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Everything posted by Nerd-Letter

  1. I'm the n to the e-r-d-l-e-t-t-e-r, I can't rhyme or rap, I like friends and roleplaying, so yeah, I'm nerdilicious. :3

  2. @Mike Schmidt, Notzilla, Nightwind Boreas 2.0, and Rainbow Eclipse "What?!" Nerd-Letter exclaimed. He didn't know what this rainbow power thing was, but he assumed it was something very important, considering Snowflake said that they shouldn't let them take it. He charged at the group of ponies, his orange horn glowing.
  3. @Notzilla, Nightwind Boreas 2.0, and Rainbow Eclipse Nerd-Letter eventually reaches the top of the staircase, and sees a group of ponies. "What the tartarus are you doing," Nerd-Letter asked. Nerd-Letter wanted answers, and he wanted them now. "Who are you anyway?" he asked.
  4. It's been a while since someone did something in the rp... :I
  5. @Notzilla, Nightwind Boreas 2.0 and Rainbow Eclipse Nerd-Letter hears some commotion, and screams of pain. What the tartarus was that?! he thought to himself. "Quick, somepony tend to Shining Armor!" said Nerd-Letter. Nerd-Letter then ran off towards the sounds of guards screaming in agony, and following a trail of dead ponies... All these dead ponies...I hope I'm not the only one who heard these ponies scream... Nerd-Letter thought to himself. He become more and more nervous as he saw more dead ponies.
  6. An orange unicorn runs to Outcast Academy. Ugh, I'm late! Why can't I ever just listen to my alarm instead of waking up then going back to sleep?! the unicorn thought to himself. The orange unicorn finally reached the academy. I hope I'm not extremely super late or something... the unicorn thought to himself.
  7. Username: Nerd-Letter Character name: Nerd-Letter Character age: 18 Species: Unicorn Description of pony looks, personality and cutie-mark: Nerd-Letter looks like an ordinary pony, but actually, he's one of the few exceptions that do not have a cutie mark. Despite the constant insults Nerd-Letter gets, the orange unicorn always seems to be upbeat, positive, and optimistic. However, there are other sides to him. Most ponies that don't get a cutie mark are usually insane, and there's no exception for Nerd-Letter. Nerd-Letter has Multiple Personality Disorder, meaning that different triggers make him become different types of characters. When he's depressed, his inner insanity comes out as an insane personality he calls Rotten Spectre. Another personality of his is Lightning Roller, a jock who tends to act like a jerk, and he comes out whenever there is some kind of challenge involving athletic skill in Nerd-Letter's way. His final personality is Silver Thunder, an adventurous personality that isn't afraid of anything, that ironically and very conveniently comes out when Nerd-Letter is scared. He has an orange coat, freckles, and sandy orange hair.
  8. @Wolf Smith "What?!" Nerd-Letter cried. He started to panic, then calm down. "Okay, I've been in worse situations before. This castle can withstand an attack without Shining Armor...right...RIGHT?" Nerd-Letter said, starting to becoming even more panicky. He was getting frantic. I hope I'm right... he thought to himself.
  9. @Wolf Smith "I'm trying to find Shining Armor! I need to warn him that somepony is gonna be storming this castle soon, looking for something that Shining Armor has! I can't find him anywhere!" Nerd-Letter explained to Night. "Can you help me and fly around the outside of the castle?" he asked.
  10. @Nightwind Boreas Oh no! I have to go tell Shining Armor, fast! Nerd-Letter thought to himself. He franticly looked for the "highest room" that she mentioned. Dammit! Dammit! DAMMIT! Where is Shining Armor?! Nerd-Letter thought to himself. He was starting to panic a bit, but hid it well.
  11. @Dark Edzilla Nerd-Letter hears Hazardpoint and turns to her direction. "Great, another pony who probably wants to kill me and a ton of other ponies," said Nerd-Letter. Nerd-Letter then realized her very strange and awkward appearance. ​"Whoa, what happened to you?" Nerd-Letter asked Hazardpoint.
  12. @Nightwind Boreas and Castle Nerd-Letter sighed. That poor alicorn...I shouldn't have ever talked to him... Nerd-Letter thought to himself. He felt guilty about making Night wanting to kill himself. Nerd-Letter trotted back into the castle. Nerd-Letter started looking for Shining Armor to see if he could hear about his plan.
