BEFORE READING: This is an idea I've had for a while. The idea is to make a short lived RP character in Skyrim (Or any game within which you can role play), and write a letter to an audience in the perspective of that character, detailing their life. It is designed to be brief and vague - getting the main idea across without focussing too much on the details of the characters every day life. I am aware that this one in particular is badly written and doesn't really have any rhyme or reason. However I thought this could be a cool way to share with other players the very things going through the players' minds as they take the role of an imagined character. Please, if you have the time to read, I would appreciate it. I'm not a good writer, but would like opinions nonetheless. Just think of it as a different take on fanfiction. Thanks. :3 I don't think it should take too long to read.
Link to story: