boiled down to less then 5 minutes, Next time I talk to him I'll ask him to reexplain, in a way that I'll be able to transfer better into text format.
  11. Slightly off topic is it weird that I both love and fear the dark, I gimme a choice between darkness and sunlifhr , I'll take darkness in a heartbeat(I am 25% vampire, the cool brand, also 50% orc but that's beside the point) anyone know what I mean?
  12. You know what I'm right there with you, as my older brother put when I was a kid "be afraid of the dark"
  13. Stomach cramps, specifically the waves kind, you know you are think its over but then it comes back stronger then you can possibly imagine, I have ideas on why this is the case, but everytime it happens I'm just like oh god no PLEASE NO!, so yeah fear of severe stomach cramps
  14. Freaking exactly, I had been taking that cocktail for years and now that I'm off it I already feel happier more outgoing
  15. I have ADHD, so I need medicine to "function" in day to day life, I was diagnosed when I was three years old and I have gone to the same doctor for my entire life...until earlier today, I went to new clinic today because the waiting time was getting stupid so I went to the doctor and was in her office in literally 5 minutes, she looks over the pills I'm taking, and visibly frowns, I ask what the problem is and she tells me not only and on near illegal dosage on one pill I'm on antipsychotics and various other pills that I don't need, my heart stopped at that moment, in one visit I have gone down from 5 pills to 2, I just wanted say this because I thouht I was going to die, and before any of you say that I should know what medications I take not one person told me this, and I wasn't feeling sick or anything so I just went along with it, so yeah that's my story for the day.
  16. Yeah, now that I think about that might explain why every other guy I meet(myself included) has ADHD or ADD or LSD, you know apparentlyits a lot more common then it used to be
  17. Yeah I have a friend who is studying be be a psychologist and as a joke I ask him to analyze me and basically he told me that there is no way to tell if someone is actually insane, He explained that its actually a lot of guess work because symptoms can actually just be everyday behavior. For example being bored and wanting to stretch your legs can be be interpreted as a compulsive disorder, being angry can be described as going beserk, So yeah just wanted to share, If what my friend is telling me is actually bullshit, let me know because I want to yell at him if that's the case.
  18. This thread is basically just to share what happened today because I feel like I need to tell people. I have friend well we're a little then that now. We've literally known each other our entire lives, actually you wouldn't expect us to be friends, simply because of our immensely different personalities. He has near infinite energy always wanting to do something, and I'm an old man in everything but age and physical appearance, he friendly and trusting to the extent or being hurt because of it, while I am very cynical and trust only those closest to me. Basically today I went to the nearby dinner for breakfast and my friend shows up(let's just call him Harry) I offer him a seat and offer to buy him something, We got omelets we ate and he asks if I wanted to go biking in the hills, I said yes so as we are walking he is chatting away. I jokingly quoted solaire saying " you really are fond of chatting with me aren't you,if I didn't know any better I'd say you had feelings for me". Harry is horrible at hiding stuff especially from me so he badly lies (I swear he is worse the AppleJack) We stop and raise an eyebrow at him which is my way of saying "cut the shit" after a bit of delay he tells me he is gay and does in fact have feelings for me. I pause to collect my thoughts and contain my happiness as I felt the same way. He started walk away I stopped him and told him to come here, I then put my hand on his shoulder and basically said the feelings mutual so we talked resuming our walk(hey it may not be 50 shades but it was a fantastic moment for me) so we basically became a couple during that walk however I am moving to Massachusetts next Friday but I did overhear both our parents talking about him staying over next summer ,one can only hope I trust him enough to stay true, I just hope the guy can handle himself without me, he tends to get himself in trouble, but I think he'll do fine. Anyway thanks for hearing me ramble on about my day. I just really wanted to share the experience (I swear since it happened Nmy life's becoming more and more like a romantic comedy..ugh)
  19. I found a very rare animal it is one of the most powerful in the universe and is just as old it is...the walrus monkey. Also 2_best friends but that's beside the point
