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Brony Rebellion X

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Posts posted by Brony Rebellion X

  1. Here's something I know about this community: The brony fandom is my true home. I know it shouldn't be because there's no purpose, or maybe I'm being to hard on this, but this is my true home. Now, me being a 19 y/o African American man isn't what I am 100% proud of, but being a brony means that I have found my true identity. As far as the public community goes, forget it. I don't care about the public, I don't even care about certain people. Do you know why I say that? 


    Ferguson, Missouri. A black teenager, Michael Brown, an UNARMED teenager was shot to death by not another gang member, not a local killer, but a police officer. A police officer. What that caused is the injustice of this dead society that we're all in now, and no one is too different to open their eyes to realize we're all brainwashed. And ever since his death, protesters spread like wildfire, media coverage is baffled, and the public are just untrustworthy. It's all bland, and me saying that makes me feel like I'm a spawn of Satan uncovering the truth to the blinded eyes of society. I have no trust in people, only to my family, and my 1 friend. 


    In, 2011, when I saw My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, I never have experienced a show that was for :little girls" like My Little Pony, but the show came to me as if it grabbed ahold of my hand and sent me to a world of pony goodness. And when I heard about the movement of fans of My Little Pony called "bronies", at first I was kind of skeptical, but I was okay with it. However, in 2013, I was easily depressed about not attending to brony gatherings because not only that I'm isolated from other bronies, I have no job and I certainly have no car, which is a good thing to me because of daily car accidents. It's still the same thing I grew tired of to this day, and now I'm in adult transitional school where disabled people are looking for a career. BTW, I'm autistic and I was also diagnosed with Aspergers, so I have difficulties with social interaction, and that's my main issue from my parents because they're not familiar with bronies, which seems reasonable, if you want to explain and show them what bronies are capable of, IF THEY CAN UNDERSTAND ME!!!


    My main provocative with my brony life is that no matter what I do, draw, listen to music, play games, read, ride my bike in a skeptical ghetto neighborhood, nothing will ease the pain of isolation of my kind of people, and I've talked to a psychiatrist about my problem, but nothing seems to work, even to local meetups I can barely get in touch with those people because they're far away from me. So my answer to this topic: It helps a LOT of people with love, but it's not going to help my problems about my social life as a brony..........ask_depressed_fluttershy__2_by_bobdash10

  2. Depressed about Christmas? 


    Sure, but not about Christmas. About me...............about me isolated from other bronies, because I'm African-American, and I live in the bland and ghetto Los Angeles, and I'm always fixated about it. That's something I'm depressed about, and it'll never happen to me. I'm 19 years old, diagnosed with Asperger's and Autism, and I'm having issues with my depression and I feel always alone..........*voice breaking*......and I have no one to talk to about it besides my parents, which I feel like a burden to them. *cries*  :(


    This is my main dysfunction about my life, and I can't seem to get a break from it. I have no car, and I'm no good of driving a car because of countless deaths by vehicular deaths, I have no job because now I have adult transitional school, and I have no independence in me. I'm all slow and no strength. Maybe I'm better off not going to a brony event because I get in the way of things myself. No wonder I'm always like Fluttershy because of myself. Realisation_S2E19.png

    • Brohoof 1
  3. I would drop down in deep depression since this is my only outlet in the internet and all the friends that I've made here would be for nothing all that hard work worthless everything GONE ! :(


    I would probably slowly recover and maybe some time later stumble in another forum and just idle there. For a while but if it wasn't as nice as this place I probably wouldn't stay :|


    In one sentence I would be very sad pony :(




    *hugs* I feel the same way too........

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Although it hasn't fully been confirmed this is a pony movie with actual ponies in it, I'm hopeful all signs point to that. In that case:



    I'm glad for this. The franchise needs this, and hopefully McCarthy and the new writer are up to speed on this and make it a great one.


    2017 is a long way off, relatively speaking (3 years from now), the show will likely be in between its 7th and 8th seasons when this movie comes out. If it's the series finale, I'd be fine with that, better to go out with a bang than a whimper.


    Where this fits into Hasbro's plan for running the series for 5 more years is unknown, though.


    Since there is absolutely minimal information out and the movie is 3 years away, it's too early to begin speculating on what exactly will go down in the movie (in fact, very little about the next season has been confirmed), so this is all I have to say for now. High hopes and high expectations. :squee:

    I am sure they will keep the animation 2d from the show. There's no way they could make it 3d from there.

  5. Oh my god! Everytime I hear the news in my head, while I'm eating, riding my bike, in the john, something always pitched in my head, the music. I'm not talking about the songs, I am talking about the music! You see, the music for the movie would sound something more epic like this: 




    Or this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0Wu7LxrYZs


    Or this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W264r3IU5lQ


    The possibilities are........like Scootaloo says, "Like endless!"

  6. 638567__safe_solo_fluttershy_animated_he

    Check out this gif of Fluttershy I found!

    to be honest she's my least favorite character but I still like her.

    Uh, Houston......we have a flying yellow pony with pink hair in outer space. Can we take her? Even though it is a pony, and you must think I'm crazy for even saying that?

    • Brohoof 5
  7. Fluttershy is my absolute favourite character of the show. She's so sweet and kind and soooo cute! All you other Bronies and Pegasisters must agree with me, right?   :yay:

    Oh yeah, totally. She's so cute, when I'm asleep, I cuddle with my soft pillow thinking it's Fluttershy. O.O 

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Out of all the episodes and EQG movies I've watched, I have never ever heard straight from the horse's mouth that Meghan McCarthy has made this possible. This is a HUGE opportunity for them to make this worth while, and all of our movie ideas, I HOPE and pray to God that this doesn't go below our experiences! And do you want to know how I reacted to these news? Here's my instant reaction: 

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