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The kind of brony

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Posts posted by The kind of brony

  1. I made this topic just so i could kinda clear my mind of things that happen to me i really feel happy that i made someone really think, thank you :)

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Taday was a great day, i got my eyes checked so i could get contacts and supplize so i could make my pinkie pie toy that i got awhile ago look more like pinkie pie.

    After i got home from walmart, i asked my mom if she wanted to go on a bike ride, she said she had to finish something on work real quick, and i believed her.

    So i waited

    And waited

    And finally when i was about to give it up she closed her computer and we went outside and started.

    There is a loop of (kinda) pavement at the end of our development where we usually ride, we went around once, then almost twice but durring the second loop i looked down at my wheel and something was wrong, one of the screws that held it in place came lose and i stopped. My mom came back and saw the problem, we agreed that she would ride around the loop and see if she could find it, but the plan was really not clear.

    So i waited for her to come back, probably not finding it. And then we'd go home.

    And i waited.



    Finnally i was so worried that i decided to round the loop the way she went to see where she was.

    So i walked my bike around and all the time as i walked i just worried more as images of her crashing came into my mind, and i walked faster and tears streamed down my cheeks and i just wanted her there.

    I didn't find her.

    I started assuming the worst.

    I was thinking about heading around the loop again.

    There is a fork in the road where the loop starts, one heads home, and one goes to where i started, next to a mailbox.

    I was turning my bike into the road that would bring me past the mailbox when something caught my eye.

    A deer, a doe. Young by the size of it, bounding across the street from left to right and at that moment i knew my mother was at home.

    I walked to my house with a feeling of betrayal, she left me alone while she made her way home.

    I felt alone.

    When i walked inside my mom was sitting on the couch, computer in hand, working.

    I havent really cried in front of anyone for a long time, ive cried, but not a sobbing cry that makes you look terrible.

    But i cried.

    I did. Right there.

    I could tell my mother felt terrible though, she hugged me and couldn't stop saying sorry.

    The plan really wasn't clear.

    I feel so thankful for that doe, bounding everso gracefully into the weeds.

    I love my mom.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. I have always written lyrics so my advice is just write down your feelings about anything, and then try putting a melody to it, if the words fit, great but usually it takes a while to make everything complement each other, just tell me if you need help with anything and i promise ill get back to you

  4. I'm new and felt like starting a topic so



    Ok i have no idea how to use this webste could somone plx tell me how to change my pic??????

    • Brohoof 2
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