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Everything posted by Astraea

  1. I've taken to using common MLP fandom words like "brohoof" instead of high-five and "facehoof" instead of facepalm, etc. I also am trying to supplement a lot of my swearing with the MLP approved swear words just because, well, if it is on a show for 7 year olds and people haven't flipped their horseapples by now, then it must not be all that offensive to the majority of people so there's that. Apparently swearing is considered uncouth by many while to me words are just words and using swears does not show a lack of manners or intellect but are sentences enhancers of sorts. Then there's me saying either Celestia's or Luna's name in place of god. I try to make sure a little bit of pony refferance can be interjected into any conversation as it help me discover other fellow bronies and at the very least let's others know that I happen to be one. It's an ice breaker of sorts. Also "keep calm and flutter on," happens to be my departing message for a lot of RL things.
  2. Sorry for not having much to add but in regards to their gender bent names, I've always thought of "Morning Glow" for Twilight and "Sonic Dash" for Rainbow but I must say I rather light Rainbow Blitz... I do feel some type of way about their gender bent personalities though. Part of my appeal for RD, AJ, and Twily is their personalities not being in the,well I guess, norm for their genders. RD being the athletic tomboy type, AJ being the hardworking, down to earth type who doesn't mind sweating, and Twily the studious one. Surprising, studious types are seen as a negative trait when it comes to female characters or so I've seen in other media besides the famed Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series. I am highly interested in seeing both Rarity's and Fluttershy's personality handled in their male forms though. That would be a hoot. And quick google search of r63 Princess Celestia and Princess Luna...*faints* On a side note, I always wanted to see a male alicorn within the show though. Eh, keep calm and flutter on fellow bronies.
  3. Thank's for the yay, Darker but if you do not mind my asking, what don't you know about exactly? The concept itself or perhaps some of the things it deals with like vampirirsm or the notion that blood drinking might be brought into the pony-verse?
  4. Interview with a vampire pony, anyone?

  5. So um yeah, getting right into this one here. Here tells the story of Elysium, a pony quite different from most. Be it her emerald eyes that shine unnaturally bright, her pale, flaxen coat that shimmers under the moonlight, or perhaps her lust for the delicious red stuff that runs through the veins of every living creature. Whatever the case may be, here is the written journal of a highly misunderstood creature that seems to want friends more than she wants to harm anypony. If only they would give her a chance. Welp, that's the synopsis and general idea of what I have for this fic. I plan on it being just a one shot if I ever get around to actually writing it and I was just wondering if any of you fellow bronies had any ideas for it. I kind of see it in my head as being a comedy of sorts while still having some deeper parts. The message I want to get across is basically to "not judge a book by its cover". So uh, comment "yay" or "nay" below please and thank you.
  6. Rarity: "Your wardrobe darling, simply has to be the most terrible thing. Ever. I just don't understand how someone with such an artistic flare can have such...a 'unique' way of putting together an...'interesting' ensemble. Never fear, they do not call me a miracle worker for nothing." Me: *shrugs while blushing bashfully*
  7. Once the stars have fallen, can they rise again?

    1. Renton


      definitely :)

    2. Astraea


      If you are into FiM fictions, don't be scared to check out my first attempt at a story here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/209123/stars-rise-fall

      Much appreciated if you do.

