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Everything posted by Hatguy

  1. I've heard nothing of this "anti-Trixie law" but now that the idea has been mentioned it seems like a good one, NO MORE TRIXIE HERE OR ANYWHERE I mean y'know if that's ok with you and if you don't mind because sometimes Trixie is seen as annoying and not tolerated and well... I guess Trixie is ok...if that's your thing, in fact there should be a new law: love and tolerance for Trixie . Even if she is a deceptive boastful pain in the [Rant removed for conciseness].
  2. In response to each of the OP's claims (which I won't reproduce, just address by number) I see several flaws 1. You can lead a horse to water...but you can't make it a brony, I personally don't think that there is much incentive to join the brony community, it is a group that is viewed negatively by the general public so there is likely little social pressure involved and I don't think I've ever met anyone who wanted to be a brony to seem more socially apt although I do grant that bronies tend to try to spread the show to their friends the community alone does not seem enough of an incentive for most people. 2. All of the shows listed in point two were very good cartoons (some of my personal favorites) but I don't think any of those cartoons were significantly better overall some had better characters and some had better writing but compared to the cartoons listed I don't think you can say that MLP:FiM is significantly better or worse than any of them. I would also point out that none of those cartoons have the same style or even genre that MLP has, none of those shows have the same fantasy and "slice of life" elements or the same overall feeling of brightness and innocence, so that even if in terms of content one were somehow proven objectively better it would still be objectively completely different. 3. It is quite impossible for any personal subjective observation of qualitative data to be objective, so MLP is not "objectively above-average" and back to the first point, many people likely discovered the show through the fact that it is so common online but once again introducing someone to something does not necessarily they will have a high opinion of it and the fact that something is common on the internet does not mean people have an inherently higher opinion of it. I don't argue that without the internet memes the fan community would likely have been much smaller but that doesn't imply that the show is overrated it just means that the community surrounding it is larger that the communities of older shows of similar quality. There seems to be a fundamental flaw equating "rating" with the rabidness of fans, the show is of a quality that I believe to be on par with that of many of the cartoons listed in point number two that would be my rating of the show, to point to which I defend it and even try to suggest it is a function of the fan community but this applies generally to any community, if someone is part of a community centered on one thing and someone insults that thing they insult the community and by extension the person this problem is inherent in any fan community (put some TNG and TOS fans near each other and then say that Kirk is better) and is something that does not necessarily imply that anything is overrated but simply that some fans are overzealous and forget that an attack on the show is not (usually) an attack on their person. Is it overrated: no, is it just a show with some over excited fans who make far to big a deal out of it: yes. Can't be bothered to proofread this behemoth but I think it is at least coherent.
  3. Sonic Rainboom (converted 2 non-bronies with one facebook post of this episode) Dragonshy (the ponies encounter a dragon, nothing with a dragon can be too girly) Winter Wrap Up (that song is catchy) Party of One (proves that not everything in Equestria is sunshine and rainbows) Over a Barrel (good mix of humor and drama) EDIT: After asking some brony friends, Bridle Gossip could be substituted for Dragonshy as the fifth choice.
  4. Brilliant, if it weren't for the content I would have believed it, and I'm almost sad it wasn't real because it cracked me up. I don't think I could imagine Twilight trying to date though, she's just too devoted to her studies. Oh, and one brohoof to our fine OP, thank you sir for delivering unto these humble forums your discovery of this wonderful fanimation.
  5. Well, he's not technically on air 24/7, but yeah pretty much all of the callers are trolls. Now the trolls are ponies though, and that rocks, it's like my little trollnie, or MLP trolling is magic, or...or...however you combine trolling with ponies as a word.
  6. This whole scene is sad, it's sad for Rarity and PP for obvious reasons, but I also felt bad for Fluttershy not only because I knew she would feel horrible about it but because she was given some really bad advice (by Iron Will) how to be assertive (not aggressive), Fluttershy wanted to try to improve herself and in stead she ended up hurting those around her, a hugely sad episode overall.
  7. It's like Disney (The man not the company) said "You're dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway"
  8. The show made me give someone a cookie, they wanted my cookie and I wasn't going to share but I couldn't stop thinking about how Spike gave his gem to Rarity or how Rarity sacrificed her tail to help the river serpent and I just couldn't not share with them. The show has succeeded in making me a better person, something that the entirety of human societal standards (they teach you to share in kindergarten) has failed at from the time of my birth to this day sixteen(give or take a few months) years later where I shared because "you gotta share, you gotta care, it's the right thing to do.".
  9. I feel like Pinkie Pie's letter at the end of the Cranky Doodle Donkey episode sums this up quite well "There are many different kinds of friends and many ways to express friendship some friends like to run and laugh and play together but others just like to be left alone and that's fine too, but the best thing about friendship is being able to make your friends smile." There are all different kinds of MLP fans, some of them trawl forums or write fanfics or go to conventions, but others just enjoy the show and maybe sometimes see what's up in the community and that's fine too, it's about what you enjoy and what makes you smile but never feel obligated to prove how much of a fan you are based on how much time you spend doing show related things, it's like spicydetective said "if you like MLP:fim then you are a fan".
