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Posts posted by Zefir

  1. She'll be immune to whatever they try to throw at her till the last episodes when their realize their cutie mark powers, which are basically rainbow powers v.2.  Wonder what will she do in the meantime. Maybe messing up the place in name of communism equality? Turning other villages into equals? 

    Of course they can realize their new powers early and make her another come-and-go villain, but that would be a little too soon. 

  2. Discord proved himself as a good non-villain character. He messes with people, bringing them on zany adventures (Three's a crowd"), or helping them indirectly (the mane 6's journal with bookmarks pointing out the answers). 

    He had some character development, especially at the end of season 4(now he is less prideful). We can assume his truly a good guy now, so he's not returning to villanism any time soon.


    He does have some potential in the new season. The equalists are too orderly to not piss off Discord. He will, or at least should, do something to help mane 6 on their quest. So he'll show more of his now-truly-good-side in action. 

  3. Tirek drained lots of magic, had Dragon Ball fight with Twilight, then proceeded to do nothing with it. That was his prime.

    He's no longer usable as a villain because his gimmick was becoming that super ripped powerful enemy.

    What is he going to do now? He lacked imagination to do anything with quite literally unlimited power, so I highly doubt he'll do any better in Tartarus, or for that matter, in future seasons. 

  4. Considering that the overarching arc for season 5 has to do with travelling all around the Equestria, reforming it with magic of friendship, it seems likely. We could possibly see more one-shot characters specific to the episode's location, like maybe in the creepy = village. Or older characters returning- we will have more excuse for them to appear, with different locations being visited more often. 

  5.  That is quite a work. Comprehensive, detailed, also sadly hard to understand to someone with basic physics education, let alone any random user who happens to stumble upon this topic. There are quite a few terms and concepts introduced, and while they are properly explained, they still solidify the appearance of insurmountable wall of text.

    This piece deserves far more attention than it is getting, however it's posted in place used mostly for discussion involving the show alone, without involving any scientific fields in it.  



    What does raise questions is the assumption that Equestria's universe can be so directly compared to our own. After all, celestial bodies do not behave in the same way, with Equestrian's sun and moon shining their own light, an aura almost. Also the sheer precision and expertise that is required to maintain a system like that, especially if all the elements were moving, would be impossible to achieve, even for immortal demigods (which may be possible, however is still unlikely, especially considering not seeing what you are supposed to move).



    Another problem is the idea of pre-magic Equestria. I do not believe that magic was an alien, or non existent element anywhere in this universe's timeline. It seems to be present everywhere, even if separate from forces commonly known to us. Each and every single aspect of Equestria's existence seems to be regulated by magic. It's not merely right conditions of the inhabited planet, but the sheer magical force itself keeping its citizens alive (which is shown in Twilight's Kingdom). Magic is used for literally everything, one way or another. That suggests a different perspective to this realm's inner workings. It is no secret that this show wasn't made as a complete, self compatible masterpiece. Most of the writer's probably don't know enough about physics and astrology to even consider the effect of shifting celestial bodies by two immortal mares, instead turning to ancient myth-like logic, requiring only a basic understanding of things around them, filling any gaps with simplistic yet imaginative magic.



    But overall I think this is quite well put together, in depth and very informative perspective on Equestria's solar system. I look forward to more works like that. 

    • Brohoof 1
  6. So, Rainbow Power:

    -Completely OP, even more so than EoH.

    -Replacement for EoH, which at least was a loan from the Tree of Harmony itself.

    -Used in a very special circumstance. 

    -Doesn't have a known, material trigger. So they probably can't use it as they desire.

    -In itself a cheap way to beat the worst bady yet. However, it was hinted at since the very beginning of the season and required a special kind of character building.

    -Even more flashy and obnoxious than EoH.

    -Comes with another toy line, woohoo...

    -Should be forgotten and never used again, unless they face something even worse.

  7. I think it should be done discreetly. An episode out of the blue about one of Mane 6 colt friends would be as bad as Flash Sentry. 


