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Everything posted by ArcherSlamBAM

  1. As a YouTubing Brony, myself, I try to make sure my reviews are suitable for all ages. Granted, I drop the F-Bomb a couple of times, but I give fair warning at the beginning of said videos. In any case, I do know that some Bronies on YouTube can be mean, but I haven't seen any, myself.
  2. Actually, I'm with ya - I hate Celestia in this episode. Just a couple of changed lines would have completely saved this ending, and instead, it's the worst ending to an MLP episode I've ever seen. And Celestia...well, she's in top contention for my least favorite royal character in the show, and that's including the villains. BAD CELESTIA!
  3. While I personally find Smosh and PewDiePie highly overrated, EpicMealTime makes me literally sick.
  4. I'm gonna have to be a cynic with this one, am I? Damn it... Truth be told, while there were some good moments in this episode (DISCORD'S HOUSE,) I thought it was a little disappointing. And that ending with Celestia was one of the worst endings I've ever seen - easily the worst ending with this show. Yet, it could easily have been avoided; have Celestia and Twilight try to save Tree Hugger, Fluttershy could still get through to Discord and ba-da-bing: the ending is saved. I get that she just wants some fun, but it shouldn't be at the expense of someone else's safety, is what I mean. And if you guys wanna kill me, I live right next door to Discord. Come on over. I'll...have cheese sandwiches ready or...something.
  5. ...The Stepford Wives. The leader, to be exact. For those of you who don't know, the leader in the Stepford Wives wanted to make a utopia of people who are emotionless. Equal. I dunno, that's just what she makes me think of.
  6. It took me over a week past my deadline to get it done, but it's done! Happy late Halloween, everypony! If you can guess all the costumes Archer dressed up in, you get a virtual white macadamia nut cookie! (I'm aware that these costumes look shoddy at best, but they all took me a week and a half to do. They're the main reason why this video took so long, so I am sosososososo sorry. ;_; ) This is also the first video I made that has credits at the end, and that'll be a normal thing for when I do full-on movie reviews. I have a couple in mind, but I need to get the ones I have scheduled done first. Thanks for watching, everypony! https://vimeo.com/111384721 (It's on Vimeo because it's fighting a copyright strike on YouTube. Also, I plan to upload a newer version fixing the visual issues this one had. Actually, buck that! The claim has just been dropped! Go wild, everyone!)
  7. I am creating a new mini series of me analyzing the shows I picked on in my previous rant video. At the end of each show, I will review three episodes of each show save for Shorty McShort's Shorts, I will give my final thoughts on the series. I've seen numerous episodes from these series, and they're not good. They're really bad. Anyways, this video cuts off at the end as it is meant to be a three-parter. The quality isn't the best, I'm still trying to fix the picture-in-picture, as in some places, the video craps out. This first one is the Teen Titans Go, with the episodes being Girls Night Out, Colors of Raven and Parasite. Once the second part is up, I'll link it as an annotation. I apologize for being terribly late, as well as the bad quality.
  8. There are no words to describe how I feel...
  9. This week is a double hitter! Archer Talks Shipping! The Top 10 Commercials!
  10. We are a group of imaginative, creative minds. ...either that, or we're just really, really bored. This time, I snagged these images from MLP's Fan Wikia and the MLP Wikia. Doesn't mean I own them. Same with the Tavilicious and Turnabout Oops videos, though I do love them. Also, this video marks the return of Regkey's Tavi song, I luv it! Everything else that is Archer belongs to meh! (Crickets, sadly, included.) Next time: The 10 Best Commercials I've Ever Seen!
  11. www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrIw6IZK9Fw The continuation of the Trilogy of Stupidity Next time: Background Ponies!
  12. https://vimeo.com/104124413 This is the final product I could put together. Thank you for your support.
  13. I am beginning to put the video together. If anyone else wants to join in, message me either today or tomorrow (Thursday the 21st.) The video will be up on the 22nd. Thank you for your time.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6Kvrf_-b8o&list I hope you guys have no OBJECTIONS with this video! Next time: A Robin Williams Memorial. I am still accepting testimonials if you guys are willing.
  15. Name: Archer Gender: Male Backstory: With a Zebra for a father and a Pegasus for a mother, he had a slightly harsh fillyhood. But, he had been moved from place to place to place, so to make up for the many changes, he had chosen to stay spontaneous. However, his fast flying got him onto the Royal Guards' radar, so to speak. He's a reckless flier, more like a flying brick, but he was hired on as a fledgling guard. Style: His fighting style is very unorthodox, and doesn't have many magical powers. However, he can call for a portal to fling bricks at his opponents. He can divebomb into his opponent (with the sound of a bowling ball hitting a lot of pins going off as soon as he hits.) His techniques also includes flying cartwheels, back-flips, back-kicks, and laughing maniacally to creep his opponents out. Music Theme: The music theme would have to be Tavi by r e g k e y. Stage: His stage would be his home, which has a large blue eclipse on one wall. Species: He is dubbed as a "PegaZebra," due to his mixed heritage. Character traits: His character traits are that he has the build of an Earth Pony, but with wings. And he's borderline insane, having erratic movements. He always wears a smile on his face, as well. Dialogue: (Match Start Dialogue) "Hehah, we're gonna have some fun tonight, fillies!" (Match Won Dialogue) "YES! The psycho rules!" (Match Lost Dialogue) "Wow, you're good...really, really good..." Cutie Mark: His cutie mark, though mostly hidden due to his wings, is that of a tribal-style Comedy Mask. Age: He is a teenaged colt, around the age as Applejack or Rainbow Dash. Affiliation: He is good, though many would wonder otherwise.
  16. I know I said that next Monday, I'd be uploading the next part in the Trilogy of Stupidity, but with the passing of Robin Williams, I felt compelled to make a video based on his body of work. But, I need your help. As much help as I can... If you're interested, please send me a clip of you telling how Robin Williams' movies/TV shows brightened up your life. I need it by Sunday to work it into the video...I wouldn't do this if it was any other actor, but Robin Williams is an actor in a league of his own. Thank you for your consideration.
  17. Tonight I raise a glass and shed some tears.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cosmonaut
    3. ArcherSlamBAM


