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Everything posted by Zejgar

  1. Twinkle Wish Adventure is completely devoid of black color unless it's a fadeout.

  2. I'm pretty sure Twilight was fueled by pure hatred when she was fighting Tirek.
  3. The only way the fandom can die is if every individual person of the fandom dies. As in, physically dies. Otherwise the fandom will never die. It can grow smaller, or 'evolve', or whatever, but it won't die. Unless your definition of "fandom death" is something less strict.
  4. With this video, Jesse is celebrating himself and his work over five years. That's pretty much it. Well that's a weird summary, since the majority of this video is him saying that his audience has constantly failed to "fall for it".
  5. My most memorable background pony moment is in "Bridle Gossip", where Twilight tells Daisy that they need to talk. I have no clue what the subject of the conversation was, but it's very neat to see a focus character interact with a side character like that, with no fanfare or build up. Shows that these two are friendly towards each other by default!
  6. That's a rather good mix of the FiM theme at 0:13+
  7. And this is why he's merely out of breath after reaching the destination, instead of collapsing midway.
  8. Is this a matter of toys not following the show, or the show not following the toys?
  9. Depends on what you classify as "flaw". The classification varies from person to person.
  10. Zipzee is the shovel knight!

  11. Yes. By definition. No. G3.5 and Newborn Cuties are not the same thing. I'd like to give you the full list of G3.5 animations: Waiting For The Winter Wishes Festival Twinkle Wish Adventure Pinkie Pie's Ferris Wheel Adventure Sweetie Belle's Gumball House Surprise (you can probably count Wonderful Winter Song clip, too, even though 95% of it is cut from Twinkle Wish Adventure) Once Upon A My Little Pony Time: Over Two Rainbows Once Upon A My Little Pony Time: So Many Different Ways To Play Only the last two installments are what is known as "Newborn Cuties". There is a problem with separating G3 and G3.5, because they overlap. They are entirely different things, but they overlap, giving us seven Meet The Ponies shorts and a couple more shorts that were done in G3 artstyle, but with G3.5 characters. Some of those shorts even reference the events of G3, but that's not enough for them to be the same thing. There are only three G3 characters in the focus of G3.5 that came from G3: Cheerilee, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. All other core characters were new and never appeared in G3, safe for the aforementioned shorts. Even further, Cheerilee and Rainbow Dash were redesigned, both in appearance and personality. G3.5 Cheerilee in particular has undergone such a drastic change that she's as far from her G3 self as she is from her G4 self. One might argue that she's even closer to G4 than to G3. Minty, Rarity, Wysteria, Lily Lightly and others are nowhere to be seen in G3.5 proper, except maybe in the background as easter eggs and what not. Toola Roola, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and others are nowhere to be seen in G3 proper. It's a bizarre case, and I'm sure it gets even more bizarre if toys are brought into question.
  12. You've misunderstood my post. Disliking something is not "against the fandom". Blindly disliking something is "against the fandom". I'm going to make a bold statement and say that a reasonably large portion of people who dislike G3 (but not all, not even close to all) aren't informed of what G3 even is, beyond having looked at disconnected imagery from it and other people's opinions on it. They probably don't even know that Rainbow Dash dressed in style more times in FiM than in G3.
  13. Trivia question: what's the official name of G3?

  14. I'm that one guy who thinks G3.5 is the best MLP-related thing ever created. The amount of disrespect I see is staggering. I'm perfectly okay with people disliking it if they have a reason to. I'm not okay with hating on G3 being a norm. This is so odd and against everything this fandom stands for. Please be more reasonable before you say "kill it with fire" just to say it.
  15. Because that's one way to make him memorable.
  16. Definition of "brony"?

    1. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      A fan of any part of FIM's product, comics, show, toys, etc. No more, no less.

  17. Apparently there were more than two episodes planned for Newborn Cuties!

  18. Hasbro views FiM as just a big spinoff of G3, don't they?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Zejgar


      Because of miriads of small details that are present both in G3 and G4S1.

      The later seasons went a different route, yes.

    3. Nuke87654


      But why wasn't it named Gen 3.5 if it were a spinoff from Gen 3? By that definition, later MLP generations are spinoffs from Generation 1 since they all carry a few similarities but do their own things with whatever Hasbro and the gen creators had in mind for the ponies.

    4. Zejgar


      Because G3.5 already exists, it's Twinkle Wish Adventure and three (possibly five) more animated shorts.

      As for the spinoff loophole, yes, that is the case.

  19. Zejgar

    G3 Fan Club

    On the flipside, they did a really good job with music in the reboot. Made it feel like a tribute and something new at the same time. Talking about Meet the Ponies portion of the reboot, mostly.
  20. - Oh Newborn Cuties
  21. Five pages of great characters, and nobody mentioned this guy? He's the best. Every line of his dialogue was right, almost every action he took was right, he's the best of his kind, and probably even beyond that. I guess he counts as a pony, since the usual "anypony" was used in context of his species.
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