  8. “Oh Astraea,” The princess spoke as she gazed upon the azure furred filly as her heart sank to a familiar pit in her stomach. “There are reasons as to why the practice of dark magic is strictly forbidden.” Looking at the young mare as the inky black tendrils of darkness began to crawl from her horn and turn her starry coat dark as the night itself, she bit back the guilt that rose within her, mustering all her strength to speak. “...reasons such as this.” This guilt was felt deeper than even the guilt she had felt all those many years ago when she witnessed the same thing happen to her dear sister. It stung her with the vigor of a fresh wound – for which it was – and what made it worse was the fact that this, like before, was yet again, all her fault. The dark magic she had warned her dear niece to never tamper with and the resulting corruption that came from her doing just that, had been her own doing though all she had wanted to do was familiarize her with it and protect her from it if it so happened to latch itself onto her. Part of the reason she came to believe Luna had fallen victim to the dark forces was her ignorance to it as even back when the two of them were young fillies, not yet princesses even, the art had been an arcane practice. Instead, it seemed that she had single hoofly led her down this path by showing her the forbidden tomes and teaching her basic defense spells after attacking her with a bit of dark magic in the hopes that that would be enough to guard her from it. “By dabbling in the dark arts, you've opened yourself to the dark forces that transformed your mother into Nightmare Moon. I am sorry my dear niece, but there is nothing that I can do for you now.” Lowering her gaze and her head, unable to watch her failure unfold before her for a second time, she involuntarily began to take a few steps back, her hooves clacking against the marble floor as her withers rippled in response to the vileness that seeped from her young niece, her body instinctively not wanting anything to do with it. Tears pooled in her magenta colored eyes and fell from her lashes as the image of Astraea's golden colored orbs was burned into her mind. Just the remembrance of the wave upon wave of negative emotions she saw reflected in them turned her stomach and brought a deep rooted sorrow out of its hiding place that she had thought, since her sister's return, had been long settled. Emotions such as jealousy, inadequacy, pride, and a lust for power, were all emotions she remembered seeing in the eyes of the young mare's mother just before she banished her to the moon. With Luna, she had been blindsided by her sister's sudden desire to blanket Equestria in her eternal night and stand as the land's only princess, though that had not been the case with her niece. She had had warnings with Astraea and while now her earlier theories to dismiss them were clear to have been nothing but her foalish attempt to not see what had been happening directly under her very eyes, with every memory of their past conversations running through her head as she found her flank pressed against a wall, it became obvious that her wishful thinking had led something like this to pass under her nose. She should have seen this coming and it frustrated her even more knowing that subconsciously, she had, yet had done nothing to prevent it. With the coolness of the stone at her backside, she gasped with the sudden jolt of a phantom pain of a wound that had long healed. The arching lightning bolt shaped scar still remained under her pristine coat, invisible to all minus herself and Luna, that faded mark nopony knew lay under white fur thanks to her amazing regenerative abilities that healed her from the most serious of injuries. It was with that, that she found herself and her eyes narrowed as she lifted her head and held it with the character of the immortal alicorn princess she had forgotten herself to be. “I command that the dark forces that have so taken the body of my niece hostage, leave at once less I am forced to remove it at the risk of causing harm to the vessel you've claimed.” It was a bluff but she had hoped that her words rang with enough power to scare the darkness into letting her niece's body go. Even as the words left her mouth, she instantly regretted saying them knowing that she would not be able to harm a hair in the main or the tail of her beloved niece. If she couldn't fight Luna when she openly attacked her, how could she point her horn at Astraea when she had done less? The young mare still stood in the same spot, kneeling as her face twisted, her eyes flickering back and forth between large, rounded pupils and cat-like ones signaling that the transformation was far from complete. How far was a question she had no answers for but she could judge that the process would remain unfinished as long as bits and pieces of Astraea's coat remained untouched by the darkness that crawled over her body. Her wings, lower legs, and her rump all remained their original color but the tendrils were advancing so she had to act fast. Even with her understanding that she had to do something – anything – she knew not what she could do to save her, her earlier words having been the complete truth. Her horn glowed with a brilliant yellow light as she readied her magic. She was preparing herself with numerous deflective and protective spells as she was against using offensive magic to subdue her at this point unless the situation developed to where she had no choice