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Everything posted by IJoinedForPonies

  1. Just as clean as ours, if not cleaner. Same goes for Hygiene, they all bathe at least once a day.
  2. Rainbow Dash - She is just so beautiful and I love her personality. Plus she helped me through some of the toughest times in my life. All 4 Pony Princesses - They are gorgeous, and their personalities are relatable to me. Sunset Shimmer - Very beautiful, and her personality is exactly like someone I lost long ago.
  3. There could be a number of reasons as to why: 1. Any pony they get with won't live as long as they do. 2. Having a spouse would lead to multiple forms of danger to whoever got with them. 3. They are only interested in other Alicorns. 4. Their charge with the sun and moon may result in love being forbidden. 5. Trust issues that can yield devastating results. 6. They are possibly not allowed to upset the balance of life (aging magics etc). 7. Dating or anything remotely similar or related (like sex) is simply not a driving force in their lives. 8. They are already widows and do not wish to seek another lover. 9. They possibly have a special somepony back home where they came from and are used to waiting eons to see them. (I am convinced Equestria is a colonized and unstable planet).
  4. You're taking that way out of context, it's an old saying worded in Apple Family fashion.
  5. Good lord, I just broke 10k on my notifications on DeviantArt. I hate not having free time! D:

  6. A list from me: Pinkamina (the serial killer) - So many gory fanfics about this, it's quite excessive. Princess Luna - Most of her fans are way too obsessed with her to the point where it gets silly. Vinyl Scratch - Too many people are overly obsessed with her because she is a raver/DJ. Derpy (or Muffins now) - Ever since that controversy of that character getting removed from the show sparked, the popularity level was through the atmosphere and you couldn't go a day without seeing Derpy material. Luckily this is starting dwindle. Dr. Hooves - I don't know about the rest of you, but this character is seriously annoying. Plus Dr. Who fans are overly obsessed with him and never seem to stop talking about him that I've noticed. Fluttershy - The vast majority of her fanbase is way too obsessed with her, I dare say even worse than any other character in the show. Write a short story that makes Fluttershy cry and see where it leads... Shipping - The idea around it can be fun, but people take this sort of thing WAY too seriously.
  7. I guess casual? Maybe intermediate. I don't have any MLP merchandise except for the comics, I have all of those. One of these days I am going to get the seasons of the show on DvD if I ever crawl out of the pit of poverty. MLP has had a major impact in my life, I probably would not be here typing this if it wasn't for it (or anywhere for that matter). And I am going as far as writing an entire fanfic novel series when the spare time becomes available.
  8. There is no reason for G5 to even exist, there is still so much to work with in G4's lore.
  9. Only if they really want to know, but I do hope you tell them what they are about to hear is gonna freak them out. I would personally tell them: "Get away from this planet and its inhabitants before it's too late."
  10. Wait, really? That was the reason? I thought it was because she was a tomboy...
  11. R.I.P. Prince, we will miss you. -.-

    1. JeyWiz


      It's a shame how bad things happen to good people... :'(

  12. *BUMP* I second this. I would really like there to be an option to subscribe or unsubscribe to topics I have posted in so that box doesn't get bumped every other hour by posts I no longer care about. However I do want quotes and bro hoofs to appear in my message box even when unsubscribed. So if both can be done, that would make things so much better around here.
  13. Pretty close to the plot of the first book I am writing. :-)
  14. They mainly use various weapons and armor from the Renaissance age and below, accompanied by Unicorn magic.
  15. Go ahead and tell us the answer to all of those scenarios.
  16. I would rate it in this order based on personality and likely experience: 1. Pinkie Pie 2. Rarity 3. Rainbow Dash 4. Applejack 5. Twilight Sparkle 6. Fluttershy
  17. "Given the finale delt with time travel, I guess this would appropriate to ask. If the show or fandom didn't exist, do you think you'd still be the same person?" Nope, I would probably be dead right now...
  18. All things do come to an end... Right now it is 50/50. It can either end with that movie coming out in 2017, or it is just a long hiatus before continuing to Season 7.
  19. No, it is an alternate dimension that twists both our world, and Equestria's world into it.
  20. In a heart beat. Hell, a relationship with an Equestrian Pony would be far more stable than one with a human...
  21. Ironically enough, the book I am writing explains why Pinkie is/does what she does.
  22. Anything is possible, darker stuff happens in the main comic series though.
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