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  1. hey look, GOOD christian music.




    Check out their previous albums "Creation/Destruction" and "Descendants". They're my favorite albums of all time and  beat out this album just by a bit, but I have yet to listen to all the songs off of this album.

  2. The Christian metal band, Fit For A King has released their third single for their upcoming album "Slave to Nothing" and this single is the song "Slave to Nothing". It features Mattie Montgomery from the Christian metal band For Today. FFAK has personally called this song their heaviest they have ever made and it has an AWESOME music video to go along with it. The song is about no longer being a "slave" to worldly desires such as drugs, sex, etc.


    "Slave to Nothing" is released October 14, 2014


  3. Cheerile's Garden was brutal on my feels. My Little Dashie made my heart throb but I didn't shed a tear. My girlfriend sobbed like a baby though.


    The hardest I've cried was this one Fallout Equestria fic I read years ago. I can't remember the name but it was about a little colt who's parents got sold into slavery and had to live on his own and the fic was a "final goodbye" to Equestria. The fic ended with something like "After he finished the note, he set it next to his withered body. He breathed in his final breath, said his final prayer, and drifted into long-awaited peace"


    Freaking saddest thing on this planet.

  4. Well, since I'm a Christian, I don't believe in the "afterlife" I believe in heaven and hell. Since I'm a Christian, I don't fear death. If I die, I get to see Jesus first, so I win. But, no one knows what heaven looks like. The Bible gives some details of heaven, like there is no death, crying, sorrow, etc.


    "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away." - Revelation 21:4


    The Bible also says heaven, evidently, has rooms. Where, in heaven, you can have your own room.


    "In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?"


    There are hundreds of things the Bibles says about heaven, those are just the ones I could think off of the top of my head. So, what it will be like, I'm sure it will be amazing. I get to see my dead family members, praise God, never feel any pain, sounds like a great way to spend eternity. 

    • Brohoof 1
  5. My friend is obsessed with them ans she begs me to listen to them, so I finally gave them a chance and I must say...



    Their music sucked. It was too "poppy" for me. Even when it did have small amounts of rock put into it, it wasn't heavy enough for me. I'm a huge hard rock and metal guy, but 1D just ins't for me.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. instead of love and true caring for others,

    they do their actions for pride.

    instead of converting because they care

    they convert because they want pride.

    and kids' church is not much better,

    they do nothing to stregnthen their spirit



    You're talking about the Catholic and Methodist churches. I'm not taking a shot at Catholics and Methodist churches, I've just been told by Catholics that I should be burned because I'm a Baptist. And Methodist, I'm sorry if you're a Methodist, but they don't follow a lot of rules within the Bible.

  7. I had no idea Christian death metal was a thing

    If you want to be specific, this isn't death metal. This is just considered metalcore. If you want Christian death metal, check out Impending Doom. Those dudes are like Jesus' Black Ops team.


    But, yeah, Christian metal is a pretty big thing among some Christians. Bands like For Today; Oh, Sleeper; Demon Hunter; Disciple; Mouth of the South and so on. I'd definitely recommend them.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Fit For A King has finally come out with a new single for their album Slave to Nothing. The song is called Young and Undeserving and, unlike the last single, it does not have a lyric video with it. It's simply the audio (which sounds AMAZING). 

    "This song is basically about our new bass player, Ryan O'Leary, has experienced a lot of loss. We wanted to write a song coming from the point of view of someone who doesn't believe or is angry at God, saying, 'Why would you take my friend? How can you say this good person, who wasn't a Christian, is going to Hell?' The song is very frustrated lyrically. We wanted it to have this realism that even when you're a Christian, you still struggle with thinking 'How could my friend pass away and live an awesome life and be nothing but a good person and then not go to Heaven?'" - Ryan Kirby, lead vocalist for Fit For A King.

    Contains - a lot of screaming



    • Brohoof 1
  9. I'm thinking there could be more to it than just that, though how much there is I cannot really say.

    Crying appears to be like a call for attention. If someone is crying when surrounded by those with empathy and/or understanding, what I'd imagine would happen is that those people would turn their attention to the person crying and attend to the person. That there's a saying that reads "cry for attention" sorta attests to it.


    Although in this society, seeking attention is largely condemned and shamed. Heck, people tend to be aversive to just drawing attention to themselves.


    Seeking attention may seem like it's condemned, but in all honesty, most pop culture idols are just idiots craving attention.


    Quite pitiful, really.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. It's just a stereotype, really. Like all black people like fried chicken, it's pretty much true, but few don't.


    I guess I'm the exception with the whole "bronies like dupstep". I, personally, don't like dubstep. I'm more a metal guy. I do like metalstep bands like Beyond All Recognition. But, just dupstep is something I can't stand.

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