but to use it. However, as her magic called out for the assistance of the three Elements of Harmony that used to belong to her in the time before she lost her connection with them, she remembered that she could not reach them or channel their power anymore as the six elements now belonged to new bearers. Her heart sank to a new low and she swallowed realizing this. “There is nothing I can do for her.” Watching with a careful eye, she saw how jerky the young mare's movements were becoming. Robotically, she moved to crane her neck to look up at Celestia, her eyes just barely meeting hers with her sudden increase in height. The tip of her horn glow with a faint, blood red light, a drastic change from the light pink glow of her magic she had grown accustomed to since her niece's horn regrew with the gaining of her cutie mark just a few months prior. She made no movements to suggest that she was frightened by this even though deep down, she was quaking with fear. Fear of what she would do to prevent her niece from harming her precious ponies. Astraea's mouth opened and from inside she could see sharp, carnivorous teeth peering from her lips – a truly unnatural dentition for the herbivorous creature she was. She continued to watch as her throat constricted in response to the wicked smile that appeared. “Does...thou...wish...” Her voice came out low, changed, deeper than before with a rattle of something that made Celestia's stomach cut flips. Her ears rotated to the front of her head as she strained to catch the last bit of what she was saying. Astraea's eyes settled into their slitted appearance as the sinister smile grew wider only making the princess panic. Without warning and too quick before she had the chance to respond, there was a blinding flash of red colored magic and a searing pain that struck her side. Screaming at the blow that had been dealt to her side, there was no need to strain to hear her niece once the words boomed out of her mouth and echoed around the palace corridors following the fading sound of her own earlier outburst. “DOES THOU WISH TO SEE THE STARS FALL?!?” Even as she reeled from the blow, her ears ringing from the loudness of the usage of a corrupt version of the Royal Canterlot Voice, Celestia began to find her footing and rose to her hooves, her horn blazing and more than ready to unleash a fury of magic upon the being that dare strike her down in such a demeaning manner. As she got Astraea in her sights and planned to target her side to give her a matching scar to the one Luna had given her long ago, in the mists of her diabolical laughter, the shadows enveloped her and in another bright flash of crimson magic, Astraea's form disappeared from view leaving only an echo of thunder. With wide eyes and a gaping jaw, she stared at the blackened spot before her and cursed to herself in a very unprincipled manner as she shook from rage and fatigue. Her nostrils flared and she reared back on her hind legs, the adrenalin coursing through her veins dulling the pain she felt as she kicked angrily at the spot where her niece had been seconds before. Mighty hooves came crashing down onto the marble floor with all the strength of an earth pony and sounding like rolling thunder as she repeating the action several times more as her anger only rose. The final time her hooves struck the ground she took in a deep breath and felt the pain of her wound slightly with the stretching of her abdomen. “ASTRAEA!” She yelled to the ceiling of the palace as her voice was carried throughout the large dwelling and drawing in those who may have not previously heard the thunder of Astraea's escape or her one-pony stampede. Breathless and with black spots dotting the edges of her vision, she stood on her strong legs with blood dripping from the jagged wound as she made her way for the door where she was met by the concerned face of her dear sister. “My stars, what has happened? You are bleeding. Celestia, what on earth –“ “Astraea,” She spoke in one word as she walked past Luna not even looking at her as she continued on her way. Pausing hearing her daughter's name, her ears lowering with the thought of what – if anything – she had to do with the wounds sustained to her sister. She swallowed as one thought came to mind before she trotted beside Celestia once more. “No. No, it cannot be. Sister please, tell me 'tis not as it seems. P-perhaps you are mistaken. P-perhaps – “ “No Luna, I am not mistaken. As much as we both may wish otherwise, it is true.” Her voice came out more harshly that she had intended and she instantly regretted directing her frustrations at her. Luna stood, her blue eyes fearful, hurt, and ashamed all at the same time. Celestia softened her own eyes as she turned to her from the perch of the balcony and bowed in apology. “I am sorry, Luna. 