"Uh, no, not me," answered Silvermind Goodspeak. "And remind me not to let you lead again, okay?"
Stopping to take a swig of clean water, he noticed a destroyed house. Nothing new, he thought. As he went to put the water back in his saddle bag, however, he did a double take. A pony was lying in front of the house, and he seemed to be alive! Silvermind rushed over to the pony.
"What happened here? Are you alright?" he asked his unconscious patient. He received no response.
"Okay, let's patch you up and get you out of here. ...Oh, god, you're in a nasty shape." Silvermind reached into his saddle bag and took out some water. He gingerly poured a bottle over the burn wounds, then opened his patient's mouth and poured half a bottle down his throat.
"Chain! Hazel!" called Silvermind. "Get over here and help me with this pony! We need to get him out of these harsh conditions."