  13. @Wolf Smith "Because I've created a bit of chaos myself sometimes...I can sometimes lose control of myself to insanity, and not only that, I know what it's like to be ridiculed because I still don't have a cutie mark, so I was made fun of a lot. Look, I don't know anything about you, but I'm starting to see a pattern here. It seems like these ponies that are trying to attack Ponyville have something in common with me: they've been outcasted and ridiculed. I guess I would've become like you and Alamo's friend, Snowflake, if I never learned to accept that I had flaws and learned to laugh at myself whenever somepony ridiculed or criticized me. That's why I try to help even the ponies that some think I should be hating, because I know that there's always a reason behind somepony doing something, and the pony doing that action thinks his or her reason is a good one. My reason for helping you is because I don't think there's just good and evil, I think that there's just good intentions," said Nerd-Letter.
  14. @Wolf Smith Nerd-Letter looked at Night in confusion. "Help you? With what? And uh, can you drop Alamo?" Nerd-Letter asked. He looked at Alamo, worried. Are all of the villains we're up against like this? Outcasted and ridiculed, like me? It seems like I would be in their hooves if I didn't look on the bright side of things and learned to laugh at myself. Nerd-Letter thought to himself.
  15. @Wolf Smith "Will...will you help us? We can still be friends if you don't want to help us..." said Nerd-Letter. Wow, 2 villains turned into good guys, just by me being able to relate to them. It seems that they started this because they were outcasted...I guess they never realized how common being outcasted actually is. Nerd-Letter thought to himself.
  16. Wow, I may have turned 2 villains into good guys now. Guess Nerd-Letter has a way with words, or maybe he can just relate to being outcasted.
  17. @Wolf Smith "I don't think of anyone as a monster. Tartarus, if anything, I'm a monster. I have an insane side to me. And even ponies that have seen my insane side unleashed are still willing to be my friend. It doesn't matter if you're a lawful pony or a chaotic monster, I think that anyone can be friends with anyone," said Nerd-Letter. Nerd-Letter then gave a cheery smile.
  18. @Wolf Smith "...Night, bullying isn't something rare. You know how many times I've been bullied in my life? Well, let's just say...I lost track after the 3000th time someone made fun of me for not having a cutie mark yet. And I used to not have friends to. I searched desperately for friends...in fact, that's why I ran towards you when I first saw you. I was desperate for friends...because I had no one to turn to when I was in a bad situation before I met Alamo here. I've never had a friend until today...so, I sort of know how you feel..." says Nerd-Letter.
  19. @Wolf Smith "No, I don't! And I won't ever give in! Ever!" Nerd-Letter shouted. He struggled against the spell. "I trust my friends, do you trust yours? Do you even HAVE friends? Seems like you wouldn't, because you're acting like a big jerk right now," Nerd-Letter shouted into Night's face. "AND YOUR ONE TO SAY 'PLAY FAIR!' YOU CHEATED BY GETTING RID OF MY WEAPON!" Nerd-Letter shouted, getting more and more angry. "GO DIE IN HOLE YOU CHEATING, BUCKING BASTARD! OR YOU CAN THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE DOING RIGHT NOW AND REALIZE THAT WHAT YOU'RE DOING IS WRONG!" Nerd-Letter screamed at Night. Nerd-Letter was really pissed off now.
  20. @Wolf Smith There's obviously a cut, so he did land a hit, but Nerd-Letter is still standing! "Just because I'm only a teenager doesn't mean that I can't withstand pain," says Nerd-Letter as he wipes off the blood and grins. Nerd-Letter picks up his chainsaw and looks at Night with an insane look. "Bye~" he said before running at Night, ready to slice him to bits!
  21. @Wolf Smith Nerd-Letter continues to combat Night, blinded by rage. All that Nerd-Letter can think is "kill kill kill". He's just floating in an empty dark space in his mind as his body goes berserk as he fights Night...he's lucky that he can just barely decide which pony he wants to fight.
  22. @Wolf Smith "Me? How about I ask you something! DIE!" said Nerd-Letter. Nerd-Letter continued to try and cut Night in half with the chainsaw. "STOP MOVING!" Nerd-Letter yelled. Something is off with Nerd-Letter...something is very off. His eyes changed from blue-ish green to a bright red and bright orange...and there is fury in his eyes.
  23. @Wolf Smith Nerd-Letter keeps trying to slice Night in half with the chainsaw, his eyes filled with fury. "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE US ALONE?!" Nerd-Letter yelled. Nerd-Letter kept getting angrier and angrier. Dang it, I've let my anger unleash one of my most deadly insanities...I hate this curse... ​Nerd-Letter thought to himself.
  24. @Castle and Wolf Smith "I'm way ahead of you," says Nerd-Letter. Nerd-Letter is using a levitation spell on a chainsaw, and there's fury in his eyes. He then uses the levitation magic to try and cut the alicorn. Nerd-Letter than laughs a bit, slightly insanely.
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