    But what about a small appearance, and not even being called a colt/mare friend directly? Like for example: Pinkie Pie goes on a journey, goodbyes at the train station. Next to her we see a mare/colt, which will apparently accompany her. No dialog between them, maybe just a few face expressions to say that something is between them? No further explanation, episode goes somewhere else. Maybe he returns a few times, just being a background character that happens to be one of the main characters love interest. Of course that wouldn't really pay off. We need an episode to focus on him to make his creation profitable and stuff. Even then, introducing him like that would set some backstory for him.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Oh so many possibilities~ I could turn oceans into chocolate milk, making all the sea life into cookies and sweets; flip landmasses, exchange populations of entire nations; make buildings fly; break physics; materialize every cartoon character to ever exist (with special place for MLP of course); divide by zero on a microwave etc. However first I would make a giant poll of ideas from people all round the world to see what would be the most absolutely chaotic course of action!

    • Brohoof 1
  9. Maybe it's just me but as from my personal experience being forced (not forced I was just afraid to say I don't want to watch it) to watch horror movie at school. I was 15 then and I knew it wasn't true but still it affected me so strong that I still find it haunting me on my head sometimes and it scares me.


    Maybe kids these days are stronger than I am maybe they can handle that stuff that I can't still handle. Maybe I'm just too sensitive. 


    I hate when parents are so careless. They couldn't care less what their kid does.Why would you get a child in a first place if your not ready. Those kind of parent help corrupt the society even more.


    Fear works in a different way. It needs less triggers.

    Imagine a situation in the far away past of humanity: you are on a hunt in a jungle. Noise everywhere, everything living and moving. You notice a different sort of movement in the corner of your eye, getting closer. If that person wasn't sensitive to danger, he would probably day. Fear is your alarm, telling you that something's wrong, that you better get ready for something. It's not as clear as someone insulting you. Danger might be anywhere, and you got to be ready for that far more than to fight for dominance in the tribe or stuff like that.


    The parents thing is a big one. But that's a deeper problem. No bad substance or specific group of people. Good families don't have time to care about their children as much as they should. They prioritize work above family, often because of rational, logical reasons: "I got to feed my family" "If I won't work now, we won't have a roof under our heads and kid won't get proper education" etc. You could call it the plague of current century or so. 

    • Brohoof 1
  10. I agree with your post, but do you think that exposing kid to mature content is right way to develop kids emotional life. I mean if you see guy dying on the screen and he is bleeding and yelling. You know it's not real but do you think you still should get some kind of emotions?  Is it alright for a kid to say no to those emotions? I hardly see any people (males especially) show other emotions than anger on these days and I think that could be because when they were young they forced themselves to not to react on violent scenes. 



    A few thousand years ago, young boys were taught how to hunt and kill so that they could later feed and protect their families. In ancient Rome, men would go to the Colosseum to watch gladiators fight to the death. Keep in mind, that was their entertainment. Violence, as well as death, is an integral part of nature and thus our existence—and I think it's important that children are aware of the world that we live in. The truth is, we've had a violent past... and by our very instinct, we can have violent impulses. It's called survival.


    For the most part, no, I don't think a kid seeing a dying man on a TV screen is going to be all that shocking. The kid may be a bit disturbed or have some desire to help, but any sort of emotional scarring strikes me as being absurd. A kid should be able to think, "that guy was shot in the leg and he looks like he's in pain... okay, this is why war is bad." That's where parents come in. A parent needs to explain the situation.


    It depends how very young the kid is. Sure, let's say- a 5 year old watches a violent scene on TV. He probably knows when someone is hurt, and may not yet understand that people on the screen aren't real, and the recording of it isn't real either. 


    Let's actually start talking about adults. If a grown man sees a real life equivalent of carnage in a normal shooter, he would go insane. Soldier in his lifetime kills less people than a kid in a single game.


    Violence affects everyone, regardless of age. However we can distinguish reality from fiction.


    We had books, paintings, plays, movies, and now games. None of those mediums warped our minds, made us sick. That's because they affect 2 senses at most. We KNOW that they aren't real because at the moment of watching/reading we sit in a comfortable position, in our houses, where nothing is wrong, not FEELING anything outside what we IMAGINE.


    Imagine the different levels of immersion: 

    I- A kid is told that in World War II died over 60 million people. Kid doesn't give a damn, those are just numbers. Why not billions? Those are bigger.

    II- Kid is shown pictures from the war, all the dead bodies, crying mothers, sheer ruin and destruction. Kids uses his imagination and yeah, that would suck, being there.

    III- Kid goes to a place that had been ravaged by war a long time ago. Marks still remain, that black mark on the wall? It was a person who got burned alive. Chills run down the spine. A real life ghost story. 