'Tis not your fault and I know it. I will find her and I will do whatever needs to be done to right this. I will not send her to the moon as I did with you if I can so help it. Again, I am sorry it has come to this. I am–“ She wavered and her apology was cut short by a sharp intake of breath as she extended her wings against the darkness of the night sky. Luna saw how her eyes narrowed and how her brows knitted over them. Her legs stood strongly but it wasn't long before they buckled under her. Seeing her sister fall, Luna ran to her as the light blue aura of her magic wrapped around Celestia's form. Fat, burning tears rolled down her cheeks as she looked at her sister as they slowly began to close even as her face held a defiant look that told her that she was fighting the black out that was approaching. Calling for her guards to assist her as the warmth of her sister's blood began to seep into her own coat, her ears caught the sound of laughter from above. Luna looked up at her beautiful night sky littered with the articulately crafted constellations as she saw a glowing, winged form fly past the moon. Lightning struck and thunder rolled while she caught sight of other bodies streaking the sky and heading towards the ground below. “Falling stars.” The princess thought to herself with a touch of awe at seeing so many of them descend from the heavens all at once, brought down by a foal who had only recently discovered she had the ability to arrange them. The sound of thirty or more sets of hooves came clattering to the two of them along with the fluttering wing strokes of both Day and Night guard ponies as they filled out around the two princesses. A collective gasp fell over them before they cleared their throats and began to form a protective circle around their fallen leader and co-ruler. “Get her to the infirmary, quickly!” She demanded as she levitated her sister's crumpled body onto the chariot that awaited her. Sweat already beading on her brow at the effort, she looked to the sky once more as she nestled herself beside her sister as the guards pulled the chariot through the doors that lead them away from the balcony's edge. “What is it that I have done?” Luna asked herself as she looked down at her sister, the sound of falling stars echoing in her ears along with the sound of wretched laughter. And it was with that final image did the princess of the night awoke from her dream, her fur dampened by sweat, her cheeks and the fabric of her pillows stained by her tears. Confused and panicked, she lept from her bed and made her way to look out her window only to be greeted by the dawning light of the rising morning sun. Finding little comfort in merely seeing the sun rise, she bolted out of her chambers and down to the platform that was attached to the wing of her sister's to confirm that she was indeed alright. Her heart beat in her chest with the same thundering of her hooves as she made the rather short journey and with a flick of her magic, she threw open the heavy double doors of her sister's chambers to the surprise of the two guards that stood to either side of the doors, and ran full speed into Celestia as she was returning from having done her duty of guiding the sun into the sky. “Oh, well good morning, Luna. It is quite a surprise to see you up so early,” Celestia said with a chuckle in her voice as she looked down at her sister after recovering from being startled by her sudden appearance. It didn't take long before Celestia noticed the way her sister trembled in front of her. Her fur was damp and there were dark tracks of tears turning the light blue fur of her cheeks a darker shade. She smelled of stale sweat and of fear. Her smile dropped as she lowered her head and wrapped both her neck and her wing around her baby sister offering her comfort from whatever troubled her. “Luna, what is wrong? Are you alright?” She asked as she nuzzled her affectionately like a mother would their newborn foal. Luna merely shook her head as a new stream of tears began to fall from her eyes as she pressed her face into the side of her dear sister. Celestia held her for as long as Luna allowed her to before she sniffled and pulled herself together. She looked into her eyes which were now puffy and red but she saw the determined look she had known her sister having return to her face. Without either having to utter another word, they both knew that they had much to talk about.
  9. I actually want this to happen. My only pet peeve I've ever had with the My Little Pony franchise which includes FiM and the previous generations, is the sheer LACK of relate-able MALE characters. Now I know Hasbro did do the "big brother ponies"(I had one as a child), I think with the popularity of FiM and the overall morality lessons involved in most, if not all, of the episodes is something that can and should be passed on to any and everyone. The fact that the Mane Six is along with most characters within the show are predominately female as well, while I don't too much mind, it just...shortly put, I don't like it how people treat males for liking MLP. It like isolates one particular gender and while I'm not knocking the idea itself as the MLP was intended for little girls, I just don't agree with gender stereotypes. Also variety would be nice. And then the basis of how do the ponies even procreate since there are just so few male ponies within the show that we know of anyway. I'd like it if boys/men could watch and have a guy in it to be their show-avatar. I like horses and ponies are a type of equine, why shouldn't males also be able to like them, ya' know? Although I am female so I guess this doesn't apply much to me...*shys away from the conversation now after laying down her two cents*
  10. One word: people. Just people in general. This sometimes even extends to myself. People can do anything and you never know what's going on in another's mind. You may think you know, there may even be a high probability that you're right about it, but the reality that you honestly will never be 100% without a shadow of a doubt sure of what they are thinking or what they might do. Again, this even applies to myself at times. Yeah, I know, I'm weird.