  10. Why Celestia didn't help find the Elements of Harmony (Se2Ep1).
  11. Any of the mane 6 or CMC dying would probably cause me to cry but like in a manly way (y'know uncontrollably and for extended periods of time while yelling "No! Why Hasbro why!") a speaking or recurring background character would probably force me to take a moment to compose myself so I wouldn't do the first thing I mentioned (The manly crying and all that). Granny Smith or a nameless background character dying of old age provided that their death was the focus of the episode would be somber but I wouldn't be too bothered, just sad. I don't think Anypony dying during the show of any cause other than age sees like something that could happen in the universe that the writers have created, Equestria is just not a place where ponies get killed and having a pony die would go against the expectations and characterization of the universe that the writers have chosen to place the ponies in and cause me to question the integrity of the canon and would destroy my headcanon causing me to question my opinion of the show.
  12. Flim and Flam didn't care about the consumer and were only willing to offer completely one-sided deals to the apple family for cider sales, then when the apples wouldn't agree to their ridiculous demands Flim and Flam proceeded at attempt to force the apples out of business and when that didn't work they tried to cheat by sacrificing quality, they weren't bad so much as they were sleazy and by the end of the episode they don't really get treated as bad ponies but simply fail in their business endeavors due to their business strategy which was to try to monopolize cider sales and force their competition to sell at absurdly low prices by sacrificing quality control.
  13. We must defeat mailmare with the power of our right side uppedness and our accurate information about who is who, mailmare can take our site orientation but she can never take our avatar direction, huzzah!
  14. bloody fanfic guys vs weird pony-porn weirdos isn't really much of a choice though I suppose I agree bloody fanfic is better than pony-porn, I just hope that at some point the aspiring gory writer actually takes the time to watch the show itself and not just fan-work, otherwise we may end up with gory meta-fanfics where the characters are based on characters in fanfics based on characters in the show.
  15. At the risk of irritating the mailmare...Ha Ha I'm right side up
  16. If you have to "dig deeper" for the meaning of a word then that meaning is not it's common use, for example ironic does not mean amusingly coincidental, but that is the common use. I have perused (to clarify I looked through thoroughly, somehow perused has come to be used as the exact opposite of its meaning and implies a cursory search which is not at all the meaning I found when I dug deeper) this topic and it seems that this last post has finally struck upon a specific issue, though the size of this topic doesn't seem to match the enormity of the issue (enormity of course in the correct sense referring to something heinous on a grand scale, and the enormity of the issue being none) we seem to have a plethora (over abundance, not just a lot but too much) of posts arguing about weather or not we are actually arguing about the topic at hand. Now to the point, I have a friend, let's call him "trash bitch" we will call him that because that is his nickname, some may find this offensive but we know he understands that it's all in good fun and that we don't mean any harm, if it offended him we wouldn't call him that because that would make us jerks, the point being that calling someone by a nickname doesn't mean that the name is hurtful, it is all about context. Now I will use the word pristine in an unusual manner to impress the crowds, this comment is pristine (not free of erroerers of course, but the deeper meaning of pristine, it it's original form). sorry about the rude antagonistic parenthetical statements but it is just a bit unfair to tell members of the community that named Derpy Hooves that they don't understand the meaning of the name they gave. tl;dr version there is a difference between literal and contextual meaning.
  17. My hat was temporarily incapacitated by it's upside-downness, but everyone knows you can't ewar an upside down hat.

  18. Dragonshy is a great episode to show non-bronies but due to past experience (one facebook post of this episode converted two people to the herd overnight) I have to go with Sonic Rainboom.
  19. I love the simple red yellow color-scheme on applebloom My personal favorite is Twilight Sparkle, the subdued colors stand out among the other brighter ponies and the cool subdued hues fit Twilights personality quite well with the smaller brighter stripe giving good contrast.
  20. At the end of her story about getting her cutie mark (or about the making of Equestria) her parents and siblings all party and dance with her, I always just assumed that she moved away because while her parents approved of the parties they understood that their life wasn't providing what Pinkie needed as a pony although I did always like the slightly more exciting idea that after being introduced to the idea of a party her parents and siblings liked them so much they abandoned Pinkie to find more parties and have been traveling the land going from party to party ever since (so Pinkie never knows where they are which explains why they she never contacts them) while Pinkie wandered her way to Ponyville, the second version also accounts for the missing farm, after the Pie family left the land was open and was added to Sweet Apple Acres.
  21. I don't think airdates correspond to the date in the showFall Weather Friends (the one where Dash and Aj race each other) aired January 28 Applebuck season (apple harvest) aired November 5 There are probably others but I can't remember them.
  22. The other three bronies and myself have found that the best solution to not having enough bronies is to make more ourselves, we now have two new converts (apparently the episode sonic rainboom is an impressively effective conversion tool) which has led to a new challenge to see who can make the most little bronies and far too many "my little brony" jokes.
  23. Them: "You watch MLP?!" Me: "Yeah, and it's awesome, where else do you get to see supersonic ponies and magical friendship laserbeams?" This either makes them accept it or forces them to explain why supersonic ponies and friendship lasers are bad, if they choose the latter it usually ends in an argument about how anything supersonic could be bad.
  24. Would I want to participate in creating in something I love of course, unfortunately I don't think I would be qualified for any of the jobs in creating an episode but I would want do whatever I could without hurting the finished product, I could probably be a gofer.
  25. I pretty much use whatever feels natural (usually lots of pony references) but as an open brony (everyone I know knows what I'm a brony) nobody is really surprised, I do try not to say everypony around people who aren't bronies though because that one really tends to confuse or creep people out.
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