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Everything posted by AmberDust

  1. Celestia sat in silence, still staring at Bishop. The siren in her head was gone now, and everything was silent. She looked at him, curious, thinking back on the dream she just had. Who were those children? Surely she had never seen them before. This memory didn't feel like any of the others. Celestia nudged Bishop slightly, so she could look into his eyes directly. Those children, she thought. They looked like you...
  2. +@Overdrive "Everyone's okay except for you," Amber said to the mare, sounding reproachful. In a slightly more comforting voice, she said, "Stay off that leg for a while, it should be fine. Make sure the bandage is nice and tight." Amber offered a sympathetic smile, trying to relax. "Does anypony here know any healing spells?" She asked, as she tried to help the mare out of the tent. "...And secondly, does anypony know where we are?" ((Healing spells won't actually work, but if somepony tries one, it'll be a good way for us to discover that magic does t work here.))
  3. Jolted awake, Celestia stared, wide-eyed at her human companion, who had just been woken up as well. The siren blared in the filly's mind and she was too shocked to move or even cry. She simply stared at Bishop, who wasn't moving either, other than the violent heaving of his chest as he tried to breathe. He looked over to her, equally shocked, and covered in cold sweat. Had they shared a dream? Celestia could hardly think about it, with the sound of the siren still pounding in her ear drums. It blocked out any thoughts. She tried to shut her eyes. ((I don't want to make Bishop act because I don't know what the siren is, so I pass the baton to you)) ((I edited it a bit.))
  4. I really enjoyed exploring the Windigo temple that my grandfather discovered north of Equestria. It had all the aspects of a good exploration, from the snowy weather to the hard-to-find location, to the abundance of surviving ruins and ancient text--It was like stepping into a dream.I'm not sure what you mean by "urban exploration". Can you clarify? I mainly explore to try and discover things that were lost to history. Things shrouded in nytsery, or things that are hidden from the rest of the world...you know? I think the ponies of today don't know enough about the ancient world.
  5. Oh, my. That does sound interesting! Anyways, could you tell me more about this Equestrian Stratigies Group?
  6. How about... A very brief history, and a full explanation of their services? ((I'm gonna go post this on your ask thread, if that's okay))
  7. Alright! I've updated the list, for anyone who'd like to tell me why I'm totally off the mark make suggestions!
  8. ...Really? Well...I don't know much about this group, so I never really considered it. Can you tell me more about it?
  9. , ((I'm going to intervene, if you don't mind.)) Hearing another scream, Amber had decided that whatever was happenening in that tent, it wasn't getting any better. Confident and fuelled by anger, she trotted over to the tent where the shrieking pony lay. A stallion sat in front of her, visibly nervous and trembling. His eyes seemed out of focus, as though his mind was elsewhere. Amber looked over his shoulder to see what was wrong. The mare's leg was bleeding profusely, and she was crying and writhing in agony. Amber cringed, shocked. "Out of the way. Move. MOVE!" She pushed past the stallion. Quick as a flash, Amber bit the side of the tent and ripped off a large strip of fabric. "Don't worry," she said, breathlessly. With a glow of orange magic, Amber wrapped the wound tightly and tied it up. Blood started showing through the fabric. She looked into the mare's eyes. "What happened?" She asked, sweat on her brow. She was shocked and breathless, something that always happened when her adventuring instincts kicked in without her permission. Her horn stung bitterly.
  10. Daring Do? Like, the character?I haven't read all of the books yet, but they're pretty good! I think Daring herself could afford to be a little smarter and more prepared though. I often find myself reading and thinking about what I'd do if I were in her situation.
  11. Have you ever witnessed anything strange or mysterious in your travels?
  12. Do you still live in Saddle Arabia? Have you considered moving elsewhere?
  13. A sandworm, eh? Hmmm...those are kinda gross, but I suppose they're cool. I don't think I'd like to get up close and personal with one though. ^^' I'm more interested in mythical places and artefacts, not so much creatures.
  14. Amber doesn't like small boats, but bigger ones, she can handle. Hehheh. You don't have to apologize for your cousin. I was mostly concerned about Plum. ^^" I'd certainly like meeting your other comrades. I don't have many friends in town yet.
  15. PIRATES. Definitely pirates. ((hums a sea shanty. Amber is actually in a pirate RP atm. Unfortunately, it's on hiatus.))