  11. The ponies are cute. Their personalities I find, can be appealing in the same way one would find the personality of another person appealing which could lead to romanticizing about them as characters in general. As for sexy...*takes a deep breath*...to each his own really. Now I don't condone bestiality but I know that some are sexually attracted to anthropomorphic depictions of animals AKA the "furry" fandom. Some of the fan art of the ponies, both in their humanized forms and even their animal forms, are drawn in ways that are visually appealing. Now for terms of sexualizing the ponies themselves AS actual ponies, I say again, to each his own. I find the idea not so bad if it is yourself ponified interacting with the other characters. It is just the idea of human/animal relationship that squicks me out. This would also apply to the humanized versions of them. As long as both are human/pony then I don't find much of a problem with it. In short, if they were human, yeah, I'd tap that. On a another note, some of their voices just illicit certain feelings in certain people. Anyone ever just go weak in the knees for another's voice? Luna(and by extension since they share the same voice actress, this applies to Rarity as well), Twilight, and Celestia, this applies to you lol.
  12. Don't hate me but my headcanon totally ships Celestia and Luna even though the two are sisters. I just see either one getting so hurt if they loved a non-immortal character and of course with their being sisters, they would know each other like nopony ever would. I also support Celestia and Twilight as a student/teacher crush that has the potential to develope into something more but perhaps that is because I adore the Composure fic so much. Celestia and Twilight with a jealous Luna. Mwahahahaha. I also support Discord and Celestia simply because it would seem like Discord is immortal or at the very least has a looooong lifespan so no dying leaving the poor princess to mourn losing another person. I'm partial to FlutterCord mainly because I just see Discord being with Celestia but I like the dynamic that the show has with him and Fluttershy so I could see it happening. Fluttershy could use someone like him in her life to break her out of her shell a little bit and Discord just seems to have a thing for her anyway and vise versa. Directly after that, I support Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Now I know, I know just because Dash has a few masculine traits doesn't automatically make her les or even bi but I just feel that she wouldn't really mind or care if she had feelings for another filly. Dashie's and Fluttershy's background together really speaks to me in a way so there is that. Fluttershy always loving her from afar as she has a close friendship with Gilda and all that jive. It just seems cute to me. I also like the idea of Rainbow and AppleJack cause well...They are D'AWWWWWW together. Teehee, sugarcube. Though AppleJack in my head could either be straight or a closeted homosexual. Like she would have feelings for Dash but feel some type of way about it. Almost struggle in a way to come to terms with her feelings but perhaps that is but yet another stereotype I've thrown at her. Meh. Pinkie Pie could be with anypony, filly, colt, dragon pony, bat pony, meh. Pinkie is Pinkie Pie and she just stikes me as the type to not let gender or species get in her way or bother her. Then there's Rarity. Straight. Just straight. But then again I don't dislike the idea of her having a thing for Luna. Odd but yeah. Then Spike. That's just cute to me but of course she'd never really do anything about since he is like a baby but still. He's gaga over her and I think Rarity would at least humor him. So um, yeah. My ships have sailed.
  13. Does thou wish to see the stars fall?

    1. Thunderchild


      I trow not-for then I should behold future's end.

  14. All the different pony races have something special about them. Earth ponies are physically stronger than other ponies while Pegasus ponies are more physically fragile than Earth ponies and Unicorns while having wings and the ability to fly. I assume pegasi are weaker due to their special anatomy which is like a mixture of equine and avian, the avian part of them making their bones hollow like birds so they are light enough to be lifted off the ground with their own wings. Unicorns have innate magic that is channeled through their horns which is why they have them. They are pretty much like what PoisonClaw said, magic users who use their horn to channel their magic but it isn't the horn itself that gives them their magic abilities. Pegusi also have an innate magic that allows them to walk on clouds. It is this that makes them able to better affect the weather since they are able to work where the weather happens. Not all pegusi do things that invovle the weather though but many do just because they can. Doing it well is another story as having a special talent is also something else entirely. Alicorns are another race of ponies that happen to be rare in the FIM timeline for reasons unknown to me. They were once just as abundant as the other types of ponies. They have the charcteristics of both pegusi and unicorns as they can fly and use their horns to channel magic. Those born alicorns are no different than other ponies in reguards to their aging. They age like any other pony. A longer lifespan or immortality is not a unique quality only they can acheive. Other ponies can gain a longer lifespan by other means too if their special talent is needed in a way that their lives would need to be longer than average. Immortality is earned if a pony's talent becomes essencial for maintaining the balance in Equestria like Celestia and Luna who control the rising and setting of the sun and moon, respectively. Made alicorns like Twilight and Candace, IMO, are a response to the dwindling numbers of alicorns in general. For whatever reason, any of the pony types just one day *poof* become an alicorn at random. I personally don't like to think that Ceslestia or Luna can make other alicorns because for me, that makes them too powerful in my opinion. Plus, it is established that Celestia didn't even know about Candace UNTIL she became an alicorn. Ponies born to already immortal ponies, alicorn or otherwise, are born immortal but their immortality wares off after a while. They then have a choice to either age and die normally like other non-immortal ponies or they can attempt to earn their immortality some way. Hope this wasn't too confusing for anyone.
