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Poetic Justice

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Blog Entries posted by Poetic Justice

  1. Poetic Justice
    I've been seeing a lot of posts on Tumblr about bronies leaving the fandom because they see it as "corrupt" or "stupid". A large argument is that Bronies really shouldn't exist. Bronies are just fans of the show, just like everyone else. I disagree, but I'll get into that in a second. I think that when people say Bronies are "corrupt", they are referencing the R34 content/ or the myth that Bronies alienate girls.
    Well, first, I guess I should give my thoughts on what a Brony is. I believe there is a distinct difference between a Brony and a fan of My Little Pony. Simply, a fan of My Little Pony will watch the show, and maybe talk about it with some friends when it comes up. I was a fan of My Little Pony long before I actually became a Brony.
    Now, a Brony (in my opinion) is a fan of My Little Pony that goes beyond just watching the show. This doesn't necessarily mean you are a content creator or role-player. If you listen to Brony themed-music regularly, look up fanart every now and again, or have merchandise, I think you are a Brony at that point. Personally, I started calling myself a "brony" when I started listening to The Living Tombstone and such. However, my friend argues that I officially became a brony when I started writing fanfiction, so I guess it's relative. Anyway, I'm getting off track.
    Basically- A brony is a fan of the show that supports it by doing more than just watching it.
    Well, I have a problem with people saying they are leaving the fandom. Sort of. I understand if they leave because they just don't enjoy the show anymore. Interests come and go. It's when people claim that the "bronies" are the problem.
    See, it doesn't make any sense (to me at least) because it's like they are saying "If I stay in this fandom, I will become like the bad people in the group." Now, are there people in this fandom that fit in the negative stereotypes? Most definitely. And I'm not talking about the R34 artists, you guys do your thing. If you want to draw it, go ahead. I'm talking about the bronies that actually alienate the target audience for the show. I can't really think of any more examples, but I hope that you guys understand what I mean.
    If you're thinking about leaving this fandom because you see a lot of "bronies" reinforcing the negative stereotype, consider this. At that point, you accept just because someone has a title, they become the stereotype that title comes with. Another example is if someone says "I'm leaving Tumblr because everyone on this site are social justice people!"
    That's just my thoughts though. Personally, I don't think I'll ever leave the Brony community. The show isn't even a big part of the reason I joined the community to begin with. It's the fan-art, fan-fics, and the people. As long as the community continues to thrive and create content, I'll be here a while.
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