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Everything posted by Wyzecat

  1. What's that? I've never heard of it.
  2. If he considers himself a brony and hasn't watched the show, let him think what he will. But honestly, I don't consider your friend to be a brony. If he hasn't/does not watch(ed) the show and is only there because of the fanbase, he isn't a a fan. He's more of what I like to call a "fanbase fan" or a bandwagon jumper. It sounds like he's being a lemming and saying that because it's "trendy" or whatever. It's like going to Alcoholics Anonymous having never tasted alcohol before.
  3. [Citation needed] Also, even in the off chance that would happen, we'd probably be incinerated and wouldn't be set ablaze and die a painful death.[Citation needed] So at least there's comfort in that.
  4. Sleepy time, everyone. Don't burn the forums down.

  5. Huehuehueh No. Am I the only one who sleeps through his alarm?
  6. Thanks, guys. I'll make more stuff if I have more time. EDIT: Holy crap I forgot her horn -.- EDIT 2: Fixed.
  7. I probably swear more than how much is considered to be acceptable by the good majority of society. I honestly couldn't care less about how much I swear. I do manage to control it when I know I'd get in trouble (ie. in front of parents), and am pretty good at it.
  8. So, I've successfully vectored something in inkscape, and I tried my OC's head (current design), since I'm used to drawing her freehand. So here goes nothing. Hopefully that was decent, considering it's the first time I've vectored anything, ever. What do you guys think?
  9. If you mean if I've ever played hooky, no. I have missed school before, but I haven't willingly skipped school. It's just that life would be too dull at home during the week with my parents hovering over me and all, and my parents would pick up really fast if I wasn't in school or if I was faking illness.
  10. Kinetic bombardment from orbit. Or some means of creating a gravitational singularity. Those may have some unintended consequences *cough*total annihilation*cough*, but you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs, right? Honestly, just don't go beyond the event horizon. You're kind of on your own after that.
  11. See y'all, I really need to finish studying, and it's 11:38.

  12. Yes. Yes. Yes. Do you like the smell of air conditioner?
  13. The Sword-Wielding Pony, Samurai Equine
  14. I'm glad. The show fills that void in my life that would otherwise be filled with obsessing over trivial things. It's a great show too, so that's that. It really gives me a thing to enjoy that is so vastly different from my other forms of entertainment. And the brony community is great. Not only do I have a large group of people to converse with, but I can also come with my problems to try to get help and support because of how overwhelmingly positive and caring the community here is. Additionally, it allows me to expand my views somewhat and participate with others in things that I normally wouldn't be able to do irl.
  15. That's unlikely. Am I the only one who wants to coat the soles of his shoes with teflon just for the hell of it?
  16. Have you ever put your nose to an A/C and inhaled deeply? Yeah, I frickin' love that smell. Copper, toothpaste, new clothes, and antibacterial soap smell great as well.
  17. I've stayed up for 23.5 hours in a row before (2:30 AM to 2:00 AM), but the latest time I've stayed up is 5:30 AM (With change in time zone compensated for), although I wasn't awake for as long.
  18. Orange juice, I guess. Without pulp, though. Pulp triggers my gag reflex. Also, grapefruit juice and cranberry juice both make my mouth numb.
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