  15. I agree that the term "colt" is used for young, pre-adolescent male ponies while "stallion" is used for mature male ponies. The exact age were the two can be distinguished is a bit...murky but I also think maturity itself is not something concrete and varries from pony to pony. Howerever they might base it off physical maturity...so, um, yeah. Just my two cents. Btw, that comic posted by silvadel, ROFL!
  16. Sorry to double post but in addition, I think made alicorns like Twilight and Candace just age like normal ponies in general even with being an alicorn. Simply being an alicorn, like being born with a horn and a set of wings, isn't special but is just another type of pony. Perhaps a rare type of pony in the time setting of FIM but alicorns were pretty common in older incarnations of MLP if my memory serves me well. In FIM, i think alicorns being made is a response to their dwindling numbers. Now for ponies, alicorn, unicorn, pegasus, or earth, that are born to already immortal ponies (I think any pony can gain immortality if their special talent is needed enough to maintain the balance of Equestria) they would be born with immortality that would ware off after a certain amount of time. Then they would age like other ponies reguardless of their type. As for immortalitiy...I think Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have immortality because their talents are essential to keeping the balance, or harmony, in Equestria. Same would apply to any other pony, alicorn or otherwise, who has a talent that is essential would eventually become immortal after displaying a need for them.
  17. As I have an alicorn OC, I have given much thought to their aging process. In my mind alicorns born to already immortal alicorns simply age much slower than other ponies. Alicorns born naturally who are not the children of already immortal alicorns are not immortal although I believe they can become immortal like Princess Celestia and Princess Luna did. After a pony goes through a process similar to how a normal unicorn or pegasus (even an earth pony though I think it would take longer) can become an alicorn. This doesn't mean that as soon as a pony is made into an alicorn does their lifespan begin to legnthen or do they automatically gain immortality. The slow aging happens gradually and immortality is something earned much like the title of princess/prince. I think the gaining of immortality is earned after finding out that an alicorn pony has a special talent such as raising the sun or moon or as my OC is able to influence cosmic bodies such as stars and comets who later finds out her cutie mark is a falling star, becomes responsible for diverting stray falling objects from hitting Equestria. It would be only after she diverts a major body from hitting Equestria and straining her powers tied directly into her talent revolving around her cutie mark would she gain immortality like Celestia or Luna. For Candance, I think she hasn't quite yet lived long enough yet for her alicorn status to fully set in so she ages like a normal pony until that happens. Then if she lives long enough for her to have her alicorn status set in, she'll just age slowly until she does something major concerning her talent to possibly gain immortality. She might not become immortal at all though as in my mind, earning that is something even harder than becoming a prince or princess.