  16. ??? I'm sorry, you need the time? It's...10:12. (( )) I don't really like big birds, but if I had to choose... umm... Parrot? I don't know. I prefer the pink-cheeked parakeet.
  17. Have you ever witnessed anything strange or mysterious? Oh, and have you ever met anypony who was really powerful? (Like the princesses, or Discord?)
  18. Sunshine... There was something sweet about that word. Sweet and familiar. Celestia smiled serenely, unmoving in Bishop's arms. Forgetting her troubles, she lay her head against Bishop, and slowly fell asleep. In her dreams, Celestia heard a familiar melody. Concentrating hard to remember the words, she smiled, and allowed the memory to fill her senses. She would no longer try to block them out, whether they were sad or happy--the filly clung to these fleeting memories, taking comfort in them. The lullaby resounded in her mind. Lullay, dear Princess, goodnight daughter mine... Rest now in Starlight's embrace... Bear up my lullaby, wings of the earth, Through clouds and through sky and through space... Slowly, the memory drifted away, but Celestia clung to the mare's voice, repeating the words in her head as the image slowly faded behind a cloud of smoke.
  19. Do you mean my dream job?I would really love to be paid to explore. It's expensive work! You need to have so many supplies to keep you safe, and I had to memorize teleportation, so I bought magic books... I'd LOVE to be an archeologist or something. Somepony who discovers ancient ruins and teaches the world about them. If i could incorporate drawin ito the mix, that'd be perfect. Only problem is, I dont want anything to be moved to museums...I think history should be explored, but remain untouched. I like to keep up-to-date with any mysterious or magical events happening, so I keep my eye on international news. There's been a lot of it lately! The crystal empire, the return of Discord, a royal wedding, the return of Tirek, the tree of harmony, some new princesses...It's amazing, the world we live in.
  20. ((So many ponies are trying to get Plum's attention--sorry I've been offline!)) @@legionbrony, Afer Ahaban had apologized for his cousin and left, Amber whispered to Plum: "You still aren't used to ponies flirting with you, eh?" Plum flopped her ears down, ashamed. Amber chuckled. "The bakery isn't open yet," Plum explained, turning back to Silver Shield. "I'm still doing preparations in the new building...but once it's up and running, I'll be working it by myself." She hesitated a moment. "I might hire some employees once I earn enoug money," she decided.
  21. Amber stood silently, dumbstruck. Only moments after she had woken up, there had already been an emergency. She watched as ponies panicked, galloping back and forth, occasionally dripping with vomit or blood. Eyes wide, Amber tensed up. What's gotten into all these ponies, she thought to herself. And what's going on here? Restless and concerned, Amber began weaving silently through the tents, trying to figure out how many of them were stuck here, like her. As she wandered, she kept a close eye on her surroundings. Some of it looked familiar, some of it, commonplace, but some, she had never seen before, not even in books. This place feels...almost artificial, she thought to herself. As if it was sewn together from bits of mismatched cloth... Amber cringed slightly at the thought, squinting to see as far as she could into the jungle. Whatever this place is, I'm going to find out, and I'm going to get out, she thought. She looked to the other tents, and her eyes rested on a spot of blood on the grass. An anger began to rise within her. Who would do this to all of these poor ponies? Amber glared at the sky, as though looking for whoever set this up. Im going to get out, and I'm bringing all of them with me, she decided.
  22. Amber stood, nervous and fidgeting, in between platforms nine and ten. Only eleven years old, she could hardly see over the large trunk she lugged in front of her--not that she wanted to see what she was about to attempt. She looked nervously to the side. Amber's entire family (her mother, father, sister, and three brothers) stood against the wall, watching her with anticipation. Amber was the youngest and only Unicorn in her family, and the second of her siblings to receive a letter from the esteemed Hogwarts school of Withcraft and Wizardry. Today would be her first day, but she was so nervous, she could hardly keep her hooves on the ground. She looked one last time to her family, then to the pillar before her. Her brother, Ignius, gave her an encouraging nod, and her sister smiled happily. Amber took a deep breath. She nodded to her family, looking more confident than she felt, then turned away. With a tight magical grip on her luggage, she sped towards the pillar at top speed-- Shoop Suddenly, Amber was there. Platform 9 3/4. She smiled broadly, nerves dissipating. She looked behind her at the pillar she ha just run through, then looked past her trunk to the red steam engine in front of her. Amber was ecstatic, and before she knew it, she was aboard the Scarlett train, humming happily in a cart to herself.
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