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I... i can't. I can't block for my life!
Really torn between playing Fallout 3 again, or Fallout New Vegas again...
People need to chill the fuck out.
I finally beat Resident Evil 3!
Super bored...
You love Scootaloo, i respect you now.
Of course, Scootaloo is my favorite and thank you
I need someone to talk to right now...
Plasmastorm X-15
If you want.
Plasmastorm X-15 replied to Courageous Thunder Dash's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
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I will never understand what is wrong with people nowadays... >.>
Been playing ugly ass Resident Evil 3 on hard mode. Lol feels too easy.
I wonder if you`re still alive right now.
Lucky Fire
XD just came back on today. wow, sooooo long since you commented. sorry for that
Yes. My son Blackwargreymon.
Champion RD92
I haven't seen that show since I was like 9, it was my favorite show ever.
Lol i loved HIM. He was awesome. XD
Oh noo... look who's back.
What's been goin on though?
School, comics and dreading cold weather. Canada can be irritating sometimes. And you?
Same bullshit left and right, but it's slightly getting better... slightly...
Not sure if i should make a blog or not...
I dunno I still need to make one as well here xD. I guess making something you're interested or passionate about writing. Or something random.
I want it to mean something and that i know it will get attention.
That's a good point. I wanted mines to be normal and not standy outy. If you're wanting to make that sort of blog you'd probably have to find out what people like to eead rather than what you like to write I have no idea actually.
Don`t understand my people can`t just forgive & forget...
because some things cant be forgiven easily
That makes no sense.
I continue to fight. The good fight!
Still trying... still fighting...
Skeletor Brony
Tiutun tii duun!
*Breathes Heavily* No more Long Dau for now... >.>
I fucking love this translator! XD
"Ipun'mu yaiodi n'yan'su emudu bautimun'susu yaiodi fuumeru dun'tuusun!"
Yaio aenun shitun mun'dinun supun'ekuumugu tii tun [skullbuster]