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Posts posted by Marelin

  1. PC, if you want a good price-performance ratio.

    Mac, if you value design more.


    I always got a electric shock during Christmas time from my aluminium clad mac keyboard I had to use at work.

  2. The overuse of the word hate for emotions, situations which are not even close to it.




    YOLO (I will not not hesitate to track you down if this word comes out of your mouth. You won't have one anymore after that.... -.-)


    That's what I wanted to post too. I empathize with you.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Night time. Less to no people around, since most of them are asleep. One knows what kind of people are out there in the middle of the night. They are either decent people like me with insomnia who are enjoying their night stroll or sereal killers. Unless its the damned weekend. Then I have to deal with everyone even at night.


    And its more comfortable at night. During the day I have to deal with ridiculous things like the sun, birds and work.

    The dark is like warm black oil while the hours with sunlight are like white, cold tiles of a bathroom wall.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. I'd like to be a Picea abies. A long lifespan while decent looking. (if I can hide from IKEA)




    I'd be a Bonzai tree. You get to be in important offices and get lots of attention and grooming.


    Or that you are doomed to live as a miniature tree with every trying growth met with human love for nature and subtle aesthetics while stopping you from growing altogether with their scissors and chemicals. Caged for eternity. Especially considering that a bonsai can live for more than 100 years.

  5. I got two individuals I despise and need at the same time. My parents. They did a lot of things. The reason why I still need them is, because I always wanted a normal family. That's why I cling to the tiniest bits of family-moments.




    Are there any family members you hate with a burning passion?


    I think nowadays the word "hate" is used way too lightly.

    Hatred is the most extreme dislike. Its the strongest form of aversion and disdain we can possibly have against individuals or things. It describes not only intense negative emotions towards something, but the wish to harm and to destroy.

    • Brohoof 2
  6. I have been banned from quite a lot of counterstrike public servers over the past 12 years. Played a bit on semi-professional level. Now I use my Knowledge and "Skill" for the greater good as a head admin for a well known website from my country.


    In counterstrike, getting banned is more a compliment than anything else.


    I'm 34, and I notice a lot of teenagers and college students on the forum. (Well, I'm a college student too, but this is my second go at it). Just wondering if there was any bronies here closer to my age range,or if I'm the oldest of the old fogeys. :lol:


    Well, I'm only 8 years apart from your age. In realtime that is a huge chunk of time apart.



    Is that a good thing? O.O


    Not really. At a young age, you like to hear that. But if you get older and older, you don't want to look even more older than you already are.

  8. 1. Do you know how to use a rotary phone and have you ever dialed one? If so, how long ago?



    Yes I did. It's about 19 years ago.



    2. Did you have an early part in your life without Internet access? Parents disallowing it because you were too young doesn't count.



    Yes I lived without any internet my whole childhood, because it was way too expensive and there was no flatrate. You had to pay for the minutes and hours you were online and it wasn't that common in most housholds yet.



    3. What is the earliest national or world crisis you have a first hand memory of? Most of you will probably say September 11.



    Cold War and german bureaucracy.



    4. Can you recall if your family had an old-fashioned TV with dials on it?



    Yeah, my parents had one of those, but the dials were hidden away quite good.



    5. Can you tell me what it's like to read about Saddam Hussein, Bill Clinton, the reunification of Germany, 9/11, and Hurricane Katrina in history textbooks?



    Well, it's something else. All those events are part of my life. I lived at that very moment those things happened. I was one of many germans at the "berliner Mauer" while and after it had been taken apart.


    Bill will always be my intern jackass. I saw Bush win the election. I didn't know what would happen after that.


    Hussein.. well, both gulf wars. I even saw how the ultimatum ran out and the first bombs were droppt at 3.33 a.m. my local time.


    And 9/11 - After the first tower had been hit we all got the breaking news of it. We first thought of it as an accident, but after the second tower was hit we really got a bad feeling.



    6. Do you or does anybody in your family refuse to carry a cell phone? Again, parents disallowing it because you were too young doesn't count.



    Yes, I myself don't carry one. If I'm at work, I don't want to get disturbed. The same when I'm out. I was able to live without one for a long time. Only my parents forced me to carry one when I was about 12.



    7. Do you remember old school 5 1/4 inch floppy disks for computers? Maybe you're so young you don't even remember the 3.5 inch disks that were discontinued just a few years ago?



