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Posts posted by Flutterbattyyy

  1. I hate Discord.

    Shouldn't have been reformed imo; and I especially hate how the show likes to controversially pander to shippers with Flutters. It honestly disgusts me. Thankfully though, Big Jim and the show didn't confirm the ship and make it official, or else I would have bailed on the show and the brand entirely. I am a million times thankful that it was left open to interpretation, but I wish they went further and denounced it entirely. Many other friends and Fluttershy fans I know also feel the same way. (Don't @ me, because I am not interested in discussing/debating this btw.)

    • Brohoof 3
  2. image.thumb.png.ede5e74ab8e728bf17767cad5ceaf6ac.png

    Fluttershy at Big Spring Creek Falls, Upper Tier

    During this past October, I hiked into the mountains a short ways to this waterfall and brought my lifesize Fluttershy plushie (45") with me. Here she is relaxing by the peaceful rhythm of the nearby falls. This was taken in southern Washington in the Pacific Northwest. Watch a short video clip of the falls and Fluttershy here.

  3. I'm going to see the movie tomorrow in Portland!


    Here are two more photographs taken from late August this year. 

    Both images are just one of thousands of photos taken that will become a sunset-to-stars timelapse, which will be a part of my 2019 "Equestria: Into the Wild" film.

    I still need to do a few image editing tweaks on the astrophotography image to remove noise and to sharpen the image.



    (Above: Mattock Lakes, California around midnight. Below: Mattock Lakes at sunset.)



    • Brohoof 1
  4. So now that the summer of 2017 is in full swing, I have been hard at work getting to various places with my ponies. I also recently got a Flutterbat plush to take with me, so I'm excited for that!



    But first, a few from last year.


    Just like the photo of Crystal Lake in the original post, this was taken from our campsite at Crystal Lake. The view is of Mount Adams' west face. The Daring Do engraved compass was bought at Everfree NW last year.




    This was taken from our campsite at Crystal Lake as well, but this time looking north towards Mount Rainier and the Goat Rocks. The view was spectacular!





    For my last hike of the summer, I made the long 6 hour drive up to Mount Baker and Artist Point to hike the Ptarmigan Ridge Trail. Here is Rainbow Dash in front of Mount Shuksan. Mount Baker is directly opposite of Shuksan (so behind me as I was taking this photo).





    May, 2017:


    For my very first hike of the year, I headed out to Columbia Hills State Park in eastern Washington, just north of the Oregon border along the Columbia River Gorge.

    We did a 7 mile loop hike, finishing off on the Vista Loop Trail. Here is Flutterbat enjoying the fields upon fields of yellow Western Basalmroot and purple Lupine characteristic of the eastern Columbia River Gorge. In the near distance is the mighty Columbia River, the largest river on the west coast.





    For the second hike of the year, I ventured up the Herman Creek Trail for around 5 miles (10 miles round trip). At the turnaround point for the day, I photographed Rarity among the lush green forests characteristic of northern Oregon and the Columbia River Gorge.




    For the last hike in may, Fluttershy and I hiked the Dry Creek Trail in southern Washington near the Trapper Creek Wilderness. Here she is enjoying the relaxing sound of the babbling creek. The trail is relatively flat as it follows the gentle uphill grade of the creek.

    • Brohoof 2
  5. Depends; I am a night person; I am definitely not a morning person. :lol:  However, I try to adjust my bedtime based on when I need to wake up. I try to give myself at least 6 hours.

     In college, I tend to go to bed around 3-6 AM. I have late classes (like 11:00 AM), so I can sleep in late. 

    On days where I need to wake up early (i.e. special events or hiking trips), I go to bed around 1 AM.

    On breaks (like Spring Break and Christmas Break), I go to bed around 12-1 AM. (Because breaks are limited in time, I choose to stay away from my computer for the most part).

  6. Well, I'm pretty sure that my latest pony-related purchase was my lifesize Fluttershy plushie. I'm not entirely certain, but I believe this was the latest.



