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uoǝƃunp ɹǝpıds ǝɥʇ

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Posts posted by uoǝƃunp ɹǝpıds ǝɥʇ

  1. An Enderman and the Slenderman were having steak. The Enderman said "I thought we were having miners?"

    To which the Slenderman replied "Minors."




    A nazi walks into a bar and says to the bartender "Gimme a tall glass o' Jews."




    Beets by farmer Dre


    Three friends were sitting at a table. They were Steve, Tommy and Gerome. Steve asked Tommy if he could have his glass of water, to which Tommy replied "No. Could you get Gerome water?"


    (True Story:)

    I had a dream one night where I was talking to Twilight Sparkle. She said "Those hands of yours must be very useful!"

    I said "Yes, they're very handy."

    I wanted to hurt myself when I woke up.

    • Brohoof 3
  2. i sometimes touch namby pamby pony princess okay? :)


    I was pretty sure somepony would choose something like that.

    That's why i put those answers there in the first place.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. It's a TL;DR in the spoiler. It's my handwriting analysis thingy I did earlier today.




    Dear ________,

    Here is your personal handwriting analysis! This will be a general reading of your handwriting, and what it says about you and your personality. Enjoy.

    By analyzing how you cross your 't's, one can determine if you have problems controlling your temper. Your t-bars join with their stems quite even and accurately. This indicates that you do not have a bad temper.

    How you dot your 'i's indicates your attentiveness to details. You dot the 'i' carefully every time directly over the stem. This shows that you have a strong attention for detail. You could be a nitpicker or a perfectionist, and you will likely have a good memory.

    Determination is your ability to keep moving continuously toward a goal. Analyzing your 'g's and 'y's will show if your determination is strong or weak. You make your letter 'g's and 'y's with a straight stem., from this it's obvious that you finish what you start! You expect to get things done right away.

    Intuition is the ability to understanding things without reasoning. How intuitive are you? To answer this we must examine the letter-spacing of your words. There appear to be no breaks within your words. This seems to indicate you prefer logic and reasoning, and that you have little or no intuitive ability.





    The thin loops on your 't's and 'd's indicate that you could be the 110%-er, who gives the job everything you've got - make sure everything is done perfectly, on time, no errors, etc., etc. This way you can avoid criticism and protect your sensitivity. You are motivated to work at your maximum ability.

    The analysis of your slant is always more accurate answer if you've used unlined paper. The lack of a slant in your handwriting indicates that you are rigid. You could put an imaginary ruler beneath your handwriting. You are obsessed with structure and have a fear of being proved wrong. You are imposing stress on yourself and others around you.

    In your 't's, the relatively light weight of your 't-bar' to the stem indicates that you have weak willpower. You are not too clear about your goals. You may have a vague idea - perhaps someday you will get around to them

    The lack of loops you have at the bottom of your 'm's and 'n's indicates that you don't worry about things. You're confident in yourself and your decisions.

    We hope that gives you a little more insight into your personality, and your handwriting. Thanks for visiting us.

    Your friend,

    The OFE Graphologist




    But it's so accurate it's scary...

  4. That last quiz I made was more popular than I expected. I was expecting maybe 5 - 6 people to vote, but no! THIRTY FIVE FRIGGIN MEMBERS. I am not dissapointed. So I've decided to make two of these every week! Some serious, some not. Although, I WILL try to put as much humor into them as I can! Enjoy!


    EDIT: You know what? Screw bi-weekly. I'll make these whenever I feel like it.


    (References: Spongebob Squarepants

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    Moonbase Alpha)


    (There's an answer from the last quiz too.)


    (Spelling and Grammar Fixes: I'vd - I've | las - last | dissapoint - dissapointed)

  5. Before posting in Roleplay World, please read the Roleplay World System thread.


    In order to join a roleplay, you must first create a thread in the Character Database. Then you link to the thread in your post in the OOC thread. You do not post your application in the OOC thread.


    Ah crap, I did it again...



    Wait a minute! This IS the application thread! Stop trying to screw me up!

  6. "...Not while I'm alive. I'll find that Celestia and give her skull some delicious LEAD." Black aurora stated loudly with a very noticeable anger in his voice. He paused for a moment and remembered he first needed to prepare before heading off. "First I'll need my rifle and my backup handgun, then I'll need to find my ghillie suit and the keys to my bike." With that the alicorn ran off to find his things. Shortly after he came back, fully suited with a custom sniper rifle strapped to his back and a pair of night-vision goggles resting on his forehead. He contemplated wheither he was over-prepared or not, but concluded he wasn't. After all, he was trying to assassinate the solar princess! If anything he was at the bare-minimum of preparedness. All of his previous training would be put to good use as Black Aurora would be tested physically and mentally; and he knew that for a fact.
  7. Alicorns are just royalty, not normal ponies, so I don't get why any threads allow them at all

    Meh ohwellz


    I can see why you assume that, but just because the only alicorns shown on MLP FiM are royalty, doesn't mean ALL of them are.

    OR DOES IT? Dun Dun Duuuun! No it doesn't, but seriously. Anyways...


    Name: Black Aurora

    Age: (I don't see how this is relevant) 418 years (A bit of a background)

    Species: Alicorn

    Gender: Male


    Appearance: Dark-grey coat with a lime-green / dark blue mane & tail | Semi-mechanical wings (They got unintentionally amputated so he repaired them with iron and some general knowledge of science & physics) | Dark-red 'sunglasses' (Grants the ability to visualize infra-red rays) | Enjoys wearing glow sticks

    Cutie-Mark: (Has two) Glowing lime green biohazard symbol (Bio-chemist) | Sniper-rifle crosshairs (Professional marksman)


    Personality: Happy and rarely serious. Gets hyped-up easily. Very light-footed and tolerant of nearly everything, but if provoked he completely loses control and could get frustrated and scary enough to make discord wet himself.

