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Alex Demille

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Posts posted by Alex Demille

  1. I've decided to attempt a lovecraftian style fic for the nightmare night contest, but I need some filly names.

    Warning: if you submit your OC it is with the understanding he/she will be subject to horrors beyond its knowledge.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Well vassal is probably the cheapest way to get into it as you don't need to purchase models, only books.  Although Apocalypse is probably not how you want to be introduced to the game.  You want to start at around 500 points.  Apocalypse is basically a 50,000 point team game.  It is awesome but you really need to know the ropes first.


    If you are interested I suggest you purchase and/or pirate the main rulebook first.

    I endorse this option. Though 500pts is a little small for a game in general, even for learning. Most people above the age of 14 should be able to play a full 1k game. Of course I'm probably over generalizing.

    How many people would be interested in some 40k? Some 1k three/four-way games? or perhaps a mini campaign? There is a BFG module as well we could work into something. 



    Advanced Squad Leaderr.

    I am unfamiliar with the rules, but I'm sure I could learn them if you'd like to play. edit: On looking over the module, I would like to remove my previous statement. This is a very complicated game that I do not have the time to learn, sorry.

  3. I'm actually more interested in this topic because no one has responded that is in a relationship.


    For the record, I am 24 and single. My interpersonal skills are sorely lacking when it comes to engaging females, gosh, I feel really embarrassed saying that with how much I can talk.


    Eh, I'm single, yet taken at the same time... I love this girl, she loves me, but we can't be together right now, though we were together for 6 & 1/2 months, then we had to break up, but now I'm just waiting till we get back together... My love life is a freaking mess and only at 16 XD

    As cliché as this sounds: You're young, don't worry about it.
    I have been through the same situation as you are in right now, at around the same age. It took me and my best friend (yes, we decided to not be together) about 8 years to figure out our relationship. I can't speak for your situation as I don't know it, but all I can say is keep an open communication and you'll be fine. Be ready to accept it not working out, because that may be the case.

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