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Everything posted by DiscordedCelestia

  1. Ok then. I'm just gonna go eat this pie I have randomly.
  2. CHAIN THING! Stacy can I come over, after school?

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Blue The Pikachu
    3. DiscordedCelestia


      Dinkie's Mom has got it going on!

    4. Blue The Pikachu

      Blue The Pikachu

      She's all that I want, and she's waited for so long

  3. Why yes I would. I would like to buy a u.
  4. yeah, I should probably stop having three ways with random people
  5. Also, remind me never to have another three way with Sombra and Viola.
  6. I don't know. Possibly. I am fabulous(just take a look at my post in show a picture of yourself), but I'm not sure if many girls are interested in me. Maybe I'm too fabulous.
  7. Ok, before I show you the bad side, let me show you the good side. TOP TEN FAVORITE SHOWS! GO! 10. Bob's Burgers - it's a funny show with interesting stories. And it doesn't rely on shock humor all the time. 9. Aqua Teen Hunger Force - for the same reasons for Bob's Burgers, except the shock humor was a bit more, but it was still funny. 8. Comic Book Men - you've probably never heard of it, if not, it is a show about some guys running a comic book store. 7. Code Monkeys - once again, you've probably never heard of it. It's basically a show that uses shock humor... well. 6. The Simpsons - Yes, even the new Simpsons. their latest Halloween episode was hilarious. 5. American Dad - So, take Family Guy, take out most of the shock humor, and make it still funny. 4. South Park - for the same reasons as Code Monkeys. 3. Rick and Morty - though I haven't seen much of it, it looks like a pretty good show 2. Doctor Who - *insert obvious reasons here* 1. Take a wild guess Alright, now it's time for shit. 10. Family Guy (season 10 on) - while Family Guy used to be very lulzy, it became crap mainly for two reasons: the amount of shock humor went up faster than a sonic rainboom, and Seahorse Seashell Party. Now, from what I've seen from it, Season 13 is an "eh". Book of Joe was pretty good, and The Simpsons Guy was awesome, but, from the descriptions of the others I saw, it didn't look that good. 9. Breadwinners - for the same reasons I enjoy Doctor Who, as in *insert obvious reason here* 8. Post movie Spongebob - Just the thought of One Coarse Meal brings shivers to my bones (yeah, alot of my opinions are based on MrEnter) 7. Allen Gregory - shock humor is funny when you use it once and a while, but this show blows over Family Guy levels. 6. Puppy in my Pocket - 5. Johnny Test - Lets take a douchebag kid, a douchebag talking dog, two red heads (one played by Rainbow Dash) who are nerds and totally suck, a douchebag father, a douchette mother, some other douches, a military steriotype, two racist people, Snips, and to make the kid even douchier, lets make him self indulgent! Cause why the hell not? (quick confession time: I used to watch this show, and I somehow enjoyed it) 4. Problem Solverz - LSD : The TV Show. Actually, LSD doesn't produce images like this. 3. My Little Pony Tales - while G3 definitely is horrendous, this one just takes the fucking cake. Also, what do you expect from a title like that. School would be the last thing you'd think of. 2. Shorty McShorts Shorts - I have no idea how this one hasn't been broughten up yet. 1. Mr. Pickles - let me remind you that this is Adult Swim, AKA, the people who didn't take Problem Solverz because it was too cute. Yeah, I mean, they don't like cute. Anyways, I've only seen one episode, and I can tell the formula already. Old man sees some shit that the dog put on, and nobody believes him. And the characters are just as "thrilling". Some of the people in this show probably wouldn't even be qualified as "characters". Then again, the brony fandom has been calling ponies like Vinyl Scratch and Derpy characters, but that's because MLP is actually a good show that has a fandom. Mr. Pickles doesn't even deserve ratings. Also, it's completely fucking gross. I mean, take Flapjack (which I actually think is a pretty good show) and add in every single dirty gas station toilet you've ever seen. That is Mr. Pickles. I mean, the amount of shock humor would be, as said by Spitfire, "an academy record". Honorable Mentions: Good Pre 2011 Family Guy Pre Movie Spongebob Super Mario Brothers Super Show (I enjoyed it) Futurama Bad Super Mario World Napoleon Dynamite Family Dog (the actual show, the Amazing Stories version is awesome) Baby Cakes (I know it's just a specific episode of a show that is otherwise fucking awesome, but I just don't enjoy it. Teen Titans Go! That weird Jay and Silent Bob movie (now, normally I love Kevin Smith's works, but seriously? adding Ray William Johnson to this flick is like adding Shane Dawson in a horror movie) Smiley (and you thought I was joking) Uncool (this and my last one aren't really animation, but screw it, Shane Dawson is a douche in both of these) Annoying Orange (Tobuscus never chooses the right way, doesn't he not) G3 MLP Well, that's it for both lists. There's one show I would've chose for the bad list, but I can't think of it. It's about a dog and a cat, and it was based off of a show for kids that was decent, but then turned utter crap when made into an adult cartoon.
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