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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by HocusPocus

  1. Oops. Been a while since I stopped by. Life got in the way... ^_^;;;

  2. Extra Life is coming up. I need to get my act together, figure out what I'm going to stream on Twitch and get some more fundraising done!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HocusPocus


      We're debating doing the other type of farming simulator a.k.a. four people from the site playing FF XIV for 24 straight hours.

    3. Cloud Yeller

      Cloud Yeller

      All alchemists. No battles. Just gather ingredients. Best live stream ever!!!

    4. HocusPocus


      Alchemist is actually just a crafting class in XIV. Botanist on the other hand can be used to gather ingredients. So much cotton...

  3. Having one of those days where I'm craving something junky to eat and trying not to give in.

  4. Just got back from Friday Night Magic. First time in years I drafted. It was a blast!

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