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Everything posted by ThatPortalGuy

  1. Sorry, but a number of complications have come up. I regret to inform you that I will no longer be able to participate in this roleplay.
  2. "I, too, can sympathize," Silvermind consoled. "I know what it's like to lose your family like this... Well, almost like this." He looked away. "Anyway. I'll leave you to the burial." Silvermind picked up his bag and walked after Chain, thinking about that fateful day not too long ago, where his world was shot to pieces, and he was thrust out into the unforgiving Wasteland.
  3. "Here," answered Silvermind, supplying the two empty water bottles. "I know how to make Stimpaks, but I have no syringes." I don't know how to make a campfire, though. And in your condition, there are probably better candidates." "Chain!" he called. "You know how to make a campfire, right?"
  4. Silvermind nodded. "I'll go inside and see what I can find." He entered the burned-out ruins of Nuclear's house. Not too long afterwards, he left, carrying some assorted herbs, namely some Xander Roots and Broc Flowers. He handed the herbs to Nuclear and said, "Please forgive me, my knowledge of new-world medicine is limited. You'll have to make it yourself."
  5. "Thank you," Silvermind answered. He turned to Powers. "I'm Silvermind Goodspeak, by the way. Do you need some more water? What wounds do you have? How bad are they? Do you need immediate medical attention? What happened here?" Silvermind attacked Powers with a flurry of questions. "...Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. First things first, how much pain are you in?"
  6. "Maybe," Silvermind answered Chain. "I know how to treat his burns, but I don't have the proper medicine. First things first, we need to get him inside somewhere. This burnt-out house won't do... You have a Pip-Buck, right? Where's the nearest city? Hazel, help me lift him up."
  7. Please note that I am an idiot who didn't read the rules correctly but has since changed his post to make at least a little sense in the context we are supposed to be operating in Thank you
  8. Do we have to start in a group? I mean, my plan was to revive Hazmat, and then add you to the party.
  9. "Uh, no, not me," answered Silvermind Goodspeak. "And remind me not to let you lead again, okay?" Stopping to take a swig of clean water, he noticed a destroyed house. Nothing new, he thought. As he went to put the water back in his saddle bag, however, he did a double take. A pony was lying in front of the house, and he seemed to be alive! Silvermind rushed over to the pony. "What happened here? Are you alright?" he asked his unconscious patient. He received no response. "Okay, let's patch you up and get you out of here. ...Oh, god, you're in a nasty shape." Silvermind reached into his saddle bag and took out some water. He gingerly poured a bottle over the burn wounds, then opened his patient's mouth and poured half a bottle down his throat. "Chain! Hazel!" called Silvermind. "Get over here and help me with this pony! We need to get him out of these harsh conditions."
  10. This sounds like fun. I notice there has been a steady increase of Fo:E rps in the last year... anyway, here's my character sheet. Name: Silvermind Goodspeak Race: Earth Pony Gender: Male Age: 26 Karma: Good Appearance: You know the color of the sky when there's a slight marine layer? That sort of bluish-grey? Well, that's the color of his coat, and his mane and tail are silver. He's slightly taller than average, and has dark brown (nearly black) eyes. He wears reading glasses and Pre-War businesswear, and his cutie mark is a silver brain. Armor: Pre-War business wear, reading glasses Weapons: None Supplies: Meeting Ponies x2, Clean Water x5, Stimpak x3, Today's Physician x2 Lvl: 1 Perks: Lady Killer Confirmed Bachelor Traits: Good Natured, Four Eyes S: 3 P: 5 E: 3 C: 9 I: 10 A: 5 L: 5 Tags: Science: 37 Speech: 35 Medicine: 37 Others: Barter: 20 Battle Saddles: 8 (Magic) Energy Weapons: 12 Explosives: 12 Lockpick: 12 Melee Weapons: 8 Small Guns: 14 Sneak: 12 Survival: 8 Unarmed: 8 We can do traits, right?
  11. Yeah, I was told that before I submitted. Still, I figured it was worth a try, seeing as how I cannot for the life of me find any good Fallout roleplays.
  12. Hey, I was wondering if I could submit my character. I realize it's a bit late, but Jonas Darkmane should be able to vouch for my roleplaying skill. Name: Silvermind Goodspeak Race: Earth Pony Gender: Male Age: 26 Appearance: You know the color of the sky when there's a slight marine layer? That sort of bluish-grey? Well, that's the color of his coat, and his mane and tail are silver. He's slightly taller than average, and has dark brown (nearly black) eyes. He wears reading glasses and Pre-War businesswear, and his cutie mark is a silver brain. Special: S (strength): 3 P (perception): 5 E (endurance): 3 C (charisma): 9 I (intelligence): 10 A (agility): 5 L (luck): 5 Tag Skills: Speech, Science, Medicine Traits: Good Natured, Wild Wasteland Four Eyes Perks: Lady Killer, Confirmed Bachelor Skills Barter: 20 Battle Sattles: 8 Explosives: 12 Firearms: 12 Lockpick: 12 MEW: 12 Mechanics: 22 Medicine: 37 Melee: 8 Science: 37 Sneak: 12 Speech: 35 Survival: 8 Unarmed: 8 Starting Equipment: 10 bottles of Sunrise Sarsaparilla 10 "fresh" food items 20 bottles of pure water 3 issues of "Meeting Ponies" 2 issues of "Today's Physician" If you turn me down, I totally understand.
  13. Oh, sweet. I'm reading Endeavor's OOC right now. It looks really good, is it still open?
  14. Yeah, it appeared that way. Oh, well... I tried looking for other Fallout roleplays, but tbh they're all pretty bad. I think I'll start my own, with much stricter rules. (In my opinion, there were a few participants in this roleplay that directly led to its death.)

  16. No, I get it. More than half a year now, isn't it? Sorry. School got real bad... I'm on summer break now, though.
  17. Taking in Elegron's description of Silvermind, Veronica wasn't sure whether or not he would be a threat. If Silvermind didn't like Elegron too much, she may be able to work with him to sabotage him. On the other hand, Elegron did also call him a friend. (if only half-) She figured that if they ran into him, she would just have to be on her hooves.
  18. "Silvermind?" questioned Veronica, getting into the sky chariot. The name faintly rung a bell, but she couldn't quite place her hoof on it. "Who's that?" At any rate, she didn't like what the name implied. If he really did have a silver mind, (figuratively, of course), then he would be able to see right through her.
  19. "Good to know," she said, meaning it. These ponies would be no use to her dead. Well, actually, that wasn't entirely true... But still, she needed to trusted before she could go around sabotaging the team. At the current moment, it would be far to obvious. "Are we ready to go, then?" asked Veronica.
  20. Luckily, Veronica saw what the bomber was up to before he exploded, and managed to get out of harm's way in time. This display of power from Rave did nothing to diminish her hopes of gaining control over the region by siding with him... In fact, it did quite the opposite. Veronica doubted DJ-Pon3 would be making many more broadcasts, and even if she did, no one would listen. In fact, they'd probably riot... And Veronica could certainly use that to her advantage. Still, she had bigger fish to catch then Tenpony Tower. She trotted over to Elegron and Cloudia. "Hey, are you two alright? I've got some stimpacks here if you need them," she offered, hoping to gain their trust.
  21. "Veronica Brighthoof, pleased to meet you," Veronica smiled. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to get a few things from my room." Veronica left and went upstairs to her apartment, where she had stowed a variety of chems. She picked out some Party Time Mentats and stowed them in her saddle bags. After all, she reasoned, a little help can't hurt. Ready to go, Veronica went back downstairs and waited by the exit.
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