    She just arrived a week ago, so I took some new pictures of her.  :yay:
















    • Brohoof 5
  7. My iMac 5k, for 2.5k. I got it for my college work in graphic designing, but I also use it for video editing, drawing, and photography. 



    I also purchased two lifesize Fluttershy plushies. One was $1,000 (45" big) and the other was $620 (40" big).



    Going down from there, I purchased a Macbook Pro way back a few years ago. It was around 1.2k–a longterm investment for schoolwork and college, and so worth it.


    Further down the list is various photography and hiking/backpacking gear. All purchased over several years.

    My camera kit costed 1k. My new Samyang lens was $250. Tripod... $150. Filters, each around $40. Several other smaller purchases, too.


    Sleeping bag = $320. Osprey Anti-gravity backpack = $250. Double Rainbow tent = $270. Down Jacket... $100. Trekking poles... $50. etc., etc. The list for hiking gear goes on and on. I've easily spent at least 1k on hiking (its practically an obsession! =P). >.<

  8. I never watched much TV as a child (born in '96, so I'm not that old). I only had local TV, so I never really watched shows like Pokemon, Spongebob, Family Guy, The Simpsons, Power Puff Girls, Avatar: TLA, Phineas and Ferb, Disney Channel shows, etc. (However, resort vacations were the rare exception, where they had cable.)


    All the other shows I watched on VHS or DVDs from the library. (Shows like Winnie the Pooh, The Smurfs, G1 MLP (1980s), Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears..., etc. Most of all the kid shows I watched were from the late 70s to the early 90s. ...I had a rather innocent childhood. xD



    In addition, I never watched many pop-culture movies until my High School years: Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc. (Still haven't seen Star Wars! lol.)



    The thing is, I spent so much of my time either outside in the forest or backyard (climbing trees, playing in the mud, etc.) or playing with indoor toys (train sets, stuffed animal/plush fictional adventures, etc.) that I never had much time or interest for TV. xD



    Now, of course, I've been in the slow process of catching up. But my outdoorsy-backyard-loving childhood has led me to have a tremendous love and obsession for hiking and the "real" outdoors, now that I am older. So, I am rather ok with it. :P



    Speaking of odd cultural ideas, I would rather spend a night at a 5,000,000 star "hotel" in the wilderness than at a 5 star resort.  :-P

  9. Oh my goshityafdslokijuhy...who made that 40" one?

    I want one!

    So jelly now...



    Oh well, to answer the question, yup, never a night without hugging my 32" Rainbow Dash (with faux fur mane and tail...so soft...).

    I've had her for almost 2 years, cuddled with almost every night, she's still in one piece, and I hope she stays in one piece for many more years of cuddling.



    Thanks! She was made by Agatrix. She makes ponies 55" to 65" long, but I asked for a smaller size so the price would be less expensive. 


    She is super cute, but not as cute or as show accurate as the new 45" one I'm getting (a Fluttershy also with faux fur mane and tail). I've never felt a faux fur mane plush, so I am super excited to know what it feels like in person. 



    So, do you have both a giant Fluttershy and a Rainbow Dash plush, then? (Because your original comment mentioned a giant Fluttershy that you sleep with.)  Have any pics of her?


    Who made your Rainbow Dash, by the way? I'll have to get a Rainbow Dash one, sometime. Dashie is so cute.  ^_^

    • Brohoof 1
  10. I used to have a PC, but iSwitched to Mac a few years ago.  ;)


    I chose a Mac because I do graphic work, photography, and videography and need the powerful OS.





    My MacBook Pro is a mid (high?) tier MacBook. I got it at a discount at the Apple refurbished store.

    • MacBook Pro: (Retina, Mid 2012)
    • Intel Core i7 2.3 GHz 

    • 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3

    • Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000 1536 MB

    • Dedicated: NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M

    It performs decently well, but I wish I got it with more ram. 8 gigs is barely enough to edit photos and videos, but it does great with other tasks. The user experience (especially the multiple trackpad gestures) is wonderful. Plus, it is lightweight, making it great for taking around campus.

