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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by newfrickinshow

  1. What a show for the fifth anniversary! My blind reaction/commentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KuI32SoY0o

    1. Roughshod


      Feels overload. Still processing.

  2. Come watch my laugh and cry as Big Mac wears a dress:

  3. I've come back and riske spoilers to post a link to my, "Rarity Investigates" blind reaction:

  4. I did a blind commentary/reaction to Party Pooped if any of you are interested.

  5. The video is primarily about PInkie Pie and the element of laughter btw.

  6. Oddl that I started making this video before I found out about what happened in Charleston today. So sad, anyways please take a few minutes to watch.

  7. Once again I have appeared on The Drunken Peasants​ Podcast, this time with fellow guest, Sargon of Akkad​. If you want to watch and skip to the cool part (the part where I'm on) skip to time marker 1:16:33. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYclqOYmtPw

  8. So feeling lonely and depressed. Any tips on how to feel better?

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      i feel same way *hug

  9. CMC: Who do you think will get their cutie mark first and why?

    1. catnet


      I think they'd get their cutie marks at the same time as each other... it wouldn't feel right if they had been together so long searching for their talent, for one of them to get theirs before the others.

    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      My theory is Sweetie Belle.

  10. Here is a blind commentary/reaction to Castle, Sweet Castle.

  11. So after a couple days to let it settle...thoughts from bronies about season 5 premier? I've seen it so don't worry about spoiler.

    1. NotoriousSMALL


      very interesting, especially those mentioned artifacts

  12. Thanks to the good people at Spyhunter. Not only have they cleaned out most of the bad stuff in my laptop and it's actually working like it supposed to again for the first time in months.

  13. My season 5 premier blind commentary.

  14. I'm so sick of waiting for new MLP and now the season 5 premier's been pushed back to summer?! Why?!?!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blackshirt Brony

      Blackshirt Brony

      @Darkstar No it's been moved to August

    3. Monsoon
    4. newfrickinshow


      End Troll:. Just kidding, it's how I cope with excitement.

  15. Ponies have eyes. Eyes are Illuminati symbol. Illuminati confirmed. Ponies have eyes. Eyes are Illuminati symbol. Illuminati confirmed.
  16. I just spent an hour and a half representing the fandom on a rather popular podcast. How'd I do?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. newfrickinshow


      Well my favorite pony is probably sweetie Belle but Rarity is definitely up there.

    3. SilverComet


      I did a fastforward of the video (to check if there was any other mention of MLP or bronies).

      The "analisis" of the picture in 1:59:46 confirms that no one of the three hosts have ever watched MLP or Dragon Ball GT.

      It seems T.J. "The Amazing Atheist" was actually faking in one of his lastyear livestreams the "Let´s Watch" of the first episode of FiM [or he was so drunk he does not remember anything of those first 10 minutes before dropping the show].

    4. newfrickinshow


      My money would be on being drunk as it wouldn't be the first time TJ had those moments.

  17. I will be appearing on a Podcast Monday night. Live audience of 3,200 people. Regular viewership is over 100,000. Feeling very nervous-cited.

  18. Any thoughts on the intro I made for my season 5 blind reactions? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeII_WVbEdU

    1. DashYoshi


      It looks nice. :)

      Though, I think you meant to use another pic to the right of yours...

    2. newfrickinshow


      Yeah, I'm planning to put a pic of my OC in there somewhere. Going to see about getting something new made up first.

    3. DashYoshi


      I like the choice in song and the background. It shows how fun and exciting MLP can be.

  19. I plan to do some blind reaction and commentary videos for season 5 once it begins and decided that (if possible) some fresh pics and images for my OC may liven up my videos a bit. If you're willing to lend me a hoof, as I have absolutely zero artistic ability, I would greatly appreciate it. Name is Sharp Cookie Stallion Unicorn Tannish/brown body with a black mane and tail. Brown eyes Cutie mark is 3 cookies that are shaped like shurikens. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
  20. Q is the seemingly omnipotent entity who (among other things) once put the crew of the starship Enterprise on trial for the crimes of humanity and introduced The Borg to humanity.
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