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Posts posted by ParaTelic

  1. Name: Brendan Sébastian


    Age: 21


    Sex: Male

    Gender: Man


    Country: Canada


    Likes: Psychology, anime, music, learning/trying new things, reading, and video games.


    Dislikes: close mindedness, various forms of -ism's; misconceptions about psychology and psychologists, and Canadian geese. lol


    Hobbies: Playing classical guitar, organizing/listening to my music, cycling, and video game collecting.


    Other Info: I'm a university student and I'm about to begin my fifth year where I'll be doing my honours psychology thesis on sibling-bullying and it's prevalance within adulthood. I also volunteer as a peer counselor at my University and I enjoy listening to other when they need someone to talk to. :lol:

    I guess it's pretty obvious why my avatar has a cutie mark with the greek letter psi in it, haha.

    • Brohoof 3
  2. ...This may not count because these are arthropods but whatever.

    House Centipedes! :blink:

    I come from Windsor Ontario where these things must have gotten into nuclear waste at some point. The things are so big I'm pretty sure they have graffiti on the side of them. Also, they are extremely fast, which adds to how creepy they are.

    and Mosquitoes because they are essentially flying used-needles.



  3. Of course not, music is music. Whatever makes you happy and makes you feel the groove is good for ya. :)

    I personally feel the same way about game music though. My mp3 player has 3000+ songs on it and only like 250 are non-game music. Due to the nature of game music and how it's associated with the tone the game is trying to make it has the ability to make you feel something specific without a single word.

    It can make you feel determined and courageous


    Or happy...

    Or cold and somber


    Or just plain silly.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. I just started watching this show about two months ago. At first I have to say that Rarity, for quite a while was my least favourite pony, but over time I noticed that most of my favourite lines and moments come from her due to her need for things to be fabulous. Along with how dedicated she is to her craft and how she has built herself up to be so succesful throughout equestria, despite being from a small country town like ponyville, she is very respectable.

    Without further ado...ahem...RARITY IS BEST PONY!

    "Fine, I'm guilty! I wear false eyelashes! *beat* Oh, and I took a bite of the cake."


    • Brohoof 8
  5. There are so many different things to like in a villain. Most of the things I like have already been said in the forum.

    But one of the things I really like in a villain is when they feel active or ever present to the main hero or the world that the story takes place.

    Like, when the villain directly confronts the heroes, or does something to impede their progress I really appreciate it because it gives the heroes' journey a sense of danger from the main antagonist. Or when you can feel the villain's presence in the world of the story, you can see what they have done and why they should be stopped. Consequently I don't like when the villain just sort of sits back in their castle waiting for the hero to confront them.

    I'll use Zelda villains as an example of each because I'm a zelda nerd.

    1. Active villain - Ghirahim (Skyward Sword) & Vaati (Minish Cap)
    2. Villain's Presence - Ganon (Link to the Past) & Skull Kid (Majora's Mask)
    3. Lazy Villain - Ganondorf (ocarina of Time) & Bellum (Phantom Hourglass)

  6. One of my pet peeves is when somebody makes a long-winded comment about how the person who made the video didn't do a good job, or that their new stuff sucks and claiming that they are making a criticism.

    I only wish these people understand how difficult it is to make videos, and that criticism is more than just being mean--it's providing critical feedback on things that can be improved on as well as pointing out what is good in something.

  7. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rarity

    How did you find MLP Forums?: I wanted to be a part of the MLP community and I figured a forum would be the best place to start. I googled "MLP forum" and ended up here.

    How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: During the 2011 MLP craze I honestly didn't think much of the show and simply never watched it.However, about 2 month ago I got curious and decided to download the whole first season. I watched the first two episodes and only thought it was okay--I pressed on...Little by little I become more engaged and enamored by the show until I fell in love with it. I went on a month long pony binge and watched all the episodes, read all the comics and have seen some of the fan created content.

    I just made my avatar on photoshop (I hope it looks okay)...


    I'm a 21 year old Mexican-Canadian, my goal in life is to become a counseling psychologist. For whatever reason I've always had a knack for getting people to open up and I've always found it very fun to listen to people genuinely talk about themselves, so it just sort of made sense.


    I'm not the type to take most things too seriously, as a result I happen to make lots of jokes and typically be brutally honest. I'm an open-minded individual and I greatly respect things that other people are passionate about. That's probably why I think the concept of the cutie mark is so awesome. =)

    I'm into video games, anime, reading, playing classical guitar, and cycling.


    I also wanted to say that I am really excited to be a part of this community and that I hope I get to meet some nice people.

    • Brohoof 1
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