Name: Archer
Gender: Male
Backstory: With a Zebra for a father and a Pegasus for a mother, he had a slightly harsh fillyhood. But, he had been moved from place to place to place, so to make up for the many changes, he had chosen to stay spontaneous. However, his fast flying got him onto the Royal Guards' radar, so to speak. He's a reckless flier, more like a flying brick, but he was hired on as a fledgling guard.
Style: His fighting style is very unorthodox, and doesn't have many magical powers. However, he can call for a portal to fling bricks at his opponents. He can divebomb into his opponent (with the sound of a bowling ball hitting a lot of pins going off as soon as he hits.) His techniques also includes flying cartwheels, back-flips, back-kicks, and laughing maniacally to creep his opponents out.
Music Theme: The music theme would have to be Tavi by r e g k e y.
Stage: His stage would be his home, which has a large blue eclipse on one wall.
Species: He is dubbed as a "PegaZebra," due to his mixed heritage.
Character traits: His character traits are that he has the build of an Earth Pony, but with wings. And he's borderline insane, having erratic movements. He always wears a smile on his face, as well.
Dialogue: (Match Start Dialogue) "Hehah, we're gonna have some fun tonight, fillies!" (Match Won Dialogue) "YES! The psycho rules!" (Match Lost Dialogue) "Wow, you're good...really, really good..."
Cutie Mark: His cutie mark, though mostly hidden due to his wings, is that of a tribal-style Comedy Mask.
Age: He is a teenaged colt, around the age as Applejack or Rainbow Dash.
Affiliation: He is good, though many would wonder otherwise.