    IV- Kid goes to war. Sees soldiers raping women, killing children, houses burning, sheer madness and destruction of war. If he survives, he won't need an explanation, why war is bad. He will know it, feel it.


    I had the same reaction when told about the war. Seriously, millions dead in numbers didn't make an impression on me, but hearing of decapitation, rape and piles of dead bodies of a thousand civilians in a single village? That I still remember.


    Sorry for the rant but seriously: reality is reality, fiction is fiction, we know the difference, and kids know that too. 




    Why must people be against the rating system, I believe that it is important to to have a rating system. Most videogame and Movie not only have violent and graphical contents, there the languages, subjected dialog, and nude scene. Taking away the rating system isn't going to make it any better.  


    Taking it away without anything in exchange is not going to make thins better. Sure we know that stuff is needed, but it's not enough. It's going to keep some parents at bay, but kids? They won't really know why it would be bad for them.


    We need to talk about that, just like smoking or drinking- it's bad for you, especially when you are under 18, but if no one bother to explain the effects of it on you body and mind, you are going to try it out of sheer curiosity, or preference, or rebellion or anything really.


    Bad stuff is out there, in the world. Not outside the border, in some 3rd world country, but here in our neighborhoods. Kids will bump into that when they go to school, or into their friends houses. They will interact with that like it's airborne. If they won't protect themselves, then no one will, no one will be able to.

    • Brohoof 2
  11. Kids don't take that kind of violence too seriously. In games it's part of play, imaginary, not real. Killing somebody in game is like pointing pistol-fingers at somebody, saying "pew-pew" and then declaring him dead. For many kids it is cool simply because they are used to awesome heroes beating the bad guys senseless. There isn't much coolness in preventing a conflict and being polite to people. Sure, those people are nice but can they punch a guy through a skyscraper and then land a car on them? Or beat up an entire army with nothing but a gun? I don't think so.

    Confronting kids with actual, real life in-front-of-their-eyes violence is whole different ordeal. They can distinguish play from actual, serious fight. Well, at least to a degree.  


    Though I have to agree horror are scary regardless of age, and younger kids might take some mental scars from watching them, even if at the time they didn't feel any fear at all.


    I did play games like GTA in my childhood, however grabbing people out of their cars and driving them over wasn't taken seriously, since they weren't real. Even riding as a pimp was simply another taxi mission with beating up guys. 

    The same goes for shooters. Yes, you shot guys, but then you died and respawned and they did too. Also they too didn't show much of intelligence or any sign of being "real" more than an action figure.


    After 16, age restrictions lose most of its sense. Sure, things like porn is still for adults only. But rating a game like that because there's actual gore or saucy scenes will only act as a forbidden fruit to take as an act of rebellion, or simply because of the value it gains from being prohibited. If parents don't want their kids to take that kind of games/movies, then they should first explain it to them. Perhaps even show what do they mean, so kids themselves understand. 


    Still, it's just my opinion. Research out there show mixed messages when it comes to effect of video games on children, though they probably don't take seeing material of inappropriate age as a big factor. We have an entire generation of gamers, many of them growing up with violent video games. Does it make a difference, if we replace blowing up robots to shooting people? They still are but a fantasy to children, who never seen a wound outside a minor cut or had a big chunk of skin on their leg ripped off.

    • Brohoof 1
  12. I remember reading a headcanon about zebras: they would be able to use "shaman magic": another kind of magic.

    Yet it's still magic. With no horn. All races use different kinds of magic, but it's still magic. Magic, despite of it's source: be it love or alicorns or evil artifacts, is used the same. Sure, so far we haven't seen an effect of magic on non-horned race in canon, but that doesn't mean there isn't any.


    Actually, every single magic user has some kind of horn. Even Discord and Tirek, though they have two horns.


    Maybe just maybe she, has zebra magic!! I don't know :muffins:

    That doesn't stop us from theorizing like crazy.  B)

    I'm aware of that, Alicorns are like towels, they are truly amazing.

    Towelestia.pngYou really did it. (I'm so sorry for off topic, but I spent far too much time on this.)

    • Brohoof 1
  13. This would look great as a massive stain glass window in Canterlot castle. It's beautiful, thematic and contains all the necessary elements, maybe with exception of Twilight, I would love to see her part of the picture more expanded, with both Tirek and Discord and the Scorpan necklace with burning Golden Oak Library/New Friendship Castle in the background.


