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Everything posted by Authetius

  1. Yes plz! The more the merrier (until it becomes to many).
  2. Use 3.5 player handbook I and II for everything. Other books contain unnecessary info that makes it all the more complex. You could use items that you find other books if you can afford them, but I don't need to be dealing with more prestige classes, feats, abilities and all that. Roll 4d6, keep top three and discard lowest number. Distribute the six numbers you have to any stat you want.
  3. Start at 5th level with 9000 GP. Magic items that are published in the book must be sent to me and approved first if you're going to buy them as some are quite unbalancing in this situation and wont be used. Anything else?
  4. Hey all. Gonna throw this game up again. I say again because last time we tried this technical difficulties with programs shot it down, so this time it will be played on forums rather than live. It is a D&D campaign and it does go by all the 3.5 rules. I was so psyched to start this game but it never happened... let's see if it will run this time. I'm just gonna put a short introduction to the world in a spoiler here before I go to bed, more will be put later if people are interested.
  5. Don't we all? I don't think anyone would have the heart to kill off dirpy.
  6. OK! - I'll give a rundown of the general position of the world and all that jazz. I put it in a spoiler as it's a bit long. I'm sure there's a bit I'm missing, but it's actually covers a bit of everything. That should give you a feel for the world at least. Remember, not all ponies are violent in this world. It's possible to play nice and not kill everyone - trigger happy isn't always so much fun.
  7. Haha! No, I just found it on the comp I'm using and had to type out the whole url (pain in the butt), but it's working and in my favorites! The menu system doesn't work well with the zune interface and software, but I can get all the major functions like posting. I'll continue working on this now that I got this running, but first I have to finish the transcript for my speech on mlp in 5th block. Btw Linguz, I still have that D&D campaign all set up and ready to launch XD. I'm actually using it IRL now with some friends - if someone could help me figure out how to use programs online to do a live session of d&d rather than post by post I think we should pull it together again.
  8. yea, props and candy to anyone who can figure out a address or link somewhere I can use to get to mobile version - Zune just isn't recognized as a mobile by some sites as it's not well known so it's ID isn't universally recognized and gets tagged as a desktop a lot.
  9. Interesting design there Easel. I can see that working, but unless you could come up with a reason as to why or how you got your hands on what looks to be a rare and possibly unique find, then it will have to be found later. Steam - Aria says "Me gusta non fighter pony. Diplomacy ftw!" My common sense says "Non fighter pony? He isn't going to last long." At least I'm not playing the only non violent character. (from what I gather, CopperMane isn't the violent type.)
  10. Sorry, haven't been nearly as active as I would have liked. Unfortunately, the new advertisement used on this site has made it impossible for me to post by my mobile. Something about it makes the browser crash when it gets to loading the advertisement and, as far as I know, there is no mobile version. I will be regaining regular access to a computer on Friday, though the lack of working mobile version makes it so I can't post at all times wherever I am. Speaking of which, if there is no mobile version of the sight, perhaps this should be looked into - it could be helpful to those of us who's mobiles don't work to well with parts of the site. Yes Easel, saw your character. Sorry I missed it yesterday when I went to make the post. By the time I noticed I was on my mobile and there was nothing I could do about it. I like your character, approved. One question for your character though - how does one snipe with a battle saddle? I can see some sort of decent accuracy going on, but with the lack of the ability to physically see down the scope/iron sights of a weapon, I don't see actual sniping as a possibility. Sure, you can mount a high caliber weapon on a saddle and shoot it on the run while you can't use it unmounted, but don't expect to be picking head shots from a hundred yards. For that, I think I'm going to have to require the removal and setup of a rifle on a bipod or something, but that's for heavy weapons. I won't grant you the gran daddy of all sniper rifles just like that, but you could start with a decent rifle - just not a anti material rifle or something crazy like that. I'll be finding a way to get you guys into the game, friday for sure as I'll be able to do some actual active playing then. I was just going to introduce your characters to the game in one group, but we could totally do that individually.
  11. Aria had pulled out the Wasteland Survival Guide and was flipping through the pages frantically, figuring Greytail's Anatomy might be a bit dated. "I don't know what we should look for out here. The only herbs and supplies I know were already stocked in the stable or grown in the farm down there. Wasn't like I had to go into the woods to get somethings. Not to mention that poison and venom were unheard of in the stable. I've only read about these medical situations. The best I can offer is to keep moving and get back to Appleoosa. The butcher said they have a cure." She started to walk at a brisk pace back towards the town as she skimmed the pages. ((Still looking into getting new people into this game - I had a way to get new people in around here, but if their characters don't get ready soon enough I'll just move this forward beyond this point and find a new way in.))
