I live in North Carolina and would love to attend a brony convention. I am planning on attending Bronycon 2015 but I was just wondering if there was anything closer. Any suggestions?
My parents know and are perfectly fine with it, in fact, they like it. They say it gives me originality even though they know it is a huge fandom. I'm proud that my parents don't take it as some way of "being in the closet".
When I just saw a good scary movie or read a scary creepypasta, words can't describe how I lay in my bed with the covers up to my eye lids as I scan the room. Waiting for a monster to jump out of no where...
What is your favorite art style found in the current and previous generations? (How the ponies are drawn, the backgrounds, the animation, and whatever else.)
Mine is FiM.
I don't believe so. I think everyone should be formal to the princesses at parties and such, but when alone I don't think the bow and fancy fancy talk would be needed.