    Yes, we even had one of those really old PCs for these things. They were way bigger than a DVD. One of my first games was on 76 3.5 inch disks. THAT'S WHAT YOU CALL INSTALLING A GAME!

    And always remember, never turn the switch up or you might override your data on mistake!




    8. When was the last time you used the Yellow Pages to look up a phone number?



    About 3 months.



    9. What was the first cartoon you fell in love with? Don't say MLP:FiM. You're all supposed to be at least 13 so I know you have a well-liked cartoon from before that. :P



    Bunny. Sailor Moon. OF COURSE!



    10. Do cartoons from the 1980s look and sound as dated to you as cartoons from the '60s appear to me?



    Nope, they're still eye candy.

  9. So what keeps you going? What keeps you from giving up and just letting your life slip away?


    The reason is, that I already went through a lot since my first memory. If I surrender now, all my struggle, all my energy I used in order to keep on living through my own hell would have been for nought.


    If I die for any other reason than taking my own life, so be it. At least I tried to stay alive - I didn't give up till the very end.


    And the other reason is, despite my 26 years I didn't actually see and experience everything there is on this planet. That's why, until my time has come I'll keep on collecting experience and knowledge.

    • Brohoof 2
  10. I've always loved the tune of the German anthem, I understand the lyrics have changed quite a number of times over the past century or so? I dunno, when I first heard the tune it went "Deutschland über alles" but that was during history class.. :P so I suppose it's been changed by now...


    Yes, our anthem had been changed quite often between 1949 and 1954. Some melodies from Schiller and Beethoven had been used, but later our Deutschlandlied was put back as our anthem.

    Now we only sing the third stanza. "Einigkeit Recht und Freiheit".

    "Deutschland über alles" is part of the first stanza and was misinterpreted and misused by the biggest philistines back in our darkest days. "Deutschland über alles" was interpreted as "Germany is above all else. We are better than every other country." but in reallity it described our unification since the fall of the holy roman empire and overcoming our hardships as a whole.


    The history of our anthem describes our country's own history quite well. Unification and prosperity. Devoured by evil and Downfall. Rise from the ashes and forever tainted.


    Now we may sing the whole anthem again, but if one, as a german, starts singing the first stanza, he is accused of being a neo-nazi.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOoST8MJvWE



    Third stanza of "Das Lied der Deutschen" - "The Song of the Germans"





    Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit
    Für das deutsche Vaterland!
    Danach lasst uns alle streben
    Brüderlich mit Herz und Hand!
    Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit
    Sind des Glückes Unterpfand;
     Blüh' im Glanze dieses Glückes,
      Blühe, deutsches Vaterland!



    Unity and justice and freedom
    For the German fatherland!
    For these let us all strive
    Brotherly with heart and hand!
    Unity and justice and freedom
    Are the pledge of fortune;
      Flourish in this fortune's blessing,
      Flourish, German fatherland!




    The first two stanzas have been defiled, like many other things too, and may never be seen in its original light ever again.

    • Brohoof 2
  12. In five years, the brony fandom, will have lost many of it's members. They grow out of it, people's viewpoints change, not the same anymore, etc.


    Development and change are important. Sure, its always sad to see a community shrink and eventually die, but the important part is, that those who enjoyed it and were a part of it in general, cherish the memories and the time they spent there.


    Eventually we all are going our own ways. The artists, the talkative people, those in need of advice, the gamers, the hardworking bros, trolls and all the other people posting here still share a time where they were together and shared a common liking or hating towards one sole thing.


    Even if all the sites shut down, we still share the memories and are bound together through it. We walk under the same sky and on the same earth. We just happen to live a bit far away from one another.

    • Brohoof 1
  13. Is it fair to expect everyone you're friends with to remember your birthday? Should you get offended or question a friend's loyalty if they forget?


    No at both of them. It doesn't matter if they forget it or not. Even I forget my own birthday.

    Its just a forced way for showing loyalty. True friendship, and bonds in general, are tested and established in everyday life, not just at some fixed and forced specific moment in time once a year.

  14. First internet safety rule is to never give any part of your identity to anyone. I follow it out of common sense like everybody else should, but sadly...


    How about we take it to a new level. What about real fotos?

  15. It's as hard to keep living for someone's sake as to die for someone.


    Most people use those kind of phrases as a way to demonstrate how serious they are, but reality looks a bit different if they have to keep their said words.