  12. Aureity, Neikos, and Coal I haven't heard from since they last posted here. I have no character sheet for Neikos, Aureity I'm waiting on some alterations, Coal some balancing or alterations or something. I think I'll accept Coal anyways and see how that goes for a bit. Other than that, still open. I don't want to take on too many people so I will cut it off at some point - but it is first people done with their characters that get in. I will check out your characters when I get home Steampunk and Rainbow. Rainbow - You're character is good from what I see. Note that you can indeed start with power armor and minigun/other big battle saddle weapon if you were to be a steel ranger or steel ranger outcast. Otherwise you'll have to ditch that bit of your character to start with. Again, no crazy OP characters, but I'll let you be somewhat of a killing machine - just know that power armor and big guns have some major flaws to go with their crazy advantages. Oh - Unicorns can't wear standard power armor helmets - the horn gets in the way. For this reason, you can be an earth pony/pagasus and have a helmet, or ditch the helmet, which wouldn't be too great an idea as the helmet contains important parts to the armor - air filter, radiation protection, night vision, and use of the armor's computer and arcane matrix to name a few things. Power armor helmets for unicorns do exist, but they are rare and I wont let you have one for this reason - have to have a few perks for being an earth pony, sorry unicorns. If you choose to be a steel ranger/outcast, you could make a short history bit - how you got in (born to it/recruited/why you were outcast if you were). Perhaps a rank (initiate/paladin and all that). Steampunk - I like your character, approved. Only thing I can ask for is an alternate history for the FoE world - unless you just want to make it up on the fly, but I'd like to see how he fits into the wasteland and get an idea as to how to introduce your character into the game and get him involved with the current group - otherwise I improvise and it might not fit your character right.
  13. "We don't need the library, you're the only one who knows what's in it anyways - we can just ask you." Not that there is anything else to do with the absurd amount of memory on pipbucks. Aria reached into her saddle bag and pulled out two healing potions. "Drink this. You too Strong. It will close up the bite and the magic in it will also slow the poison a bit. Let's get going right now, the longer we wait the more screwed we are." A group of ponies clad in shoddy armor stood on top of one of the hills further north looking down on the scene. They held their position for the moment. They would prefer not to be seen for the moment.
  14. Sure thing. I wont be picking up any more than four for now - that leaves us with 8 players, a bit more than I had expected so I may come up with some new things to make it work. Perhaps split group up for two seperate missions or something. Looking at characters that are up now. Ok Aureity - I like what I see of your character, but I'm looking for a bit that will fit him in with the FoE world. If you've read the book it's easy, I use the same world with few changes. Things like the circumstances you were raised in and all that. If you don't know, take a glance at a wiki or something or message me and I can help give you the info to throw it together. FoE is not set in the Equestria everyone knows and loves from the show. Post-apocolypse does that. Coal - I accept your character, though I ask you don't go too crazy. Somewhat insane and unpredictable characters can be fun if played right, but there is in fact a limit. I also don't want anypony being OP - I'll allow magic to be your thing, but you gotta make a weakness and I don't want it to just be covered with magic. The ability to solve all situations with magic will not be granted as it would just wreck the game as I'm sure you know. Basically, I suggest picking an area of magic and a stable (hah!) personality as it's easier and less likely to cause problems, but if you're up to the challenge tbe go right ahead. waiting on other people. I'd like to reiterate in case someone missed this or I forgot to say it - I will kill off characters I don't like or take away from the game, but it wont happen for no reason.
  15. Cool deal. Easel, make a character sheet and post it here on a link or something. I'll look at Coal's and Aureity's when I get home from school. I have an idea of how to get your characters into the roleplay and get this rolling, but I may have to alter it depending on their personalities.
  16. "I-I believe so... Gizmo - we need to get him back to the town. The poison... Strong can you-" Aria looked over at Strong and stopped. "Oh god, you've been bitten too haven't you?" ((Linguz - you want to pick up Strong? I don't feel like talking to myself right now.))
  17. (If you really want him gone, fine. I'll give you the option to survive if you change your mind.) The shotgun ripped a chunk of flesh off the gecko's back and severing its spinal cord, rendering it's hind legs immobile. The gecko was close enough, however, and had enough momentom to cross the remaining area between itself and Autumn, sinking its teeth into his lef just above the hoof. It died there shortly after biting down. Aria grimaced as she watched the gecko bite down on Autumn and finally slid the clip into the pistol and unloaded the gun into the gecko's back. "I can't believe you just did that," she said with a shaking voice.
  18. "Three I think. One is hurt." The three geckos, now spread out around the hill relatively close, dashed out of cover and sprinted right towards Strong from different sides. Aria started unloading her clip towards the nearest gecko to Strong's left, most bullets missing but two knee capping it and sending it back to the ground where it got on all fours. It hissed and started sprinting towards Aria as she struggled to reload the unfamiliar device. Strongs battle saddle tore one in half and he started to turn to the next a moment to late as it sunk it's teeth into his shoulder. Strong shouted and shook it off, his massive strength sending it several feet away to the ground where he filled it with lead.
