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Brony Pride

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Everything posted by Brony Pride

  1. I have 6. I have 3 Rainbow Dashes (1 keychain plush, and 2 different plushies.) And I have 1 of the rest of the mane 6. I am still looking to expand my collection cx
  2. Guess who's alive? I was gone for sooo long because I never got around to coming back here lol

  3. So turns out I'm not bi :P also my girlfriend broke up with me....I am so sad tbh that I just want to curl up into a tiny ball and scream

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BlitzBLT


      Lies, he's bi and also, he left MLP Forums for a while, come back pls :c

    3. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      what you mean *hug?

    4. Brony Pride

      Brony Pride

      He was right. I did turn out bi.

      Sadly me and him are no longer friends, stuff happened, words that cannot be taken back were exchanged, etc.


    1. Demonic Soulz

      Demonic Soulz

      I did :D but Sealy congrats

    2. Brony Pride

      Brony Pride

      lol thanks

      Trickful Dash actually helped me see that I was bi...like this explains a lot XD

    3. BlitzBLT


      *sigh* Yeah, I sure did "help"...

  5. Hay everypony guess who? I got like $150 for my B-Day so im gunna go buy some beats, finally lol

    1. 111111
    2. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      Awesome! Logitech FTW tho x3

  6. Sorry if im not active a lot. im waiting for my new pc. Also I always get the feels when watching twilight turn into a princess

    1. BlitzBLT


      Congratulations on the new girlfriend braaah :D

  7. Add me on facebook. the link is in the description. if that doesnt work just look up Luke Brony Westphal. ill pop up ;)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Overdrive


      If you insist.

    3. Brony Pride

      Brony Pride

      I thought that was you Smash xD

      Just because your pic lol

    4. Overdrive


      It's bad enough the Penguins lost tonight.

  8. A few more days before I GET MAH $1000!!!!!! YEAH!!!! Monster PC, Oculus, and some RD Merch :D I AM SO HAPPY I COULD SCREAM!!!! yay!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. PonyVortex


      Nice! I'm geting a sword! And that's AWSOME HAVE FUN

    3. Overdrive


      F150, Ram or Silverado... I'll decide by the time I get there.

    4. Hopes and Memes
  9. I think I have corrupted my brain....either that or i am very tired. At least 90% of my thoughts are pony related.....I am not complaining though :3

    1. Show previous comments  97 more
    2. Brony Pride

      Brony Pride

      Im just kidding xD

      But yeah if you get the feels while writing your own story you are doing it right

    3. Brony Pride

      Brony Pride

      And if you want to know. I meant hoof fetish. I have a foot fetish and it came with me over to the brony fandom. And no clopfic has it. So I am going to make my own with it in it.

    4. Overdrive
  10. I WANT A SHOW ACCURATE DASHIE!!! FOR FUCKS SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!!! ALL THE ONES I HAVE FOUND LOOK LIKE CRAP!!! Save for this one https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTofdpPECsN3BbShqmOAQBdCWOjGJIMWAuF8VeoLR05Uu-q_jK3aw3aaPc

    1. Show previous comments  81 more
    2. Brony Pride

      Brony Pride

      yet 2MB/s isnt for gaming. but even with only 50KB/s I have like 100 ping....

    3. Brony Pride
    4. Overdrive


      I have my phone through them already. If anything, it would save money.

  11. Add meh on steam! I want more ponehs to chat to Dx

    1. Bunnyhop123


      If you chat with ponies, you might want to seek professional help......


      Regardless, what's your steam name?

    2. Brony Pride

      Brony Pride

      lol good one XD


      RariDash (Brony Pride)

      Exactly like that

    3. Bunnyhop123
  12. Add meh on steam! I want more ponehs to chat to Dx

    1. Overdrive


      Sorry, I'm strictly a console gamer.

    2. Brony Pride

      Brony Pride

      Yeah my pc sucks. when I get my new one ill be happy

    3. Overdrive


      I have 2 nice computers, but I don't really PC game, and I don't want to screw anything up by putting in a better graphics card. I don't have the money anyway.

  13. Trickful Dash seems to be a bit....fucked at the moment. This is from his steam account: "Who cares? I'm very fucked up at the moment, please leave a message after the beep. *beep*" and this is what he posted on it: "I might go offline til I get my laptop back or til I get my head clear of this cutting bull shit and my other thoughts and when things get more... Settle." I really hope he's ok. He is like my BEST brony friend. We chat all the time lawl

    1. BlitzBLT


      Yeah that was a hard time, like 3 days of coas. I'm over it now, Im gonna see a therapist soon. I'm okay now, Im just selling things and such, I NEED MOAR DOSH.

  14. Officially defriended my first high school friend. I thought friends stick up for each other. not make fun of em. I can see what Smash N Dash was talkin about. I have people issuse too tho. at least the first person to find out I was a brony didnt hate on me for it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Overdrive


      In all honesty, there is only 1 person I went to high school that I actually still talk to. Reason being, is because she has a level head on her shoulders. That, and my brother is kinda best friends with her brother. Just find the people that are really worth your time, and who will stand by you through anything. Those are your true friends.

    3. Brony Pride

      Brony Pride

      Best. Advice. I have ever gotten

    4. Overdrive


      Wish I learned that when I was younger. I really do.

  15. Defriended 2 friends on facebook for raging at me. Calling me out for being a brony on a star wars status. I eventually deleted the post all together. Man you think you know some people. They kepy saying bronies are mentally broken and that the show corrupts you. Fucking morons

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Brony Pride

      Brony Pride

      Yeah. They can't judge something they never watched.

      I'll be honest I was scared to think I was a brony.

      But I accepted it as it wasn't that bad.

      If they were to just watch it they could find out they actually like it.

      I still can't believe he turned on me

    3. Overdrive


      I hate to say it, but's that you find who your true friends are. It's why I came here, actually. I had so many burned bridges, that I needed to look somewhere else.

    4. Spartan


      its ok to hate the hardcore bronies, it makes the normal people (bronies included) bad.. though no one knows i watch the show, i pin the blame on my poor little niece lol

  16. >3> My Name is Brony Pride and Shipping is my game. Note: I am really bored so cut me some slack :c

    1. Bunnyhop123


      You ship packages? Sounds boring.

    2. Brony Pride

      Brony Pride

      yes I very much ship packages

      Much Shipping Such boring Wow

  17. browsing forums in my phone at school. NO REGRETS! Althiugh I sit in the back of class :3


    1. Spartan


      restart it? when mine starts acting up, it asks me to restart it.. i think its possessed..

  19. RariDash :3 total ship it

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Brony Pride

      Brony Pride

      well there WERE two reasons for why it was weird.

    3. KatieBelle


      *arches eyebrow*

    4. Brony Pride

      Brony Pride





  20. I wonder if I should keep trying Rainbow and if it doesnt work I'll do Rarity
  21. I am you from the future there's no time to explain! Follow m- OH CRHIST WHAT THE FUCK?!?? (

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Brony Pride

      Brony Pride

      oh god its foxy....

      That game officially made me scared of animatronics

    3. Demonic Soulz

      Demonic Soulz

      I'm not evil though. I'm just a poor little soul who just lost all control

    4. Brony Pride

      Brony Pride

      when you put it that way...

      I really am scared of animatronics now. I am afraid that freddy is gunna stuff me in a consume DX

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