    Biography: Born child of Princess Luna but he doesn't know that, and after 418 years he probably won't for a long time. A highly trained all-weapon marksman (Prefers crossbows, silenced Sniper Rifles, survival knives and semi-auto handguns.), and can make something useful out of completely useless things. Unnervingly light-footed (You won't even hear him approaching on loose gravel or snow) and can get past almost any guard / object without detection (Even motion detectors). Extremely good traction on slippery / steep surfaces. Can get out of virtually any situation without detection.


    Lunar Republic

    Branch within Faction: Marksman

    Ranking: 3-star general

  8. Hey, the comic really good so far! Well here you go:


    Name: Black Aurora

    Gender: Male

    Race: Alicorn (I can, right?)

    Basic Personality: Very happy and wild personality but with a light hatred of magic and a heavy belief in science. A bit of a nomad, as he uses a large tent as a house so he can set it up wherever, and also likes things that give off a glow.

    Appearance: Rides a (suprisingly light) 36 kg black motorbike with green stripes that can emit a hazardous lime-green electromagnetic fog on command.

    Ponycode for pony maker:

    Create: 2S2S0042600C030300FE330000000FE33RE1B3510B000000U100FE330F003A1B107F3FCC004CB2

    Accessorize: 066CC666A80000066CC66066CC66066CC6604E8FBAFFFF8C1D100001D1CA00100D12A18F00D1

    Pose: N/A

  9. By this I mean what do you ususally do when someone slanders MLP in a video comment, another forum, or a videogame. I usually avoid talking to haters/trolls and try not to get involved in flame wars. If someone does start directing insults at me becuase of my Xbox live bio, TF2 spray/Steam avatar, or something else, I usually just say, "I find the show interesting and fun. You are entitled to your opinion, and I mine. I have nothing more to say." If he happens to say I'm gay, then I'll throw in 'I have a girlfriend and wether you believe me or not is your choice.' somewhere in there. ;)

    How to react to haters in 3 simple steps:


    1. When heading somewhere, walk around them.

    2. You can also use a well-known but uncommon spell called "Send moderator a message"

    3. If they don't let up despite tolerating their petty actions...


    But you'll probably get banned, so just stick with step #2...

  10. Wow! I feel comfortable here already! Not even a day into my registration and you're already being nice to me! Thanks! ^.^


    Posted Image Its fluttershy the doormat (lol) Welcome! i hope you'll have a nice time on the forums with us :)

    Posted Image

    • Brohoof 1
  11. I posted in the ECW2 first before I posted here. I'm glad someone stopped me before I made a fool of myself!

    Anyway, either there is no application form, or I'm just too stun to find it. So here it goes!


    Desired Name: Black Aurora

    Race: Alicorn

    Appearance: Dark-grey coat with a lime-green / black mane & tail | Has a perfectly functional horn and set of wings but prefers not to use them | Lime-green, glowing biohazard cutie mark


    As restated, I'm not sure if this is the appropriate way for an entry form, But I tried.

  12. (not quite sure if it's alright for me to join, but it's worth a try)


    A small dark object with a long ribbon-like stream of lime green light darted across the sky around midnight. The object continued to swerve in different directions as the green light faded to different colors against the dark-blue night sky. A few seconds afterwards, the object turned sharply towards the group of troops below at tremendous speeds. As it nears the group, the shape of the object looks much clearer: a motor bike-shaped vehicle with a glowing green stripe along each side of the bike. The motorcycle-like vehicle was shaped oddly like a copyrighted automobile from a movie, but there was something different about it -- It had wings. not the kind of wings that the Pegasi or the Allicorns have, but the kind that looked... Artificial. It neared decreasingly fast as the glowing strips on the sides of the motorbike stopped emitting an electrified smoke from them. The bike lands on the ground and amazingly stops within a couple of feet from the point of touchdown. A dark-grey furred Allicorn with a dark-blue and green mane climbs off the bike. The motorcycle is making no sounds, despite still idling and with two plasma-cannons on the sides of the solid bike-frame. As clearly seen, the Alicorn has perfectly functional wings and a horn capable of any magic, yet he uses a mechanical contraption to get around. This fact is highly puzzling to every troop in the viscinity. On the Alicorn's flank is a glowing bio-hazard cutie mark, that has the same color scheme as the electromagnetic strips along the sides of his bike; flourescent lime-green. A cold midnight breeze blows by the group as the bike turns off and what looks like the aurora borealis dissapears from the sky completely, and without any trace of is previously there.

    "Hiya! They call me Black Aurora. It's probably confusing to you why I'm using this 'odd contraption' when my wings and horn work perfectly. Well the thing is, I'm not sure either. But hey what am I gonna do?"

    The Alicorn spoke rather loud but didn't seem to care. He looked like he's been through a lot and has been corrupted past the event horizon of sanity-loss. He also appeared to be from neither the Solar Empire nor the Lunar Empire, but somewhere completely different...

  13. Obviously, I'm new to MLPf, and a lot of the time, whenever I join forums or chat groups I'm a bit shy on what to do or talk about. Hopefully this forum won't be like the rest; Butt-heads, haters, peadophiles, spammers and the like.

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