  20. I don't know I suppose I am asking any has this sort of thing happen you know just little irritations build up, I was pissed when I wrote the first part, because I guess it's a big change moving and lately the world seems to want my head on a silver plate. But I'd rather not go further into it. But to what I'm asking, I suppose it would be has anyone had those moments when you are at home and you just want to relax and the world seems to be keen on not letting that happen? Just to be clear I don't hate Jehovah's witnesses or any religion, you can believe in the great walrus monkey its your decision and I respect it. Like I said with all that's been going on with me I needed to vent. I could've handled it better and honestly in better conditions I probably would've invited the guy in offer him a drink or something and hear him out. Have a walrus monkey everypony
  21. Its really late(didn't bother to check a clock lol) where I am now my parents got home like 15 minutes ago(Date night yeah) but just a half an hour ago I was sleeping in my bed and all of suddenly the door bell rings. I tried to ignore it but the asshole wouldn't let up. At first I thought it was the random jerk in my neighborhood that just goes around ringing doorbells sometimes(Its a good thing I'm moving to Massachusetts in like a week) I give in and go to the door, and as if I was in some sort of bad sitcom on the other side was a man, holding a bible,trying to sell his religion to me. He went through the whole "embrace Jesus" thing. Now don't get back me wrong I may be an atheist however if you believe in God or good old Beelz, It doesn't matter I respect your opinion as long as you respect mine. As you can imagine I was a little annoyed,I started glaring at him so hard when he realized what my face looked like he trailed of mid sentence, got sort of an "oh" look on his face, apologizd and told me too have a good night. This is really just a stress rant with the freaking door bell guy and my family moving cross country I guess this sort pissed me off enough to write about it. Actually has something like this happened to anybody else?
  22. Actually I have a friend who went to sailing camp, I think in Rhode island and the day that they had a test to sail down a river in a dingy said river was filled with jellyfish,he also told me he had a tendency to capsize his boats but luckily he managed not to, however he said he did go verticle for a second, So yeah my friend is apparently a very skilled sailor with proper encouragement
  23. I hate to say that but with my luck I'll die in a stupid way like tripping on a rock and breaking my neck or something along those lines. How I would like to die either in a blaze of gun fire or sacrificing my self to save someone preferably both. funny thing a friend of mine and I have a deal going whichever one of us goes first the other stands at the funeral dressed as the grim reaper. If I do it then my plan is to, as I'm standing there to tap the shoulder of the guy next to me and say "see you next week" and leave it at that.
  24. Male. Of course stereotypes mainly the meatheads that seem to magnetize to my current location no matter where I am (theres only so many timee a Sane human can hear "bro" without wanting to tear out there alcohol poisoned liver and shove it down their throat) other then that having to act manly and of course those awkward moments when you realize you are getting an erection even though your just sitting at your desk doing nothing.
  25. I've noticed a trend of sharks being thought of as monsters here just a few facts that might prove otherwise The chances of you getting bit by a shark a lower then getting hit by lightning. Also there a ways to prevent it and also to defend yourself if it does happen, first sharks use electrical signals to hunt and it also happens that a person splashing around leaves signal similar to a wounded fish that combined with the fact that sharks are scavengers at heart makes you look like an easy meal. Also sharks are territorial so just be aware of that, and a quick fun fact great whites are as lethal as you may think, Bull sharks are more aggressive and can live in fresh water as well as salt. The rest of preventing a shark attack is to just be smart if one is heading toward you swim in a calm manner back to shore splashing is going to encourage him. And if it does happen reel back a punch him in the nose as hard as you can where the nose is a major nerve center as smell is a primary sense for them and punching them there will daze them kind of like if you stare into a strobe light you really see very well for a little. But also sharks have shown to have a sense of family kind of like dolphins and shark pups have been seen behaving in a manor similar to playing and there is even an interspecies hierarchy as some species have a higher feeding priority over others and will always go for the easy meal as in sick or old sea creatures. Honestly I just don't feel they've earned their negative reputation. Any comments or missed facts?
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