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Posts posted by Soullite

  1. Charles tries to stand up again, his knees bent, trying to stay up. He notices the fact he managed to trip the Bandit, and quickly uses it as a chance to recover from his mistake. "I, er, meant to do that. Aye." He remarks, raising his fist in the air, and attempting to slam it down into the Bandit's back.

  2. "Ho! This is finally me chance to get some recognition!" He quietly murmurs to himself, slowly creeping up to the Bandit. He lets out a slight grunt as he throws his own head back, and attempts to headbutt the Bandit, putting one foot back to keep a firm stance, without falling head over heels.

  3. Hearing a somewhat distressed voice, Charles walks over, rubbing his eyes, trying to get his vision back. After finally realizing that the town is under attack, he immediately goes from walk to sprint, untying his metal gloves from his belt. "Did someone say help 'ere?" He shouts, waiting for a response, slotting his hands into the gloves.

  4. Charles watches the woman head off to a Bandit, and seems somewhat confused. He looks around at the horses. "S'This some sorta party or somethin'?" He asks, nudging a person nearby, somewhat still intoxicated. "They're quite lively, I'll tell you what." He chuckles, staring at the armed Bandit near the kids, not being able to make out the fact that he's attempting to hurt them, his vision a bit blurry.

  5. Charles raises his head to his own dismay, feeling his body slightly vibrating, feeling quite knocked up from the drink. He smacks his lips, and looks around. "Hrguh... Whuh? What's goin' on?" He mumbles, watching the woman raise her hood and exit. Still somewhat hazy (and intoxicated), he heads to the door, scratching his side.

  6. Charles rest his hand on the counter, his metal gloves clinking together, tied to his belt. "Alright, lad, I want a... er, hm." He scratches his beard. "I'll have a Sublime Liquor. I feel like having a pint today." He chuckles to himself, forking over 25 Gold from his pockets. He looks around at the other people in the tavern, looking a bit suspicious. "Hrm, some wide variety of folk here, eh?" He says, trying to make small talk.

  7. "Eugh, somethin' 'ere feels a bit off." Charles admits to himself, looking at each passerby as he stands like an idiot in the middle of a path. He shakes his head in denial, refusing to let negative thoughts enter his mind about the town. "Now, what I really need to do is get a drink!" He chuckles to himself, and continues down the path merrily, looking for anything that looks like a tavern.

  8. Gauntlet is the term used for the armor piece guarding the wrist and hand. Caestus is the proper term for a weaponized glove. Also sorry if I haven't been posting. Had to change wifi so I won't be on for the next couple of days. I'll post something in main rp to explain why my character isn't meeting up with the rest so quickly.

    Oh hey, well that's interesting.


    I just sorta took the concept from "Fists of Steel" from Team Fortress 2, but it's cool to know the proper term.

  9. "Har har har!" Charles laughs, glad he followed his gut, before slowly cutting himself off, coughing harshly. "Alright. Where are the punks 'ere so I can show them my fists?" He tells himself, looking around the place. He scratches his beard, and starts to walk around, asking random people if anything or anyone has been causing the town trouble lately.

  10. With no luck on the fact that he doesn't know if the three figures he's seen are truly real, Charles continues to follow, just to see if the self-proclaimed "hallucinations" know where the city is. He stays quiet and a fair distance away, not shouting at it like he did with the sun, because, well, he doesn't want to look like a mad man.

  11. Charles notices the stream of water, and cautiously approaches it, thinking it's just another trick his mind is playing on him, and reaches down and cups some in his hands, and splashes it on his face. "This is real... Wait, I wasn't hallucinating stuff this time!" he remarks with glee. "Maybe those figures aren't just me mind either." he says, as he walks slowly after the figures, cautious that it might be like the tumbleweed.

  12. Welcome to the forums! Feel free to show us your art and all, I think it'd be cool to see.


    We hope you enjoy your time here, and good luck with the career of being an artist!

    • Brohoof 5
  13. Charles attempts to kick the tumbleweed in anger and disappointment, and chases it around for a little while. "Pffph, darn sun.. makin' me do all this..." he grumbles, as he slides his fingers into his metallic gloves, wriggling his fingers, then clenching them into a fist. "I swear to god I'll punch ye one day, if I could ever reach you, ye glowing orb of misfortune." he whispers under his breath, looking up at it. "How the bloody hell am I supposed to find this place?! I'm in the middle of nowhere, there's nothing to follow, and I'm thirsty!" he shouts, before slowly calming down and realising his only lead, to absolutely anywhere away from here. He kneels down and watches the tumbleweed, and whispers to himself. "O' wee tumbleweed, do you know where this place is...?"

  14. Charles had been walking across the bare land for what felt like hours, just to reach the town of Ithagor. The sweat glistens in the unforgiving sunlight, as he wipes it off his brow with one arm, holding his pair of steel gloves in the other. "Argh, bloody idiots, thinkin' that gloves canny be a weapon! Aye, I'll show 'em, amateurs!" he grumbles to himself with a light chuckle, his Irish accent being quite an oddity in this land. He stops and squints to search around, to see if there's any sign of water, or more importantly, the town, seeing as he only brought his fists. "Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to just bring me fists..." he sighs. He soon enough closes his eyes, and falls to the ground, dehydrated and tired, and opens his eyes to the blurry view in front of him. "Well... looks like this is where I go..." he says, as his eyes re-adjust, and notice a faint speck in the distance. He gradually climbs back up to his feet, and starts to jog. "That better be where I'm supposed to be headed, ya hear?!" he shouts, picking up the pace into a slight sprint, as he points up to the blazing sun.

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