  19. The first grenade detonated at the feet of a gecko. As the second blew up, the remaining three hissed and rrcognized the threat rolling at their feet and tried avoiding them. The had trouble recognizing grenade from stone and one of the explosions sent another to the ground in pain. It struggled to its feet and started back towards the target with another hiss. Aria picked up a stone and started hammering at the jammed shell, frustrated by the stubborn round. She dropped the rifle after a few swings and pulled the 10 millimeter pistol Strong had given her from her saddlebag. She held it up in her magic grasp and waited for one to get closer for her inaccurate aim.
  20. Aria let loose another bullet, but it went wild and whem she went to remove the bullet from the breach it had gotten stuck somehow. She started the process of removing the shell unhappily. As the bullets from Strong's battle saddle were let loose, three of the eight remaining geckos spewed blood and hit the ground. The remaining five scattered in different directions heading for boulders for cover and darting back and forth to make more difficult targets of themselves. The one wounded gecko got up and started to stumble towards a boulder. The five remaining geckos were starting to get dangerously close.
  21. "Instead of my word, follow my shot." Aria slowed her breath over a few seconds, took a deep breath and held it. She settled the crosshairs on a gecko at the pump that was on all fours drinking from a puddle. With a telekinetic squeeze the gun cracked and planted the bullet into the gecko's head. She took a deep breath and settled onto another as three more geckos darted out of the house and started to look around. All of them were on their hind legs at this point, looking for the shooter. Within a few seconds they were spotted by one with a hiss and they began quickly darting towards the group. Aria took another shot and crippled a second gecko, sending it sprawling to the ground. (I decided to kick it forward a bit Evil. Glad to see you're back, I don't want control of Lunar and I haven't seen him round in a while. Anyone who wants Lunar can have him after tonight. If he's not back tonight then I don't want to wait any longer for him.)
  22. (Slender, if you don't think you can play often enough and don't wish to deal with trying to catch up or anything like that I can easily kill your character. Same goes for you Lunar, wherever you are. As of now I see SupertheAwesome as inactive and his character is simply going to be left behind. Provide a long enough period of disappearance and inactivity and Lunar will be killed off. There is a fight or two coming up that characters can be killed off in and we will be waiting after this fight until we get new people in.) The group minus Lunar (We need a name for our group...) continued out of the town and into the wastes. They traveled north as the butcher had said over hills for a few minutes until they came to the top of a hill which overlooked a small ruin of a home with a pump next to it. Several large geckos could be seen wandering around the outside, walking oddly on two legs rather than all four. They were a little taller than a pony and when seen up close or through a scope, as Aria is currently doing, rows of jagged teeth could be seen in their open mouths. "I see nine of them." Aria peered down at the geckos through her rifle scope, freshly replaced and crack free thanks to Ditzy, from a prone position on the ground. "Just try to shoot them from here or another plan?"
  23. RP Thread This isn't really a vague idea anymore, I really do have a strong idea of what is going to go down in the rp already. This was, and is, a private RP that ran for a while then slowed a bit until now when we have players dropping or going too inactive to go anywhere. I'm looking for active people to jump in and play with us. You don't need to have read the Fallout Equestria fanfic, but it may give you ideas of how this is going to run and all that. One should note, however, that I will not let, what I deem, childish or crazy characters that take away from the story live for long. Oh, and yes - this is grimdark. Guns, explosions and death are guaranteed. For those of you that do not know, Fallout Equestria is a post apocalyptic story set over 200 years after a great war between the zebras and Equestria over resources that ended in the destruction of the world by balefire bombs and megaspells. The few lucky enough in equestria survived the magic holocaust in large underground shelters known as stables. Now, 200 years later, most, if not all, stables have opened and released their citizens back to the cruel world where the surviving population have grown corrupt, violent and in some cases, mutated. The animals and plant life are often mutated and violent themselves and clean water and food have become rare and valuable. If you're interested, drop a line and quick bit about the character that you're thinking about. You are not limited to unicorns/pegasi/earth ponies - you may also play as griffins and ghoul ponies. Pegasi are purposely rare, so I'll only allow on pegasi pc and that is first come first serve. Once I get a few more players and I'm satisfied with our number and activity then it will be going private and this topic will change to OOC.
  24. (I'm so sorry to hear this Strong. Wish I hadn't gone awol so often and had played more with you. You seem to be a decent guy and a good rper. Wish I had gotten to know you better. I feel with the loss of Strong and the less activity of autumn (whatever his account name is, sorry - bad memory), we'll be needing one or two more members added to this RP. I will open up to public until we get some new people then back to private for population control. I hope to find active players as those unactive will be left behind.)
  25. Aria started following Gizmo and Strong. She had to quicken her pace to keep up with Strong's longer ones and subconciously chose to walk next to Gizmo over Strong. "Dream leaf? I remember it being some sort of sleep assisting drug that can be used as a heavy sedative. Extremely addictive according to text books and therefore not commonly used with a medical purpose. Should we be leaving without Sigh and Lunar? I mean, I could do without Sigh, but Lunar - we should stick with our fellow stable dwellers."
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