    It's the same with the word hate. Hate is the ultimate form of negative feelings towards a person, but it's the most used word for describing their discontent about another person they really don't like.


    I, for myself, don't really know if I'd be able to die for someone. I haven't found a person yet, which I could possibly cherish for the same value as my own life.

    • Brohoof 1
  16. The Intrawebz deliver.

    But! Be carefull with whatever is being contributed on the internet! It's not always clean! Be sceptical!


    That's why I'd appreciate it, if someone could verify, that there's nothing bad hidden in there.


    Just a general warning.

  17. Meine Güte....kammen da so viele Fehler vor?

    Ich dachte, ich hätte alles korrigiert. Anscheinend habe ich alles vergessen und das....macht mir Sorgen.

    Hoffentlich kann ich mit deiner Hilfe in der Zukunft zählen.


    Natürlich helfe ich gern. Nur werde ich meist am Wochenende erst Zeit haben, da in zwei Wochen die Abendschule wieder los geht und ich unter der Woche absolut keine Zeit habe. Arbeit, Abendschule, ehrenamtliche Arbeit, Hobbies... und dann noch einige Projekte an denen ich nur am Wochenende arbeiten kann. <.<


    Oh und es ist "kann ich mit deiner Hilfe in der Zukunft rechnen"


    Kann ich mit dir rechnen.

    Kann ich auf dich zählen.


    Und wie es auch im Englischen ist, lässt man die Artikel teils weg.


    "Hoffentlich kann ich mit deiner Hilfe in Zukunft rechnen."

  18. Okay, I'm giving in, I'm gonna play this.

    ...I have to set my computer to Japanese then restart my computer? Screw that.

    Wait, how do I even download it?


    You don't need to go that far for touhou, since there are translation patches.



    I could get my folders of touhou 6, 7 and 8 up for now, if someone is interested. Got 9+ on my other hard drive which is "currently unavailable".

    • Brohoof 1
  19. Well, it really is interesting. I like language in general. I was taught english, french and spanish back in my school days.

    Too bad I discovered my fable for language many years after I had graduaded. At that time I already had forgotten how to speak french and spanish, since I didn't had to use them at all.


    It really is fascinating to speak with someone about one's nativ language.


    Sehr weit mein Lieber (hoffentlich kann ich so zu dir sagen).

    Ich habe in Deutschland sechs Jahre gewohnt and Ich habe dort studiert.

    Leider musste ich zu meinem Heimatland zurückkehren, als ich fertig mit dem Studium war.


    Ich will nicht auf diesem Niveau stehenbleiben, sondern besser werden und irgendwann mit einem Muttersprachler verwechselt werden.


    Übrigens, ich konnte niemals diesen Zungenbrecher sagen.

    Meine Zunge ist damals fast explodiert, als ich versucht habe.


    Ein paar kleine Fehler sind noch da, aber nicht so schlimm wie der Durchschnitt unserer und der jüngeren Generation. :>


    Neben der Grammatik allgemein, wirst du wohl auch sehr viel Mühe mit der Rechtschreibung gehabt haben oder? Als du damals nach Deutschland gekommen bist, waren wir ja gerade wieder dabei unsere Rechtschreibreform auf den Kopf zu stellen.


    So kamen wir von der alten Rechtschreibung nur Neuen und dann wieder zur alten neuen Rechtschreibung..


    Und wie sieht es umgangssprachlichen Regionen wie dem Internet aus? "Kannste damit wat anfangen?"


    Meine Zunge ist damals fast explodiert, als ich versucht habe.

    als ich es versucht habe. ;)


    Leider musste ich zu meinem Heimatland zurückkehren

    Leider musste ich in mein Heimatland zurückkehren


    Ich habe in Deutschland sechs Jahre gewohnt and Ich habe dort studiert.

    ... gewohnt und ich habe dort studiert.


    Keine Sorge, ich erkenne sofort, dass es ein Wechselfehler ist, der durch das hin und her zwischen Deutsch und Englisch passiert ist. Kommt bei mir auch gern vor. :>


    Sehr weit mein Lieber (hoffentlich kann ich so zu dir sagen).

    Absolut. Sagen wir ja gern. :>


    Kann aber auch teils als etwas gehässig empfunden werden. Meist, wenn man sich gegenseitig nicht ab kann.

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