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Everything posted by Hatguy

  1. Haven't been on the forums in a while

  2. I wouldn't think the term "in person" comes up a lot in Equestria, communication seems fairly limited, either you meet face to face or you write a letter so maybe they just entirely avoid saying it or it's even possible that their language never developed a need for the term.
  3. There are people in this world who hate other people, I hate people like that.
  4. Sounds like a fun idea, massive minecraft worlds and bronies, what else do you need? as long as nobody is using the word "official" anywhere (which would imply that the site/admins were endorsing it) you generally don't need to ask permission (at least that's what the rules say) but I'm not an admin (obviously) so I'm pretty much entirely unqualified to make a judgement about this, I suppose we'll see soon enough.
  5. There's Pony Sounds, it's just an MLP soundboard but my brony friends and I have had quite a bit of fun with it.
  6. It's contrary to free speech, insulting, offending, or annoying people is a right and denying that sets a dangerous precedent. That said, citizens deserve to be protected from bullying, harassment, and psychological harm, so if it can be demonstrated that a troll is intentionally targeting and knowingly attempting to harm an individual then the citizen deserves protection from that.
  7. It seems to me that beyond elementary education there are several high school like options (flight school and school for gifted unicorns) beyond that I had assumed that there was no formalized education but that if you wanted to expand your education there were masters of trades and skilled thinkers that you could learn from (similar to Pythagoras, Socrates, or Aristotle) for example it seems likely that Starswirl the Bearded had some disciples that wanted, to expand their magical knowledge.
  8. The left pony's cutie mark is a gavel, the one on the right has a scroll (as everyone can see) these two items are associated with judicial and legislative branches of governance, I'm not sure how the mayor's mark shows her executive power but it's established that she is the mayor. Despite the fact that Equestria is a monarchy it seems that (due to their cutie marks) these ponies represent the three branches mentioned by the doctor.
  9. As far as it actually happening, I doubt it. If it did happen I would be making the same face as RD is making in the picture up there.
  10. It's always possible that once the Mane 6 pass the elements will again attach themselves to Celestia and Luna now that they are once again united meaning that Discord would likely escape only once more.
  11. In front of everyone in my chem class, people were confused...
  12. ^ doubt it...they were a bit obvious if you listen to the recording.
  13. Well with ten pages it might not matter much, but you can always do the period trick.
  14. Almost everything from May the Best Pet Win song especially the cat...also Derpy in the chicken coop.
  15. 1) Cloud Chaser, if only there were more FF ponies 2) Filly Cloud Chaser is so D'awwww it hurts 3) Dat Mane 4) Dat Mane 5) Dat Mane 6) and more dat mane ad nauseum I think you can all see where I'm going with this...point is DAT MANE.
  16. Bronies UNITE!!! And if only everyone on league was that bronytastic.
  17. Applebloom is the brains but Scootaloo tends to be the one dragging them around on crazy adventures (even if Applebloom sees the obvious problems) Applebloom may be the one who understands that Scootaloo should dance and Sweetie-Bell(e?) should sing but Scootaloo is the one who dragged them off a zipline and all over Ponyville for that matter in search of Rainbow Dash. I don't think there is an official leader but Scootaloo ends up leading by force of her personality most of the time.
  18. Ponyville Confidential was my favorite with one of my favorite scenes (that hasn't been mentioned already) being the part where AJ and Big Mac switch styles of speech. I would have voted for MMMystery but I just can't get over how out of character three of the ponies acted. Hurricane Fluttershy was my second favorite over MMM because of Fluttertree and Chunky (/Fit/zgerald? Roid Rage Pony? Big McLargehuge?).
  19. I thought the episode was great fun to watch but I couldn't get past the fact that PP's friends destroyed the cake I didn't think Fluttershy or Rarity would do such a thing and it disappoints me that this is now canon, from an enjoyment standpoint though the episode was great, I just wish they didn't have to write the character so out of character (at least in my opinion)...also AJ totally should have been guilty I thought I had it figured out in this scene where everyone else looks worried and she looks guilty. Actually after a second look Twilight is making almost the same face...well, there goes my theory.
  20. Most people don't care if you aren't pushy about it, if you don't make a big deal of it they probably won't either. Of course in light of the above comment hiding it would be no small task, but even if they do find out you could always remind them that it is just a TV show.
  21. I always assumed that baby was a physical condition brought on by Spike being raised by ponies and never being greedy (except for the time he was) and while his mental age may be slightly advanced for his age dragons in mythology tend to be very wise which and reptiles on earth tend to mature faster than mammals, both of these things could explain his perceived mental maturity. Spike is mentally as mature as the mane 6 (maybe early 20's) but he will physically remain a baby unless he succumbs to greed.
  22. 1) Fluttershy 2) Derpy 3) Rainbow Dash 4) Pinkie Pie 5) Twilight Sparkle
  23. Are alicorns aliens...it would make sense, they are genetically unique few in number on the Equestrian planet appeared at some point in pony history with very little explanation and posses much longer lifespans, the only explanation I can think of that fits all those criteria is aliens...or magic...in fact it's probably the magic one...but still, ALIENS!!!
  24. I don't find it unlikely that the planet (that Equestria is on) is spherical, there is no real defined limitation to the power of an alicorn and the special talents implied by Celestia and Luna's cutie marks would explain how they can raise and lower the sun/moon, and the issue of massive objects being moved is present in both explanations so I don't think it reasonable to argue for either argument based on the ability/inability of alicorns to move celestial bodies. Under the assumption that celestial bodies are movable by alicorns there is evidence to the fact that the planet is round as listed above.
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