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Night Rain

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Posts posted by Night Rain

  1. This reminds me of channellings for obvious reason, but that is not a bad thing. These are more like three races that took a different path then the channellings, hence why they are different sub-species, like the ponies. All in all, good work, especially on the drawings. Keep up the good work.

    Well I am working on my OC back story for how the race came into existence. What they are is if the nightmare race and changelings cross bread. The plane is in the story Queen Chrysalis is trying to capture or kill the last of the nightmares. In the proses she creates the Nightlings to infiltrate some of there last strong holds to give her race an advantage. In the end she goes to wipe them out so her race alone would try to capture all of Equestria. I am planing a second smaller book with these ones here as they help the Queen do her dirty work and how they find out about there demise as they try to escape with there lives but that one will be a long ways away till I can finish the first book.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Considering that you've worked on these for 8 months along with some assistance from your sister, I assume you create characters? Because this race of pony is pretty interesting.


    Perhaps what I love the most is the features of all of the ponies. It does look like something that'll be in the show, but it also oozes personality thanks to your art style. I also love how they're not too detailed, but not too simple either.


    I can't say I'm too crazy about their abilities, however. They're not bad per se, but I could see some people criticising this race for having elements of both Changelings and Nightmare Moon. Still, these abilities work really well with the race's designs. If anything, I would probably tone down the abilities of this race, but that's all up to you. These are well designed, and it shows that you put in a lot of heart into it. Good luck!

    Thank you for your in put. I will look in to the ability balance but I thought it would a nice way to create a rift between some. Say if some were against love feeding but some were, it would be a way to create problems within the race its self so its not a perfect life. But thank you again for your in put I will talk to my sis about this.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Wow, they look really awesome!  You are a really good artist!   I'm not an art critic, bu I feel you got a good balance of design, not too busy to the eye, but not to plain either.  Very cool!

    Thank you.I thought them up but the art works my Sisters her name is Louise if it was not for here these lovely ponies would not be here.  By the way thanks for the reply it means a lot to me. I see a lot of viewers came by but not many comments and I thank you a lot for being the first of many I hope.


  4. Think of a name you like. What ever you like. For example for me I combined a time of day and a weather condition and BOOM I made my first Nightling named Night Rain. Find what you like and go with it or maybe if your pony has a particular attitude work with that. A name can be whatever you want so have fun. Check out my Sisters Nightlings out my Sis made 3 and she gave them all cool names if you need inspiration. By the way nice pony double hooves up.

  5. Hello and thank you to anyone taking the time to read this. My Sister and I made a race called Nightlings about 8 months ago. Then when I took it to a Brony Expo I had 4 other people ask me to see if I could get these ponies in them show. I don't think it will but that's where all you come in. If you like them please tell me and any questions about them ask me.


    -2 small length fangs, teeth are sharp like a Nightmares
    -The iris is like the nightmares
    -Changeling like ears(Optional in look)
    -Mane and tale look normal(Optional in look)
    -Full body shell and if you want neck, and head(Optional in look)
    -Horn Shape and size can vary for each pony

    -Holes in the lags.(Optional in look)
    -They can change the changeling and nightmare  parts to look like a normal pony.

    -Can also change the shade of color the mane, tail and coat but not the style of the mane and tail.

    -Also cutie mark will not change and same with the race.
    -can use magic when they use magic there eyes glow like a changelings.
    -feed off of dreams as they corrupt them



    -2 small length fangs, teeth are sharp like a Nightmares
    -The iris is like the nightmares
    -Changeling like ears(Optional in look)
    -Mane and tale look normal(Optional in look)
    -Full body shell and if you want neck, and head(Optional in look)

    -Wings folds in half outwards then the shoulder can fold wings to the rear

    -Holes in the lags.(Optional in look)
    -They can change the changeling and nightmare  parts to look like a normal pony.

    -Can also change the shade of color the mane, tail and coat but not the style of the mane and tail.

    -Also cutie mark will not change and same with the race.
    -can fly
    - feed off of dreams as they corrupt them



    -2 small length fangs, teeth are sharp like a Nightmares
    -The iris is like the nightmares
    -Changeling like ears(Optional in look)
    -Mane and tale look normal(Optional in look)
    -Full body shell and if you want neck, and head(Optional in look)

    -Holes in the lags.(Optional in look)
    -They can change the changeling and nightmare  parts to look like a normal pony.

    -Can also change the shade of color the mane, tail and coat but not the style of the mane and tail.

    -Also cutie mark will not change and same with the race.
    -feed off of dreams as they corrupt them

    • Brohoof 2
  6. From what I see they are a wooden structure. So as for diet my best guess is that they probably need sunshine and nutrition from the ground or maybe they eat wood to bulk up. Me and my sis also think they are guardians they my be protecting an ancient evil from being found or item that was sealed away for others safety. As for there life length I think they may be immortal. As you saw in "Spike at your service" when AJ takes them out they reform into a bigger one. That looks like a tactic for beating something bigger or tougher then them. Another thing there was no damage to them so I think there may be a sole stick that serves as there life force and if that stick ever damaged or broken it would harm them greatly.

