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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Posts posted by BronyGeeks

  1. I feel like when My Little Pony ends, the brony fandom will probably go quiet for a little bit, but then continue on pretty strong. I mean, do we really NEED the show to continue our love for cartoon horses? With fans who make animations, music, and even fan episodes, the amount of content we could continue making is endless.

  2. Overall a pretty good design.

    The fangs bother me a bit since they lookj pretty vampiric to me me, but that's your call to make


    -The cutiemark looks a bit busy; getting rid of the gradient and some of the stars should do the trick

    -the colour on the wings and mane look just a bit too saturated, maybe tone them down  just a bit (the batpony you linked to is a good point of orientation)

    -make the border between the the lighter and darker parts of the mane & tail jagged, so it will fit with the outlines

    -The eyecolour needs to change; green does work well for the colourscheme, but the one you got right now is way too neon-ish. I'd suggest something along the lines of these of seagreen or a pale jade

    -maybe give him an accessory to make him more distinct


    Hope that helped.

    Does he have a backstory?

    Thanks for the advice. This is my first time really designing an oc so I wasn't too familiar with some of the basics. I'm fixing him right now in fact :)

  3. well the fangs sticking out really remind of a vampire bat pony, i'd also advise the most right hoof (in the perpsective of the drawing itself) to be lower then the back most far hoof since the most right hoof is the one standing closer to the viewer.


    apart from that nice job, most people tend to go overboard with their color palet but you didn't ^^

    Just fixed this. Thankss ^_^

  4. So, I posted a thread the other day asking for your guys' opinions on my oc and ways to improve on the design. I noticed that a lot of you said he should be darker, but I think a major common misconception was that people thought my OC was a Vampire bat pony similar to Fluttershy. In reality, my OC is just you're run of the mill bat pony such as this: http://gyazo.com/6a914082dd3358834078a120b7cb023a


    So, with that out of the way, I was wondering if I could get your guys' opinions on my new OC. If you have any critiques or judgments, don't be afraid to let me know what those are.



    • Brohoof 1
  5. Hey, if you're still taking requests, I understand that you already did one for me, but if you get the chance, I was wondering if you could draw another one with a different color palette I made. For a reference, there is a link down below to what he looks like. This would be much appreciated.


    (Also, if you do decide to do this, can it be on just a white background. It makes it easier to put on things like a profile picture or channel art)

  6. So I notice a lot of people are saying that the color scheme should be a bit darker since it is a bat pony (not the Flutterbat kind, but more of your run of the mill bat pony), and I want to say, thank you for your imput, and I will do my best to improve the color scheme.

    So, I improved (I hope) on the color palatte. This isn't the final drawing (considering I didn't even draw the original) so dont worry. This is to just get an idea of what he will look like. http://gyazo.com/b3c8eef5c96058cf3c03ee747cf9626b

  7. So, I was just wondering if anybody out there wouldn't mind taking a look at my oc and telling me what you think. If you have any critiques or judgments, don't be afraid to tell me. Anyways, thanks :)


    • Brohoof 3
  8. So, I was just wondering if anybody out there wouldn't mind taking a look at my oc and telling me what you think. If you have any critiques or judgments, don't be afraid to tell me. Anyways, thanks :)


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