    Yep, I know it's not canon.


    adjective: similar
    resembling without being identical.


    Sorry, kinda didn't notice that "similar".  :unsure:


    All of them already had a natural affinity when it comes to magic, we know that unicorns, changelings, and tirek posses the type of ethereal magic we believe the amulets enhancing, earth ponies and pegasi don't have any control of the magic they have it just exists inside them.

    We did see Zecora using a minor conjuration spell, despite the fact she doesn't have a horn or anything to focus her magic.

    • Brohoof 1
  15. The way you phrased this makes it seem like you want differen opinions and wishes because this is incredibly open ended, could be anything.

    That's what I am aiming for.


    Honestly, I feel like in a way the scenario setup is basically earth pony Twilight. 


    How the whole series would play out would just I feel like it'd be like if they swapped around the characters a bit.


    It might be a bit different, and it might even be a good bit different, but idk.


    What could happen is entirely up to a ton of stuff.

    However 'earth pony Twilight' wouldn't be able to study magic, because she wouldn't be an unicorn. Also because of that she wouldn't have the connection to princess Celestia.


    Yes you should rather ask how the show would be if Twilight was an earth pony?


    Anyway this would be interesting, especially when they have to fight villains because the main character doesn't have magic.

    And maybe no alicorn transformation. :derp:

    Twilight is already a bookworm and a researcher, so I guess she would focus more on technological and artificially magical devices.

    And the change of group power dynamic would be awesome, since Twilight wouldn't be the "flings magic to solve everything" character.

    • Brohoof 2
  16. We know when ponies have less magic they get weaker that doesn't mean that with more they get stronger, going with the light analogy too much electricity will melt the filament and break the lamp.

    We know what happened to Twilight, Tirek, and Chrysalis. All of them absorbed more power than they need to live and got a bunch of powers. 


    The light analogy could fit to other races, or just weaker ponies in general. Too much power could destroy them, simply because they are not built to handle it. 



    That is a really good question. In the case of the Alicorn Amulet, it likely does enhance or focus their natural magic, perhaps even specifically their talent similar to the potion in Double Rainboom.

    Double Rainboom is not a canon episode. It's a fan creation. Tirek did show however, that ponies cutie marks are a form of magic as well, so making special talents stronger would be likely. 

    • Brohoof 1
  17. Okay less like a square, think of it like a light switch it can be off or on but you can't make a ite more on than on.

    But ponies are the lamps, and bad alicorn magic is the electricity. More electricity means more light. We know from Tirek that all ponies have magic. When they have more magic, they can do more stuff, whatever they natural powers are.

    • Brohoof 1
  18. I'm just wondering: maybe the amulet is called Alicorn amulet because it only affects unicorns/alicorns' magic, or because it's supposed to improve unicorns' magic to the alicorn level.

    Alicorn as a race suggests the melding of all 3 races (hence the al part). Since on of the "ingredient" races were able to use the amulet, then there's nothing stopping the two others.


    But if you think of non-unicorn magic as more passive like say, a geometric shape, you can make a square as large as you want but it doesn't change how much of a square it is.

    Still, it will be a large square. Now think of this square as physical strength. Lots of it in fact. Suddenly it's not a big square, but a superpower, just more limited. 


    Actually, considering earth ponies connection to nature, they could possibly make plants grow at ridiculous speed and control them, and since the amulet is evil, they would be something along the lines of Plunderseed vines. 

    • Brohoof 1
  19. I believe it would increase their magical potential but without a way to harness it it will be useless on non-unicorns like a charger without a phone.

    We do know that ponies have abilities dependent on magic, regardless of race. In this case, the pony is a phone, but non-unicorn one just lacks certain functions, like making photos, or in this case, ability to cast spells.

  20. Let's imagine a whole new cast of characters. Somewhere in G5 maybe. Great evil is about to awaken in the land, and quite an unsocial earth pony visits -INSERT PONY TOWN NAME-, for whatever reason or background he/she comes from.


    What do you think would be different in the show, assuming it would go similarly to the one we know? What would be the mane character like? How would the adventures unfold? Would he/she receive an alicorn upgrade as well? What would be his/her background?


    • Brohoof 1
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