      Yeah, that... I'm planning on making a video based on his body of work, pushing the 10 Comedic Commercials back by a week.

    4. Cosmonaut


      That would be great. He is a great man.

  18. PSAs like that are borderline terrifying. But...I didn't want my list to be entirely made of PSAs. XD
  19. Yeah, the next part's gonna be...weirder than this one. Let's say this: it'll start with me saying, "Best put seatbelts on your brains, kids, 'cuz I'm about to plow them into the nearest tree!"
  20. Erm...sorry. But, then again, these are particularly terrifying ads.
  21. Part 1 of a Trilogy of Stupidity, it is astonishing what made it through the censors. Viewer's discretion is advised. Next time: Archer Talks Mauroz!
  22. It's no problem, I tend to miss some details. Which means, if you catch something I didn't let me know! XD
  23. I was merely delivering my perspective on the fandom's liking of her, is all. Do I agree with them? Yes. Also, I'll admit I was mistaken about the end of Boast Busters.
  24. The Meager and Goofy Archer has uploaded a video! This time, I talk about the mesmerizing tricks from the Great and Powerful Trixie, as well as the fandom's adoration for the magical magician. Next time: Archer Talks Creepy Commercials (Part One of a Top 10 Trilogy.)
  25. Oh, trust me: Teen Titans Go is a is a massive slap in the face, not only to those who loved the original (myself, included,) but to those who love watching cartoons in general. I saw three episodes, Staring at the Future, Waffles and the one with Beast Boy getting a scar. Staring At the Future? It's Go's version of the classic episode How Long is Forever. ...no, I'd be giving it too much credit- It takes that episode and beats it into an in-recognizable pulp due to its deplorable ways. Cyborg and Beast Boy are NOT the characters we loved in the originals, as these idiots (I'm complementing them with that remark!) are the CAUSE of all the problems. Waffles? ...eleven minutes of characters, namely Cy and BB, repeating the word "waffles" infinitely. Robin even tells them doing so isn't funny, it's just annoying...which means the writers knew it wasn't funny, yet they went along with it anyways. There's a reason why I made a rant video about all this...
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