My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Fluttershy How did you find MLP Forums?: I found MLP forums via the Pink Mist video on the subject (MLP Forums for Newbies).
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I became a brony by seeing the bronies mucial by AVbyte. It convinced me to watch an episode (I eventually found them on dailymotion). I really got into the whole thing and became a brony.
I'm a teenager from Melbourne, Australia.
I like four of the mane six (not rarity or rainbow).
My favourite episode is Twilight's Kingdom and my least favourite is Sweet and Elite because I really dislike Rarity.
I am also an aspiring brony analyst who has one video out at time of posting- so far no one has seen it so I would love it if someone could check it out (my youtube name is BookBrony)- note that it appears there is another BookBrony on some social media and that isn't me.
I'm looking forward to spending more time with the other bronies.