  18. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rainbow Dash How did you find MLP Forums?: How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Welp, um...hi everyone. I go by Astraea and I guess I'm new here lol. I joined wanting to discuss with fellow pony lovers about all things ponies and perhaps expand into a new circle of pony loving friends. Initially, I want to talk about "ponysonas" and original characters. For starters I have a OC that may or may not be a my current "ponysona". Feedback is appreciated. Her name is Astraea and she is the daughter of Princess Luna and the Cosmic Stallion Nebulon Galaxy, the King of the horse-head nebula. She was conceived while Luna was in her Nightmare Moon state as she fell in love with Nebulon's power and wanted it for herself. In a slip of her insanity, Luna breaks her daughter's horn to spare her from the evil forces that turned her into Nightmare Moon by severing her connection with magic. Astraea grows up flying around the cosmos with her daddy until she crash lands in Equestria as her innate immortality inherited from Luna finally wears off signaling that it is time for her to earn her cutie mark(it is a falling star and it has revelance), find her place in the world, and perhaps regain her immortality. Those who find her assume that her horn was broken during her fall and this is when she is informed of ponies like her being able to use magic, something that she never knew of as her father was merely a pegasus pony. This is also the first time she has had to deal with others treating her differently as an alicorn and learns of how powerful they are supposed to be due to their unique nature of possessing all three qualities of both earth, pegasi, and unicorn since she never knew of the breed before landing in Equestria. After many failed attempts, it would seem as if her horn was far too damaged in her "fall" that she cannot perform magic. While it may grow back, no one knows for sure if it simply growing back would mean she'd ever be able to perform magic. It is after this that she hides her horn in her mane out of shame for being a "broken" alicorn. She lives her life as a pegasus pony with a cosmetic deformity from this point on. Later, after recovering from her fall, she learns of Twilight Sparkle and the story of how she and her group of friends defeated Nightmare Moon. Astraea is feared by someponies because she bares a resemblance to her mother, a pony she's never known and only learns about from stories. Astraea never puts two and two together about who her mother really is and it never bothered her much since she was on good terms with her father. Learning of Princess Twilight Sparkle and her amazing feats of magic along with her becoming an alicorn and a princess, she sets out to achieve the same thing for herself wanting to be "all that she was meant to be" as told to her those first few days when ponies expected her to be more simply because she once had a horn and a pair of wings. She goes to school and this is where she meets Solar Run, a pale gray unicorn stallion with a fiery mane and tail, who long ago was once considered to become a student under Princess Celestia but declined as he prefers the simple life. This position is passed on to Sunset Shimmer, establishing that both he and Astraea are older than the Mane Six. He does continue with school but he only does enough to get by to remove the presure other put on him for being the best. Eventually he is labeled a slacker who simply passed the beginner classes with ease. Solar Run both admires and is curious as to why Astraea seems to be intent on learning things that involve magic when she appears to be but a mere pegasus pony: one incapable of even performing magic in general. It isn't until she notices that he is a unicorn and capable of performing magic powerful enough to save her own life by having levitated her when she caught a cramp in her wing, that she takes interest in him. Soon the two want to discover each others secrets as it seems that they both are hiding something: Solar Run hiding his intellect while Astraea seems way too preoccupied with magic despite not appearing to have a horn yet always fumbling with her hair as if she was hiding something under dark magenta colored locks. She even looks familiar but feels as if all of Equestia would know if Princess Luna had a daughter and thinks the rumors are just that and nothing more, brought on by their similar appearance. Eventually the truth comes out about her alicorn status and Solar Run feels bad for her knowing that if anything happened to his horn, he would be a lost foal. He helps her repair her horn after studying for a time seeing that she has a growing envy of other unicorns but it isn't long before things turn ugly. Now with her horn restored and able to use magic, Astraea realizes that she's not really good at it and is unable to perform simple spells. She grows even more jealous of other unicorns and her envy for Twilight and her power and the fact that she became a princess leads her down a path similar to her mother. Soon, after being cast out of Rarity, the dark energy that turned her and Luna into sinister ponies finds its way around Astraea's horn and she taps into this power which allows her to bring stars soaring across the night sky, a powerful skill that not even Solar Run can do. This same dark magic turns her into a wild mare that comes to be called Nightmare Starfall for as this corrupted version of herself is intent on bringing falling stars bombarding towards Equestria to destroy Twilight. Solar Run uses his magic to stop her and ends up damaging her horn. It is this that snaps her out of the dark magic's influence and she, with the help of a group of ponies that have befriended them that display the characteristics of the Elements of Harmony(not the Mane Six), chase out the dark magic controlling her. Afterwards, she gains her cutie mark and realizes that it is her job not to bring stars crashing into Equestria but to prevent such things from happening by guiding wayward cosmic bodies out of harms way. There is more to the story (like Discord's daughter, Eris running a muck much like her father did and the finding of the new bearers of the Elements of Harmony) but I think this might be getting too long and perhaps the idea isn't all that good anyway. As stated before, feedback is welcomed and if you wish to know more I would be glad to tell more about the storyline I have in mind for Astraea and Solar Run. Sorry about the length..perhaps this should be posted elsewhere on the fourm but um...yeah. Hello fellow bronies! *slinks away into the darkness of the night*
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