    But for more serious work, I decided to invest in an iMac. 






    My iMac is brand new, fully maxed out in every way except for the RAM (will install it later on my own) and storage (will use an external drive for large work files). I love it so much! Way too expensive, (I'm not rich), but worth the investment, imo. My rationalization is that I won't be buying anything expensive for the next 10 years! lol. 


    • 27-inch iMac with Retina 5K display
    • 4.0GHz quad-core Intel Core i7, Turbo Boost up to 4.2GHz
    • 8GB 1867MHz DDR3 SDRAM - two 4GB
    • 256GB Flash Storage
    • Graphics: AMD Radeon R9 M395X with 4GB video memory
    • Magic Keyboard and Magic Trackpad 2



    (Here it is on the Apple store, if any one is interested to buy it.)

  11. Hmm, well, umm... yeah, I do sleep with my Fluttershy plush... but not in... that... way...  :blush:   She is a 40 inch life-size laying Fluttershy. 







    I can attest to how amazingly cozy I sleep at night with her. I snuggle up next to her, while her wing rests over me. I just sleep better with her. Only thing is, she is more of a displayable plush, so I'm getting a second Fluttershy that is more soft and is meant for snuggling. She will arrive in two weeks. I'm so hyped!  :yay:


    She will be my second life size Fluttershy, coming in at 45" long. I'm excited for her because she has faux fur hair.  :squee:









    I sleep with my big Fluttershy plushie considering it's big enough. the others sleep around the bed.

    Fluttershy approves of your choice!  :squee:

    Oooh, how big is she? 

    • Brohoof 2
  12. I'm not saying anyone's votes should be discarded (sans the illegal ones, of course); I'm just correcting you on that whole "most citizens = anti-Trump" thing (when it should really be "most mainstream-media people = anti-Trump").


    Most citizens in the U.S. are anti trump, not just the mainstream media. The fact is that he lost the popular vote, and has the lowest approval rating ever seen before.


    In fact, a Californian's vote actually has less power than a North Dakotan's vote, because N. Dakota gets two extra votes regardless of its population. So Californians individually have the least power in the election, whereas the smallest states have the most power.

  13. Do keep in mind that the only tipping-point against his popular vote was California -- i.e., the Liberal capital.


    The majority of the Electoral map -- i.e., a reflection of the dominant mindsets -- was red.



    A Californian's vote is no less important than an Alaskan's vote. Every person is an American here. 


    By that mindset, we should exclude Texas and the southern states, because they always vote red. The "red" capitol.


    I'm from Oregon, btw.

  14. If they abandon the Mane 6, I might just not watch it. If they make a series based on Celestia and Luna, Starswirl, or Daring Do, then I will watch it. But if they come up with a completely new cast, I likely won't. It would be a terrible business choice if Hasbro decides to abandon their beloved characters that made the show so popular.


    No Fluttershy in it as a main character? Then I probably wouldn't watch (or at least get as invested in it). :P


    I don't believe that it is going to go downhill anytime soon. This is because:

    • Season 6 being "bad" doesn't indicate that the next seasons will be bad. Just look at Season 3; Season 4 came after and it was the best season yet.  :yay:
    • The episode "Twilight's Kingdom" proves that the show can delve into a darker and more epic themes and do it well. 
    • The Cutie Map proves that there are so many undiscovered places in Equestria to explore. 
    • The 2017 Movie will likely be the reviving catalyst for the show, both drawing in new fans and opening up new storytelling and themes to explore.


    If they do make a new show, I hope they keep the same drawing style as before. I'll try to be as open as possible, but G4 is hard to beat.



    My only request to the writers is to leave out all shipping from the show. At all costs... especially with Fluttershy. Absolutely NO Fluttercord, Flutterdash, Twidash, etc. (With the exception of Rarity, as she is fit for the type and already established as a romantic.) If this ever happens with Fluttershy, that will be the point I stop watching.  :huh:  I just hope it doesn't come to that.

    • Brohoof 1
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