  7. I think I have meet a Anti-Brony once. He is a friend of mine and when he heard I was going to watch MLP he threaded to end are friendship. So I just went forward with the show I thought if he is a true friend he would not care. So when we meet again he hated that I called him on his bluff. I also found out he never watched the show. So after a few months he said "Lets check it out." and after 5 episodes. I asked him "So how is it?" and he replayed "I like it but I am not a brony." So for me some of them are not as bad as they say and don't want to get bugged or bullied by others. I can understand why some are like that I was bullied all through school.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. I am using Fire Fox how do you do installe  it this browser?  I am not really good with this stuff. :(

    Ok so I am a bit of a moron I really suck with PC stuff. It was so easy to find. It one of these moments.post-29029-0-62309400-1408326155.jpg

    So I lisiend to Twilights done one by Taurus and Moondust there both good. So I did hers 3 times before work and I left home in a better mood then ushial. Even at work with 1 of my managers could not pull me down from this mood all day. Even when I left work I was still felling energized. So thank you for sharing this link. I am going to continue useing this for a month or 2 to see if it helps me in any other ways. I am going to give this to some of my work mates and friends to see if this helps with there stress. This is what I have to say to any stress today.


  9. Me and my sis made a hole new spishes. If it was not for her my OC would never have been made. I am a unicorn. It is called a Nightling its a cross bread of a Changeling and a Nightmare.post-29029-0-35431100-1408179342_thumb.jpg

    This is my sis drawing of it. Hope you all like it.


  10. I am 100% open about it. I went through school as a pariah never fitting in so in grade 11 I made a shiled around me of "I dont give a Buck what anyone thinks of me." and to this day I dont care if someone hates me for what I like no matter what it is I wont hide myself againg.

  11. I was at the library and watching One Piece and Naruto Shippuden. When I finished them I went clicking on random things on youtub and came across Death Battles Star Scream Vs Rainbow Dash. So I thoght why not Star Scream is going to lose to this other one it could be funny to see what they do. Watched it and not thinking of it I was introduced to MLP. Later that day I meet a girl who asked "If I have  ever watched MLP?" I was a little confused but said" Souneds familiar. What dose the acronym stand for?" She said "My Little Pony." I said "No but why not." So when I got a chanes I watched 5 episodes but episode 7 sold me to it when Fluttershy made the dragon cry and I never regretted it.


    I have also got 3 or more to check the show out and so far 3 of them are now bronies and they hate me for it. Two of them are my sisters and the other was a hater of the show. I am sorry for any spelling errors I may have missed.

    • Brohoof 1
  12. Well if this was a senarrio where I am going to die  I would not mind Death appering besied me I would say to him "BRING IT ON! I MADE IT TILL NOW! WHAT ELSE DO YOU GOT!" But I see death as a start of a new adventer and death can't be stopped. On the other hand if I could choose any one next to me o save me Rainbow Dash is a good one to choose from MLP or Tails for the fact he could repair the plane or craft something to save everyone.

  13. My favorite cartoon as a kid is Sonic the Hedgehog the older one. Also Inspector Gadget was EPIC. Freakazoid was another good one. The 80 Robotech was one I never finished as a kid.There are so many old cartoons that were good. Its sad we lost some like The Bugs Bunny and Tweety show because it was sooooo violent and bad for kids to watch. Still good memories of my childhood.

  14. I would like to see King Sombra come back becase I wolud like to see more of his powers and some of his back ground history. I would like to see Queen Chrysalis and her army make a come back it would be nice to see more on them. Then theres Gilda I would like to see what shes been up to. Then you cant go wrong with Flim and Flam and all the trouble they make. I know Trixie in not a villain now but I like her alot and I want to see how shes growing and what new things she learned.

    I also think this pic of King Sombra is EPIC!


  15. I know this thred is over a year old but I was thinking of doing my OC back story. I do like alot of the opinons on how they need love to live. I do think  that if a changeling drains to much love they could kill there pray. This thoughts comes from the comics from IDW made. In one where the changelings invade Ponyville. In the 3rd part you see how they feed  on loving cats and some of them may be dead or unconscious. The other piece of evidence I think may prove this is when Queen Chrysalis drains a cat in front of the CMC in the same comic part. Then in the 4th part she threatens them to put them out of there misery. I also agree with Flicker on how they get more powerful and there pray weakens but I think somepony with high will power can resist it more. As for needing love to survive I do think they need some love but they can eat other foods to survive . But this is what I think. The comic name is The return of Queen Chrysalis. If there are any spelling errors sorry.

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